

— Ewqua Report User
Petri dish 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Well, physically they can take a pounding (hehe geddit) but yeah they're kinda sensitive when it comes to chemicals. I guess it's kinda the opposite of penises & balls?
And yeah there is a separate ecosystem in there, but then again there are separate ecosystems in almost every organ of our body.
I do both... 3 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Petri dish 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
It does and you can get some nasty infections if you use soap down there. Even the special lady parts soaps aren't that good. Just use water and let your vajayjay clean itself. It can do that cause it's a strong independent vajayjay who don't need no soap! Also, cotton underwear for the win. Actually, no underwear for the win. But if you have to wear it then cotton all the way. I'm starting to understand why our grandmas sleep in those long nightgowns, they're so comfy and liberating.
And after 5 minutes be like *Knowledge is power* 4 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Some notes for my final exam, the base document is 50 pages and there are 13 other documents that range from 5-15. So yeah, a lot of text. Fortunately I have a visual memory so reading helps me the most but listening is an option when my eyes are tired. And I use it for sharing as well so there's that. The quality is okay, I think it uses the same voice as google translate but when you paste stuff to google, it disables the speech option when the text is too long.
And after 5 minutes be like *Knowledge is power* 4 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
True, but I found no websites that allow larger amounts of text AND support my native language (Czech). There's probably a lot more possibilities for English, but Dropbox is already a pretty good sharing app, so why not use it for sharing and listening to notes?
A little bit and I'm Cleopanda 4 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Now you look like a WoW elf. Which is not a bad thing of course.
Glory to the Sin'Dorei!
Digital technology vs. Paper 6 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Exactly. Built-in bidet & dryer will replace toilet paper in no time.
Would be amazing 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
1. Download Tor browser
2. Find URL for the Deep web version of Hidden wiki
3. ??????
4. Profit
I thought that speech sounded familiar.. 29 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Sure but if you had an option to see a list of users who down/upvoted you, you could get a sense of who disagrees with you, and also point out some downvote trolls and such. My personal rule while debating on the internet is not to blindly downvote but instead present a counter-argument. Some people are just too lazy or busy to do that, I guess. Anyways I wrote it rather because I wanted to see who got more mad since I went after both the left and the right.
Would be amazing 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
My friend, you've never been on the deep web, have you?
I thought that speech sounded familiar.. 29 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Maybe she is. Maybe she's just trying to stay relevant. (Maybe it's Maybelline)
In all seriousness though, having a political opinion and debating it with others is one thing, doing an attention stunt because hating Trump is cool is another. I'm no fan of his but that's because of his policies, not because of the hate bandwagon that has formed among many people.
Edit: I wish fs had a thing where you could see who upvoted/downvoted you. I said stuff against both the left and the right in this thread and I'm genuinely wondering who's downvoting me, butthurt righties or butthurt lefties?
3 · Edited 7 years ago
I thought that speech sounded familiar.. 29 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Seriously? Whoa, I knew that most celebrities were against Trump, but threatening to do an act of terrorism is fucking extreme. Maybe she'd like to blow up her mouth, that would maybe fix the space between her teeth.
I thought that speech sounded familiar.. 29 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I see where you're going with this, but the way I see it, this whole "Nobody sane listens to Jones and his goons anyway, no worries" approach is exactly what got you guys Trump in the first place, along with the fact that the DNC is a total disgrace nowadays.
Would be amazing 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Kindle. The word you're looking for is Kindle.
I thought that speech sounded familiar.. 29 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@garlog You sure? Those conspiracy theories are pretty widespread among the far right. 59% still believe Obama is a Muslim and 41% still believe he was not born in the US. Making them so widespread on the internet, especially among republicans who as I said are demographically older and therefore statistically less tech-savvy than democrats, is not that easy. The people who believe this of course get most of their "knowledge" from InfoWars and similar bs "news" outlets. Which brings me to this question/ponder: while it's true that mainstream news outlets do make shit up and/or take their info from unreliable sources (aka Trump got peed on by Russian hookers which is as bs as you can get), why are they targeted so often and so aggressively when people like Alex Jones with his "Obama is literally Satan" and "Hillary is literally Satan" (he changes it to fit the narrative) somehow pass under the radar?
· Edited 7 years ago
I thought that speech sounded familiar.. 29 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@pokethebear it wasn't nearly as tense of a situation back then, so trying to equivalate that won't really get you anywhere. But there were some protests, and some people even decided to make an Obama hangman, which is very quaint. Anyway one of the reasons why there weren't so many protests back then is imo because right-leaning people are demographically older and therefore would rather sit in front of their TV whining than hitting the streets. Of course, neither approach really gets anything done, on the contrary the protests are actually doing more harm than good, whining doesn't do any harm. But seeing the Trump rallies this year, I don't doubt they wouldn't hesitate to go out in the streets. Another reason might have been the racial sensitivity, aka nobody wanted to go against Obama because he's black and you'd be called a racist if you did that. So there's that. But if you remember the shitstorm before the election, you could see that the Trumpets would do the same as the SJWs.
I thought that speech sounded familiar.. 29 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Obviously. Don't you remember the conspiracy theories the right pulled off, like Pizzagate, Obama is Kenyan (which was still believed even after he handed his birth certificate), Obama is a Muslim, Clinton is literally Satan etc.? Or have you maybe forgotten about the entire alt-right movement? All those sound pretty autistic to me. Both sides have groups of people that have their heads up their asses so deep they've formed their own reality in there, and the whole "us vs them, and we're obviously so much better" mindset helps nothing. This "playing for a team" mentality where one ignores the mistakes of their side and focuses only on the mistakes of the other is exactly why the US is so divided. This is politics, not football, you're supposed to be loyal only to yourself and to facts, not to a shitty team.
· Edited 7 years ago
Felt pretty good 13 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Man, some people are assholes. I'm a healthy weight myself but really out of shape, but I'd never go to the gym because of people like those guys, and also I have no idea how to use half the equipment there. Have you tried some home workouts? I used to do PiYo for a few weeks and it's pretty awesome, but then stuff at uni became too overwhelming and I had to stop. But it was really cool, you don't need any special equipment for it, just a bit of space. I had to pirate it because they don't sell it in my country but I'd probably buy it if I could.
I thought that speech sounded familiar.. 29 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Not sure if guest is joking or just stupid...
I thought that speech sounded familiar.. 29 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
It's really funny how all the Trumpets shake their heads at the protesters for rioting, but deep down they know they would act the same, if not worse, if the situation was flipped. Remember how they acted when they thought Clinton would win? They made conspiracy theories about how she had hacked the elections and overall behaved like children, throwing tantrums for not getting what they wanted, but they didn't go full speed ahead because there was still the element of the doubt. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely despise anyone who takes part in those protests because it serves no purpose and does only harm (for example when Ambulance cars can't get through protesters and people actually die because of them), but stop trying to act like the Trumpets would just calmly settle down like nothing had happened if Clinton won. You're fooling no-one.
Have you seen this feline? 1 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I would totally go visit that cat if the person put their address or phone number on that poster. But I understand why they didn't, annoying people and/or burglars can really ruin one's day.
10 Transparent Animals That Actually Exist 4 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Subnautica anyone? Some of the creatures look just like the creatures in there.
The cake is a lie 14 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Dat Dragon Age reference
Felt pretty good 13 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@guest but he's talking about himself... right? Did I understand it correctly?
Beach Balls 5 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Couldn't they've just asked for some ice at a local tavern (I don't know about Valalta beach specifically but I've been to Croatia several times and there's usually a tavern right next to the beach) and then put it on his balls so that they'd shrink again?