The only way 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Isn't apologizing like that a sign of abusive behavior?
Gone into debt 9 comments
Nasa vs spacex 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Idk what the process is but I wouldn't choose a 17 year old. Despite her being not even legal ( I'm assuming it's an American I could be wrong ) there would probably be more outrage if something happened to her where she died or couldn't make it back than if it were an adult with more training
Don't be sad 8 comments
· 6 years ago
That's being spoiled, feel free to call it out
But you know damn well that's not what this is about
But you know damn well that's not what this is about
Don't be sad 8 comments
Anon is brave 38 comments
· 6 years ago
That's also apparently not enough for her and she tried to justify the bullying of the shooter before it happened
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
· 6 years ago
" we don't need more people shooting around students "
Not the teachers. Nothings stopping them now from bringing a gun and mass killing, just like nothing is stopping the other students. But letting them have a gun in case something happens is a good idea to at least try ?
And while trained guards would be better, schools can hardly afford books and keeping from falling apart. Guards just aren't a realistic expense they can make.
Not the teachers. Nothings stopping them now from bringing a gun and mass killing, just like nothing is stopping the other students. But letting them have a gun in case something happens is a good idea to at least try ?
And while trained guards would be better, schools can hardly afford books and keeping from falling apart. Guards just aren't a realistic expense they can make.
Obama can not be reigned in 40 comments
Genetics "doesn't" matter 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Plus sometimes it's a gene that tends to skip generations ? Everyone but my grandma is taller than me, that doesn't mean my mom was cheating with some manlet
Where's Amy Schumer? 7 comments
Discrimination 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Same when their toilets are too high to the point my feet dangle off as I do my business
Relatable? 12 comments
· 6 years ago
In a class one day I accidentally stepped on my skirt and flashed a bit of underwear. I thought no one saw until a few years later a guy that was in that class with me was like " remember that time in 2nd grade when you accidentally stepped on your skirt and flashed people ? "
Girls do you agree? 12 comments
· 6 years ago
I sometimes put things in places and don't remember, it's easier to bring it to me then have me look than to tell him what he's looking for 5 times
Who else can relate? 15 comments
PSA: How to deal with a service dog 9 comments
· 6 years ago
" American service dogs must be leashed, tethered, or under voice command at all times "
If their human is in medical emergency they're probably trained to seem help. It's a useless service dog if it doesn't go anywhere because their unconscious human can't command them to get help.
If their human is in medical emergency they're probably trained to seem help. It's a useless service dog if it doesn't go anywhere because their unconscious human can't command them to get help.
You know, insecurities. 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Any tips on spot treatment ? I have a pimple on my chin and one above my eyebrow and they're both annoying me
( also most pimples I get are on my chin. Any tips or reasons this could be ? )
( also most pimples I get are on my chin. Any tips or reasons this could be ? )