

— Ewqua Report User
Jesus Christ Gary 18 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
True! And both groups whine equally which means you can make a teary cocktail!
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Jesus Christ Gary 18 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I'd go on a date with him just because butthurt MGTOWs' tears are the best soft drink right after Arizona tea.
Well.. Fuuuu 21 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Indeed communication is key but I can't be the only one to whom it seems that he was trying to be controlling. Also, what SJW? Who's supposed to be the SJW here?
Old medical stuff 25 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Ok ok ok thanks for the info
How cool is that? 5 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Is that... is that Ed Sheeran next to him? And Henry Rollins?
Gorgeous smile there 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Well.. Fuuuu 21 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Nope, he was pointing it out to imply that he won't like her if she cuts her hair. He was trying to manipulate her so that she would decide against cutting her hair in order to win his favour, it seems that he thinks he's the center of the universe. Good for her that she told him to fuck off, nobody needs toxic people like that in their life.
Old medical stuff 25 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Oh look, he's performing surgery on himself and it seems to be a really acute case! I should help him… but not before I take this picture!
· Edited 7 years ago
Let's see where this year takes us 17 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I'm calling it now so that y'all will be able to see that I was right, december is gonna be "this horrible year will soon be over" just like this year.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I know that feeling and I understand that. Still, I agree with you and I think it's not heartless to think logically. It just means you value facts above emotions which is quite rare nowadays.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I've been away for the weekend but wow, what a lenghty conversation this has become. I'm very proud of y'all for not insulting anyone and just having a civil discussion, it happened to me way too many times that people on the internet just called me stupid without elaborating, that's why I'm so glad that this discussion is so civil and polite even though there's such a wide range of opinions.
But yeah, basically my view is that as long as the foetus can't feel pain, it's okay to abort it. It's just a bunch of cells at that point. When it evolves a nervous system, then it's wrong to abort it, but as I mentioned before that's when it's also illegal. I think the laws we have now got it right. Also, @kibblesmydog, I think that what you're saying is perfectly logical. The fact that you had to mention that it's "heartless" to say such a logical thing only shows how much do most pro-lifers like to play the emotion card to get to you. Don't be ashamed of your opinions!
Well then 3 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Dogs' brains apparently experience the same reaction when seeing humans like we do when seeing dogs. So they look at us and think "squee, what a cutie!"
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Why not? Sure if you get an abortion every few months it's totally wrong and twisted, but the best contraceptives promise a 99.8% chance of not getting pregnant. If you do get pregnant that one time out of 400 or so, why not? Also morning after pills are by many people recognized as mini-abortion, should those be outlawed?
As long as you do it at an early enough stage when it's not a baby yet but a pile of goo, I don't see anything wrong. At early stages the foetus doesn't feel pain, in fact it doesn't feel anything, it's on the same level as a bacterium. When it grows further and develops a nervous system, then it would be wrong to abort it, but that's when it's illegal, too. Also, I can totally get behind your argument about consequences of actions, but would you really want a baby to grow up in a family where its parents are either too young or too careless to understand basic action and consequence? Forcing birth would be punishing the baby for the wrongdoings of its parents.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Expanding on that logic, should a victim of malaria just deal with dying when their vaccine fails while they're on vacation in an exotic country? Or should they maybe never ever visit an exotic country unless they're ready to die? Or should they seek further medical help? Not a perfect analogy but you see where I'm going with this, right?
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
You got some downvotes, probably because most people including me on this website are pro-choice. We may disagree in that respect but I truly appreciate that you do something like this for many confused and scared mothers and that you try to make a difference in the world.
4 · Edited 7 years ago
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Once more I agree with @diyrogue. Firstly, saying we don't even consider the possibility is far fetched because we never said that ALL pro-lifers are like that. Furthermore, foster homes and foster care are far from perfect. Better than living with parents who don't have the money to feed you but in many cases not much better. And while you two may support these welfare programs (which is quite noble of you and I respect you for it), there's a reason why we wrote "plenty" and "often", because people like you are unfortunately a minority in the pro-life movement, which in my experience consists mostly of far right-wing Bible-thumping nuts whose only news source is InfoWars. (note: my experience does not equal the truth and yours may differ in which case I'd love for you to share it, because experiences are highly subjective and what I just wrote doesn't prove me right or prove you wrong, it's just my experience)
Edit: @supernovamike What about failed contraceptives?
1 · Edited 7 years ago
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
So...murder? (Yes I know, that's the joke)
· Edited 7 years ago
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@brianna_22 I wish I could like this comment more than once, I couldn't agree more. I'd also like to expand on what @diyrogue has already said, which is that the same people who are pro-life (or pro-birth as you said which is a much more fitting name) are very often against social security programs and in general against paying more taxes to help other people because "they're just lazy slackers!" Because like, which is it? Money or life? Would they force a woman to have a baby but then give the woman no money to keep that baby alive and let it starve? Because that is a much worse fate than a painless abortion (at an appropriate stage of pregnancy of course). And even if that child would be born from a woman who was just plain careless, slept around, is addicted to drugs etc. (basically what pro-lifers imagine every woman who has an abortion is like), so what? The more reasons to abort it! The baby would have a horrible and probably short life, isn't painless abortion better?
Hollywood strikes back 5 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Step 1: screencap
Step 2: send to Holly
Step 3: laugh
6 · Edited 7 years ago
Right??? 12 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Yeah, I feel like if doing good is only a chore for you that you do to get some extra points with the flying wizard above who will decide whether to reward or punish you, you're not really a good person. Of course, that doesn't mean I'll try to stop you from helping others, I'm just saying that doing something purely out of hope for a reward is kinda...selfish.
Ring made from coral and gold 17 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
My high school biology teacher explained it to our class once, people who buy coral trinkets while on vacation contribute to mass coral harvesting which happens even when the colony is alive. Both pollution and this mass harvesting contribute.
Ring made from coral and gold 17 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Corals are dying because of people like these...
They both are kind of right 8 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Hah, yeah like that Indian dude who sued his wife because the first time she took her makeup off was the day after their wedding and she looked like a potato. Hilarious!
That's why I never wear makeup, I mean guys don't fucking care, the only one who cares are bitchy chicks who like to use non-makeup wearing chicks to feel better about themselves and the fashion industry who tries to make you super insecure to buy their products. And I don't care about the opinion of either of those groups.
Fun times 2 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
So true. And then when you leave they just assume you "got offended" or some stupid crap. Unlike popular belief, young people nowadays aren't all sensitive pussies, that's just the dumbass triggered SJWs. But why would I stay when the conversation clearly doesn't lead anywhere and brings absolutely nothing thought-provoking or interesting?
or she smells gas 3 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Holding back that one comment that would annihilate a person's soul.