

— Ewqua Report User
'MERICA 19 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Hillarys on fire the crowd is terrified... Can't deny that was pretty savage 67 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Well, I can't comment on that from experience as this just kinda doesn't happen in my country. But I think that when people are provided with a safer alternative but still go for homemade, we might just let natural selection do its thing.
Damn son 15 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
I know. It was a subtle joke on the stereotypical african americans' slang which is just incorrect forms of the language.
i see y'all have a death wish 9 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
It is kinda racist though, but personally I'm okay with that as it's meant as a joke which I'm guessing refers to shitty B-grade horror movies. But why is being superstitious over bullshit stories the default position while being realistic and not believing in spoopy ghosts is not?
I think I need to visit greece this year 7 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
This is what you'll find in just the most expensive resorts, though. Other hotels are just regular hotels. I've been to Crete this summer and the beaches and streets were dirty, the buildings neglected, there were shouting merchants trying to sell their cheap touristy trinkets, and there were also starving stray animals on the streets that the locals didn't give a shit about. Don't get me wrong, I think Greece's Ancient history and culture are amazing, and the traditional architecture is beautiful, but it's just not what you see in these images. The reality is very different.
Damn son 15 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Dayum, he roasted the guy so good he turned even blacker!
7 · Edited 8 years ago
An clever multi-device charger 5 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
but how are you gonna charge multiple devices at once? At least on the left side it looks like only one device can fit.
Protecting yourself from a cold attack 5 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
There's still AliExpress, there's literally everything there. Ah yes, the magical world of chinese ripoffs.
Ummm, I don't know what to say 15 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
He looks like the Mountain omg
Life lessons from video games 17 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Ah yes, Okami. I know that one, just don't remember you could pee on people in it.
Hillarys on fire the crowd is terrified... Can't deny that was pretty savage 67 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
I suppose the line would be drawn by how dangerous the drug is to one's health. Anyway, remember the prohibition? That one beautiful time in history when alcohol was banned and people turned into law abiding sober citizens? Not. Banning alcohol and fighting against it created the completely opposite effect and criminal gangs were on the rise. Now, drug cartels are on the rise. Would that improve if drugs were legalized, taxed and regulated? I believe it would. Maybe they wouldn't get cheaper but they'd get more accessible and using them wouldn't automatically make you a criminal and wouldn't be frowned upon. The cartels would then be out of business, and those that would prevail because of cheap prices could be hunted down by the same force that was used to hunt down literally everything drug-related.
Low self-esteem is good business 8 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
The funny thing is that I expressed a similar thing in a comment a while back and got attacked by a bunch of triggered feminists. Ah, the internet is a magical place.
Life lessons from video games 17 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Also my guess is that the third one is Postal 2...maybe?
Life lessons from video games 17 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
If there are Monsters in your life, befriend them
Hillarys on fire the crowd is terrified... Can't deny that was pretty savage 67 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Oh no, I used marijuana as an example because it's proven to have some health benefits when made into something else than a blunt, but I'm definitely for legalization, taxing and regulating harder drugs as well. That way you'll get rid off cheaper home-made knock-offs like the krokodil drug which literally makes your flesh rot as a side effect, but will just have clean drugs with as few side effects as possible for people who just want to experience a trip from time to time. And instead of criminalizing drug use and locking people up (I actually quite respect Obama for releasing I don't know how many non-violent drug offenders in the last few months), you'd substitute them with rehabilitation centres.
· Edited 8 years ago
Hillarys on fire the crowd is terrified... Can't deny that was pretty savage 67 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Also, you've been relatively nice this entire conversation (at least compared to some) but you gotta realize that having different opinions doesn't make me less intelligent or have less common sense and so on. If I was anti vaxx or a climate change denier, that's a different case but political opinions are complicated and disagreeing with you doesn't mean either of us is stupid even though we kinda see each other that way. Yes, unfortunately there are lots of liberal safe space crybabies who want to ban free speech of people who disagree with them but those are feminists and pussies. Also, we're complete opposites, with me being a liberal atheist/anti-theist who's for gun control (not banning guns of course, but the system we have in my country is actually quite to my liking, you gotta pass a psychological and technical test to own a gun permit for a certain type of gun, then you can get it).
· Edited 8 years ago
Hillarys on fire the crowd is terrified... Can't deny that was pretty savage 67 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying this because I'm a stoner, actually I'm pretty purist when it comes to these things, I don't smoke, don't drink neither alcohol nor coffee and use pills only when it's absolutely necessary, but it's so hypocritical that for example weed gets banned while a) it's proven to cause fewer health issues than alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, and can actually be beneficial to your health (not by smoking it tho, I'm talking about balms etc), b) doesn't even do anything serious, just makes you kinda happier for a while. And I know that it's already legalized in some states, but under federal law it's still illegal. And same goes for other drugs! Why not legalize, tax and regulate them? That way we'd get rid of the bad batches that make people's freaking flesh rot, and just have clean things for people who wanna get high?
Hillarys on fire the crowd is terrified... Can't deny that was pretty savage 67 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
No no, you haven't understood my comment. Pushing something to be illegal because it's against the law is an infinite loop and even if making something illegal is the immoral thing to do, people will still say it's just "against the law". That was my point, you get me now? Not being a native speaker my expression is sometimes clumsy but you get it, right? I think drugs are illegal unjustly, because we already pump so much shit into our bodies like alcohol, caffeine, painkillers, and so on. They all change our consciousness and may be addictive (some painkillers are actually on the same basis as heroin and therefore they're chemically addictive), but we still do it with these, but make others illegal.
Hillarys on fire the crowd is terrified... Can't deny that was pretty savage 67 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Oh come on, comparing murder with crossing a border illegally out of desperation, that's farfetched. By your logic, doing drugs is illegal because it's against the law. I am wondering what your point of view on that is, actually, because a person's view on drugs often reflects their political views.
Also, I'm with Gary Johnson on this one, you guys need more solid background checks. That doesn't mean just kicking out all people who crossed the border, though.
The truth about mascara 5 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
I never said I'm better THAN anyone. Also, if you're so triggered by opinions, the internet is not a good place for you to be. Go back to your safe space if you dislike opinions.
Hillarys on fire the crowd is terrified... Can't deny that was pretty savage 67 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
So no, undocumented immigrants are not all criminals. If they commited a crime while in the US, I'm all for deporting them. But if they crossed the border out of desperation and creeping poverty, can you really blame them?
· Edited 8 years ago
Hillarys on fire the crowd is terrified... Can't deny that was pretty savage 67 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,” his campaign says in a release.
It is temporary, I'll give you that, but it still is all Muslims, no matter the country.
As to what concerns deporting all undocumented immigrants, you gotta understand that a large portion of them went to the country to have a better life, and even though they've crossed the border illegally, they have not commited any crimes while in the US. Actually hasn't there been a case in which one of the states did deport a big portion of undocumented immigrants? They had to call them back because none of their trailer trash white supremacists wanted to do the dirty jobs those immigrants did. (Unfortunately I can't give you a source for that, my boyfriend told me he read this but can't remember where as it was some time ago).
The truth about mascara 5 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
This is a really unpopular opinion but I am, and always have been, anti-makeup. I feel like it's something that gives you a boost of confidence, but insecurities follow when you're not wearing it. This is of course combined with how the fashion industry presents you heavily photoshopped models to make you feel even more insecure and trick you into buying their shitty products. Besides, guys don't fucking care, on the contrary a lot of them think makeup is false advertising (then many of them get tricked by it anyway but that's a different story, that's just them being stupid).
I had makeup on like 3 times in my life, and it just has the opposite effect on me. I don't feel pretty or more confident, I feel like a gross mess with gross oily shit painted on my face. So I guess I'm the odd one out, but even then, if you say you absolutely can't feel pretty without makeup, something's seriously wrong with your self esteem.
Hillarys on fire the crowd is terrified... Can't deny that was pretty savage 67 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
@guest The Trump foundation is a huge proof of him being as corrupt as Clinton is. There's your facts, we can move on. I'm going to ignore that part where you call me bigoted and uneducated, I want to keep this conversation calm and civil, no "ur a doodoohead", "no ur a bigger doodoohead", alright?
@guestwho again, my preference is also the lesser of two evils. Judging Trump solely based on his rhetoric is what makes you believe his lies. Of course he sometimes says things you like, he has flip flopped on every issue that's been presented to him so far. But he has also said he wants to bring back torture even if it doesn't work, kill civilians in Syria, ban ALL muslims from entering the country, deport ALL undocumented immigrants. Furthermore this man's skin is so extremely thin, he sued people over jokes. I would not trust a man who gets angry so easily with nuke launch codes. So yes, I would very much prefer a standard corrupt politician to a guy who will start WW3 over a satire.
Unlikely artwork 7 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
What's wrong with the spray can one?