

— Ewqua Report User
Just saying 11 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Not a coincidence, a fraud.
Too true 33 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
You're making some good points but the thing is, you can indeed probably talk to anyone about a TV show and they will vaguely know what you're talking about. But that's it. If you came up to me and started talking about The Walking Dead which is apparently very popular now and can thus be called "socially relevant", I'd say "yeah I know about it" and I'd be smiling and nodding for the rest of the conversation. So yes, television is a very wide medium indeed, but that doesn't mean you can talk to everyone about everything. Everything popular enough becomes socially relevant, whether it's a book, movie, series/anime, game etc., no matter the medium. And of course it depends upon your preferences and demographic, but provided a thing gets popular, people will at least hear about it anyways.
Are men not allowed to be gentlemen anymore? 30 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
You treat royalty like royalty because royalty is usually spoiled and can't open their own jars without at least ten butlers helping them out.
This knife can't be used in war 73 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
I know about that since it's fucking written in the post, mr. "Know it all". But how is anyone even going to catch you with the knife? You kill any enemy witness and ally witnesses are going to pretend they saw nothing because it helped them "win".
Ryan reacting to Taylor and Tom 17 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
True. Still, I lost some respect for Tom. I thought he tried to avoid the celebrity drama, and then he starts dating Taylor the Drama Queen.
Of course people may say "It's not for the drama, he just fell in love with her!" and yes, it is most likely the case, but then again any man with some intelligence, common sense and dignity stays the fuck away from her.
13 · Edited 8 years ago
Another one 19 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Romance languages evolved from Latin, so yeah. If I remember correctly French evolved from "Latin Vulgaire" – common Latin. OP should check their facts before they get rekt.
HELL TO THE YES 11 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Hell yeah.
Then again Jensen was picked but he declined because he was busy filming Supernatural, so I'm actually glad it is the way it is.
Too true 33 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Different shows appeal to different demographics, so we can't really say that you can talk to «anyone» about a TV show. The number is so big and the genres so diverse that there is nothing we can talk about to everyone (except maybe the news which can be found on the internet anyways). The only difference is that TV has been around longer than computers/consoles, but in a few decades even older generations will be used to gaming, thus making it a subject as wide as the TV. It was the same with the radio and TV some 50 years ago, and it will always happen when a new technology is presented to the public.
It might be harsh but deep inside we all know its true 19 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
I was just joking dude, but whatever.
It might be harsh but deep inside we all know its true 19 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
What should we name it? 26 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Not Mufasa. He wouldn't have gotten trampled if he had spikes.
How 5 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
He's giving them his Gator-aid. Duh.
It might be harsh but deep inside we all know its true 19 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
If they gonna cheat with you they gonna cheat on you.
Just remember that before getting yourself into a mess of a relationship.
It might be harsh but deep inside we all know its true 19 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
That's called polygamy and it's illegal in most countries.
EU without England 14 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Then again with the UK in it looked like a knife going in the guy's back. I'm good without backstabbers.
Using backwards logic to "prove an argument", might as well add my two cents.
· Edited 8 years ago
This knife can't be used in war 73 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Haha, with this knife you're gonna bleed out sooner than you can say "red card".
This knife can't be used in war 73 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
What are you gonna do when someone pulls it out on you, call a war referee?
GOT & the kardashians 9 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Tbh I don't like her acting very much but she seems like a really cool person. You go, girl! And everyone else too, of course.
The Internet needs more tiny baby hippos 5 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
But have you ever been in the hippo section in a zoo? The smell almost made me gag.
DC be like 8 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Imho strongman Batman makes more sense than ripped Batman. He got the muscles in combat, but when muscles are covered in a bit of fat, it protects him and makes him less fragile. Armor is good and all but a lil bit of fat is also useful in a fight. Also using the weight of your body is also hella useful.
i wonder 28 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Who should I trust? 11 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
I liked it. As a WoW player, I know a bit of the lore, so I legit enjoyed all of the references. It all makes sense when you know at least a bit of what's going on beforehand. My friend didn't like it because he never played WoW so he didn't understand anything. But even he admitted that the CGI done on the orcs was really good.
Now that's a bat burn 26 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Damn, Thomas really can't take a joke.
Are men not allowed to be gentlemen anymore? 30 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Yeah, I agree that if guys want to do their gentleman thing, they should go ahead. But everything has its limits, and I personally don't like being treated like a fragile crippled doll.
Are men not allowed to be gentlemen anymore? 30 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Why would they be kidding?