

— Ewqua Report User
Sweet revenge 13 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
"I let her put her trust in me and then I broke that trust into pieces as I fucked another girl. But help me because she's doing me a mild inconvenience, therefore I'm the victim." Jesus fucking Christ dude, how pathetic can you get…
(PS: you don't have to read the messages ??? Just mute all communication until you've seen the episode ??? Is that honestly so hard?)
12 · Edited 7 years ago
Three 8 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Three 8 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I guess you need sleep just like the snails lol
As a waitress, truth 24 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Eh, I got no problem with guests commenting, some people are just assholes. If anything I'd do it so that guest comments need fewer reports to be deleted.
As a waitress, truth 24 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I 100% agree with your stance on that, I always say what I think as well and I find this whole "don't tell facts because it might hurt feelings" approach stupid.
Well anyway I suppose it's because stores and restaurants are quite different. It's true that teenagers/young people tend to have more rebellious tendencies which leads to them sometimes stealing stuff. I never understood it but I guess some people do it because they like the thrill, and those are the same people who probably won't treat others very respectfully. I don't know, the whole rebellious teen phase missed me by a mile, I was only more depressed in my teens because hormones.
But when it comes to restaurants, you can't just smuggle stuff out of there, which is why they're just not the usual targets of these deliquents. But yeah I think that older people tend to complain more and like to be catered to more, and usually don't understand that they're not the only customers. But again, this is only personal experience.
Stephen King 6 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Hells yeah, I definitely will.
As a waitress, truth 24 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Yeah dude, guest is just being an ass. Well my personal experience is quite different but that's why it's called personal experience, nobody treats it like empirical evidence or the ultimate truth anyway. Actually good on you for speaking up even though it goes against the opinions of most people who comment here.
3 · Edited 7 years ago
Can't open the internet without a half naked girl popping up 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
As a girl, I'm irritated by sexualization of people in ads/movies/games etc. in general but not because of any "boo hoo it's sexist" reason. I'm irritated by it simply because putting a bunch of half-naked people in your product is a cheap and easy way to get attention without really putting any substance in it at all.
I imagine it like this: remember the terrible poster presentations you had to do in elementary school, when you and your group made a big poster with some text about a certain topic you had researched? Sexualization is like writing down only three sentences about the topic and then covering the entire paper with glitter. When you present it, all the kids are gonna be like "yay glitter!" but the teacher, a person with critical thinking, is just gonna see through it and give a better grade to a poster with a lot of interesting info. That's how I see it, anyway. It's not a perfect analogy but you see what I mean, right?
Use your own words 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I think it might've been like 2012. Yeah I think it was 2012 because the fiction I wrote was slightly inspired by the whole "end of the world" panic that happened back then.
As a waitress, truth 24 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
"Millenials freak out over opposing opinions" yea I remember that one time when I visited my grandma and we went to see some of her friends (who are about the same age as her, aka around 60 years old), and they started talking about gay people and how they should not be able to adopt children because of some "mother/father figure" stuff. I decided to chime in and said that the kids of single mothers don't have a father figure either yet it's been a thing for a long time and nobody complained, and also that being raised by a loving family of two dads or two moms is a lot better than being raised by a heterosexual family where one parent is an abusive alcoholic and the other is a junkie.
You wouldn't believe the shitstorm I had to endure. And of course I don't want to generalize, I am by no means saying that all old people are like that but holy shit I have never ever met a millenial who would provide such a strong reaction to an opposing opinion as I have with these 5 or so old people.
11 · Edited 7 years ago
Use your own words 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Yeah I know about this thing too. Luckily none of my teachers use it, but I checked a paper on it once just out of curiosity and it told me it was about 80% plagiarized, even though the sources I used were in a different language. And of course it highlighted the words you mentioned like "the" and "of" and "it", and also fixed expressions and specific terms which you quite obviously cannot paraphrase. I got more curious and pasted in a short story that I wrote, 100% work of fiction and of my own imagination, and it told me it's about 40% plagiarized.
But that was some time ago and I hoped they improved it since then but as I read the comments I'm becoming more convinced that they didn't.
Rip hero 14 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I'm torn on the issue tbh. On one hand, the media might have left out the fact that they were playing on the street while waiting for the bus, on the other hand it says it right in the title that the car that hit them was speeding. Maybe the kids knew their street well and relied on their judgment and reflexes to jump out of the way, but the driver was going too fast for them to react. Also, as a guest already mentioned, old people have slow reflexes which is probably why the driver didn't stop upon seeing kids. Pushing someone out of the way takes a lot more time to do than slamming on the brakes, so I guess the old lady had such bad reflexes she barely noticed any kids on the road.
Stephen King 6 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
That's amazing.
Humor helps people discuss some of the tougher subjects 31 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Conservatives tolerate religion when it's THEIR religion, aka Christianity (at least in the US). When it's another religion or the lack of religious beliefs, they do not tolerate it. Did you know that in some states it's written in the doctrines that you can't run for office if you're an atheist? Of course these laws are not in effect because federal law overrides state law but it's kind of jarring to know that it is still in the books.
Crimes should be punished but there should be a balanced amount of punishment and help, if punishment worked by itself then medieval torture techniques would still be used.
Humor helps people discuss some of the tougher subjects 31 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@pokethebear My maps are no solid proof of anything, but there seems to be a correlation between high religiousness and the presence of death sentence in the US states. So there you go. My stance on death sentence is quite unsure, on one hand yes there are special circumstances and yes as you've mentioned it's used far too often. But inmates wait for 15 years before being executed so it's not like death sentence saves that much taxpayer money since you use it to feed the criminal for 15 years anyway. When it comes to abortion, yes it's immoral to use it instead of contraceptives but stuff can go wrong, actual contraceptives can fail and you can get pregnant on them anyway. And even if someone uses it instead of contraceptives, would you let that extremely irresponsible person have a child? That way, many children would live in abusive homes with alcoholic/junkie parents. To me this seems like a worse fate than a completely painless death.
Very accurate description of me 11 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Nothing wrong with wanting kids, a lot wrong with telling women that they SHOULD want kids because of some biological clock bullshit and that they're freaks if they don't. (Yes my grandparents actually called me a freak when I told them I don't want kids.) Let's just leave others the freedom of choice, eh?
Can't fool me 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Omg yes it's like the world's biggest "mind blown" moment
Holy shit 4 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
LOL u guys, that's fucking hilarious. Anyway maybe you have a downvote troll on your back because you dared disagree with them on something, happened to me a few times, some people can seriously be sooooo petty.
Humor helps people discuss some of the tougher subjects 31 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Looking for a debate, not a fight. And yes you have a point there but let me remind you of the fact that time zones are a thing that exists. Also they apparently did find the time to downvote me, so it's not like they just left fs and had no idea about my attempt to spark a discussion.
· Edited 7 years ago
Why would you dip your f*cking pizza in milk??? 16 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
That's a thing?
With all due respect 3 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Ha! Spot on.
· Edited 7 years ago
Evil meatbags 21 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
If you don't let bacteria and other parasites occupy your body, you're a selfish fuck and need to die. But you will die anyway because the parasites will kill you.
Humor helps people discuss some of the tougher subjects 31 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Huh, no counter-arguments, just a bunch of downvotes. Looks like fundamentalist conservative christians can't even stand their ground in a debate so they just stone you with downvotes and then have the nerve to call everybody to the left of them dumb.
Two types of girlfriends 4 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I rub my bf's back before sleep but I shit I ain't gonna stay up all night to do that. I'm physically unable to, I fall asleep easily.