

— Ewqua Report User
Not getting back together 5 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
The unsubscribed one is just rude tho.
I got 2, what did you get? 69 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
If you didn't get "asshole", you probably suck at math.
DAT GIF DOE!!! 12 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
If a girl's stupid enough to get herself pregnant, she definitely shouldn't be given the responsibility for another human being.
I understand that she should suffer the consequences of her choices, but the thing is, if she's forced to have a child, it will mostly be the child who will suffer. Also the guy completely excluded cases of impregnation caused by rape or faulty birth control.
18 · Edited 8 years ago
She da one 25 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
"Girls who cook" more like "attractive girls who do <something>". I mean if frying skittles without a heat source counts as good cooking, then you'd better praise me for my instant ramen!
fememeism 25 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
The worst thing is that actual rape victims are doubted and mocked because of idiots who just make shit up like this woman.
Can we give the Kurdish Peshmerga forces the respecognition they deserve, finally? 20 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Good for you. I watch/listen to several news channels and they don't mention them much, even though some of them focus a lot on the wars in the Middle East. But they probably got overshadowed by all the news about Putin and Erdogan being besties now.
What newspapers do you read? Local ones or some bigger stream?
I'm considering moving out 10 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Instead you could've bought a sleeping mask for 10 bucks.
Or do it like I did and take one from an airplane.
triggered, and this guy rocks 13 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Forgot to log in, still hoping someone will explain cause I'm just confused.
Bart Pranks the Apple Store 5 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
The problem with a lot of Chinese stuff is that it breaks after a while because they often spare a lot of money on materials. But actually, brands like Xiaomi or Huawei are quite popular in my country because they're Chinese (therefore not expensive), but with pretty good manufacturing. I was seriously considering buying a Xiaomi Redmi for myself when my 7 year old HTC started having problems like randomly shutting down and not being able to turn on unless it was plugged into a power source (even when the battery was 100%), but then I decided for an LG Nexus 5x because a) I love the Google interface and the fact that it's a "clean" Android (no extra bullshit widgets like Samsung or HTC has), b) the new Huawei Nexus 6 just came out, therefore this one was discounted by like 50% (meaning it was even cheaper than the Chinese phones), and there's very little difference between the older and the newer Nexus.
4 · Edited 8 years ago
Bart Pranks the Apple Store 5 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
I know, I know, I was making a joke. You're right, but that's still overpriced af.
Marvelous 4 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Marvel: makes a joke on Twitter but probably shuts the leak in the background, and who knows what else.
DC: apologizes for letting footage leak in shitty quality and releases it in high quality.
I think DC did better on this one.
Bart Pranks the Apple Store 5 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
They're right about the 8 bucks though.
oooohh 10 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
*breaks glass*
*also breaks phone screen because of the impact*
Uninvited 9 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Well, I mean..what else would you eat when lonely?
The perfect answer 28 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Yeah, the whole "gays making out on WBC founder's mother's grave" was kinda edgy, but they can usually get the point across. Dawkins is a great man indeed, I also like the YT channel SecularTalk - the presenter (Kyle) speaks mostly about politics but also about ridiculous situations involving religion all around the world, and 99% of the time he's spot on imho.
Conveniently placed ad 5 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Omg I just bought those panties yesterday! What a coincidence!
The perfect answer 28 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
That's reasonable enough, I just don't see how inventing a moderately probable scenario is homophobic. I wouldn't be surprised if this fictional priest got sued, you know how sue-happy Americans often are. That being said, I agree with you on the religion thing. You should look up the Satanic Temple, they're an atheist organization who fights against the enormous government support that Christianity gets in the US, and using the image of Satan because it's a controversy for most Christians. They also go against WBC which is a noble goal in itself.
The perfect answer 28 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
What are you on about, honestly? At first you react to chakun's "I think you should be able to refuse something that goes against your religion" with calling him a homophobe, and now you turn 180° and say that if a priest did it, he wouldn't have to be afraid of legal consequences because those are the matters of Church? So are you for or against freedom of religion?
You keep saying I'm not informed but so far you've only been stating the obvious, contradicting yourself and assuming my sources are from a pub.
Puberty, You Are Hilarious But That's Enough 7 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
I really hope so.
The perfect answer 28 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Ironically enough a judge refused to wed an atheist couple recently. With that crazy stuff happening, I would not be surprised if the situation chakun was trying to describe happened.
What is there to get informed about? Please, enlighten me.
The perfect answer 28 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
It could happen. It's not hard to imagine this happening in the US, and it's not much harder to imagine it turning into a religious bigots vs liberal pussies shitstorm. And if "well it hasn't happened yet so that means it can't happen" is the best argument you could come up with, well, my condolences.
Why don't they make them like this anymore? 24 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
No problem, I actually liked your comment. I think simple politeness to people of all genders, ages, races, ethnicities, religions should be a standard.
The perfect answer 28 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Yo guys I agree with chakun on this one. However much I dislike religion and homophobia, you shouldn't be forced to do anything that goes against your beliefs. It's called freedom of religion. The hypothetical couple can go to any other church, or just not have a wedding at a church.
Although I think there are some gray areas here, because the Church is funded by the government and therefore should probably abide by whatever the government says, when the government is called upon to solve the problem. Private businesses, that's a different matter. The can refuse service to whomever they want.
Having said that, I think both of your argumentation skills need a lot of work. Using "pulled out of my ass" and "bigot" does NOT make for a solid argument, unless you want to be seen as "that guy who can't handle losing so he starts throwing insults around".
So true lol 7 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
*but you're a water type so you'll be okay