

— Ewqua Report User
How to pronounce meme 3 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
The second picture be like "When the pronunciation is just right."
Those damn RPG'ers 21 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Responding calmly to an obnoxious aggressor will make them desperate for a reaction and may harm their self esteem. Psychological damage is best damage.
There is a special place in hell for them 28 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
When reality stands in the way of your opinion 12 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Oh no, science! I must hide this and bury myself in pseudo-publications about homeopathy and chakra healing!
I feel like the :) face was hijacked somehow 15 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Because feminazi tumblrettes use it in context of "Fun fact: if you're a male and you breathe air in my vicinity you're a monster :) you don't deserve to live because you have a penis :)"
There is a special place in hell for them 28 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I believe shelters are permitted by law to deny giving you a pet without giving a reason why. Technically, the shelter employees/management might even have a bad gut feeling about you so they decide not to give you a pet. I really, really hope that's what happened and the shelter employees decided not to give them another dog since they have a history of being heartless flesh husks.
7 · Edited 7 years ago
There is a special place in hell for them 28 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I read that story as well and it gave me some insight on the situation. It's still not a justification though. Not wanting a dog back because it's sad about its owner's death? I say they're bloody monsters.
There is a special place in hell for them 28 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I'll personally pay them a vacation to Guantanamo Bay! Lots of fun activities like waterboarding!
Those damn RPG'ers 21 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Again, you seem very sure about what the quote really means. But unless you personally met Gandhi and he explained it to you, I say there are multiple interpretations.
In my experience (which of course doesn't account for the whole but neither does your "vengeance is the best policy" opinion) the best way of dealing with bullies is ignoring them. Just like the "don't feed the troll" rule, bullies get excited when you respond to their bullying, but if you just go "whatevs", they're gonna get bored very quickly, and you won't have a problem with the authorities about beating someone up.
Shots fired by this girl! 30 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I'm trying to respond calmly and in a civilized manner but ok. I don't want my discussions to annoy anyone by spamming their notifications feed.
Lord help me 23 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@chu I know, I know.
@aeacus Oh definitely, I have nothing against that, but one person telling another to stop talking about their problems because "some people have it worse" is what makes me mad. The weight of one's worries shouldn't be dismissed by someone else's worries.
Those damn RPG'ers 21 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Sure, because getting punched, punching back and shaking hands is a totally realistic thing irl. Punching back would only escalate a conflict and you shouldn't do it unless you've been a victim of aggression for a longer time and you want to end it. Trying to fuck everyone up the same as you are fucked up will just make you spiteful. There's always a better solution.
Also, misinterpreting the quote? Sure because you are the only person in existence who can read dead people's minds and you know what Gandhi meant by it?
Lord help me 23 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Wtf dude it's perfectly normal to complain about your problems. Like okay the Honda comment makes her look like a spoiled shit but having a broken family is a legitimate problem. It's as big of a problem as any other and just because they're rich they don't automatically live a perfect life. Money can buy things that make you happy but doesn't magically rid you of all problems.
This "you can't complain because someone out there has it worse" logic has always been grinding my gears. If we think that way then we'd better find the single most unhappy person and only allow them the right to ever complain.
Those damn RPG'ers 21 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Eye for an eye and the world goes blind, yo. OP should've responded better because overreacting upon overreacting only leads to an escalated conflict, and unless you wanna get your ass kicked one day, you should learn to de-escalate conflicts.
Lucky b*stards 55 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
It's pretty ironic that places that refuse to teach sex ed because "it's inappropriate" (mostly places full of religious fundamentalists) also have the highest teen pregnancy rates.
Big betrayal 17 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
She might have had the parachute in case he didn't jump and wouldn't have opened it if he jumped. I think they're equally guilty.
Lip makeup 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
She included Cartman but not a Canadian for whom this would be the perfect thing? Shame!
Why hasn't Hollywood done this yet? 16 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
http://norse-mythology.org/gods-and-creatures/the-aesir-gods-and-goddesses/thor/ There's this awesome website that contains everything about Norse mythology, and Thor is just described as "brawny" here. Of course, you can be manly and short or manly and tall, it really doesn't matter, I was just more surprised with the "round" part.
There are multiple depictions of Thor and I guess that the Marvel version was inspired by the 1872 painting Thor's Fight with the Giants by Mårten Eskil Winge. But in most other depictions Thor looks a lot more like Tormund Giantsbane than "pretty boy" Chris Hemsworth.
Why hasn't Hollywood done this yet? 16 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@annoyingnerd I saw some old paintings where Loki is depicted as black haired, but I don't know. I read the Elder and Younger Eddas but I don't remember if they ever described his hair color. Not that it matters since he changed shape at every single opportunity he got (like when he became a mare and got banged by a horse and then gave birth to an eight legged horse, Sleipnir…)
Also @cactuscake, yeah Thor was a redhead but are you sure he was tiny and round? I thought he was always described as very strong and manly and always waging war with the Jotun and so on… though the fact that his carriage was drawn by goats does make him seem like a silly character.
5 · Edited 7 years ago
Shots fired by this girl! 30 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@unicycle I'm a woman and I think mansplaining doesn't exist. As far as the widespreadness of feminism is concenred, you have a point there, however the most outspoken and "internet famous" feminists are just focusing on crap like manspreading and mansplaining and "tampon tax". It's not that there aren't any feminists who focus on actual issues, it's just that there are so few of them that they hardly get any attention unlike the feminazis who cry about oppression at everything they don't like. This is why I think the correct term for a "moderate feminist" is egalitarian which is what I identify as in terms of genderal equality.
@eternal1 Stop with the ad hominem attacks. It makes you look like you can't assemble any better arguments.
Shots fired by this girl! 30 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I don't think mansplaining is a thing because being condescending is not gender exclusive but guys that expect women to be automatically bad at technical subjects still exist and are not rare. But feminists make it a huge fucking deal instead of focusing on actual oppression of women in Africa and the Middle East, which is why the entire movement is useless.
Alan Turing, everyone 18 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
If you never learned about Alan Turing, you're either still in elementary school or the education standards of your country are very low.
3 · Edited 7 years ago
Why hasn't Hollywood done this yet? 16 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
It's my favourite one as well, along with the one where Thor gets so hilariously fooled by Utgarda-Loki.
Culture appropriation 51 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I'm not a historian and know very little about philosophy but yeah, that's also a good point, every big action/invention is a consequence of previous happenings. WWII was bound to happen because the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles were too hard on the German people. Similarly WWI happened because of the international tensions, the murder of Franz Ferdinand was the catalyst but the war would've happened sooner or later. Actions have consequences and the consequence of treating everyone except white men as inferior citizens despite their equal capabilities is stagnation of intellectual and societal development.
Edit: I really don't get why am I getting downvoted, either I have a downvote troll on my back or funsubstancers don't agree with the thought that actions have consequences. Both of these possibilities are pretty sad.
· Edited 7 years ago
Real books 12 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
But you can fit hundreds of books on a Kindle + it's less harmful to the environment since you don't kill trees to make an e-book.