

— Ewqua Report User
Keanu Reeves just casually running with paparazzi's camera 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
He's like 50 years old but looks 30 and has such a child-like smile in these pictures. So sweet. I'm gonna melt.
13th Doctor Revealed (spoilers) 23 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Ok, but like if the Doctor can regenerate into anyone, why was he a dude for literally all the other seasons? You know, I'm not gonna scream "SJWs ruined muh Doctor Who!" but it does seem a *little* bit SJW-y, I have nothing against this actress and if they keep Moffat's writing it's going to be epic either way, I just thought the Doctor was established as a man. Just like River only regenerated as female, I thought gender is the only thing that stays fixed, and the Master was just an anomaly because something went wrong with his regeneration. To be honest though the female Master (or Missy) was pretty epic so maybe Jodie will as well.
And despite the ratings, I actually liked Capaldi. He was obviously not as epic as Tennant or Smith, but about on par with Eccleston, maybe better. And that episode with River and the Singing Towers just melted my heart ;–;
Everyone should know about this guy 45 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
1) Dude this post is 3 years old. 2) Not sure if you're trolling or not so I'll explain: it's about North Korean camps, where stuff like that happens even today, not "Hitler camps" (I suppose you mean concentration camps). Haven't you heard of the student who recently died after being imprisoned in North Korea? He allegedly stole a poster and they threw him in jail where he slipped into a coma and died shortly after returning to the US. He had no injuries so it's presumed they tortured him by oxygen deprivation, which would explain severe brain damage and the coma. And that happened like, what, a month ago maybe? So yes these camps are still very real in North Korea.
Kachigga 6 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Reminds me of the Sense of Right Alliance
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Modern day bad ass 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I wouldn't put it as harshly as guest, but as I expressed in a similar post, McGregor is kind of a douchebag. One would think that since he grew up poor, he'd appreciate finally having nice things and be more humble, but he became just another rich douche. A rich douche who can fight well enough to be one of the best, but still a by-the-book loudmouth rich douche. I mean he even cropped a fan out of his picture. Seriously, who does that?
Bamboozled again 12 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I'm not telling anyone what to do. I'm just criticizing boob "cosplayers". You're getting way too defensive here, and you're putting words in my mouth, because I never said I want to control anyone or stop what they're doing. For example, con artists earn by screwing people over. Can they? Yes. Can I criticize them for it? Also yes. The fact that I think someone's way of earning money is unjust doesn't mean I will try to stop them. But I'm just exercising my free speech right by criticizing them.
Bamboozled again 12 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Sure but if you only profit off of the fact that you have boobs, there's something wrong. Plus there are many cosplayers like Jess Nigri or CinnamonToastKen's girlfriend who just bought themselves fake tits and profit off of that, putting underwear with a certain color scheme on and saying it's cosplay. Cosplay is art, not porn. Sure, if your cosplay is also well made, you put a lot of work into it and you want to show some skin, sure. But if your cosplay is shitty and you overcompensate with fake tits, then we have a problem. Because sadly, horny teenage boys who are the main source of funds for cosplayers would rather pay to see big boobs in a crappy cosplay than something well crafted that they can't jerk off to.
The way they used to troll people in 1930 5 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I have no doubts that some people would actually legit believe it.
Guess the country 19 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Look at that adorable dog in the background tho.
Older than the oldest dinosaurs 15 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Dude it's just a Kabuto.
Spain should conquer the world 29 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Dude it's just a shitty chain, it's shit all around the world. Unless you absolutely have to go there because you're hungry, in a hurry and there's no other food place around, just avoid it.
There are reasons it succeeded and none of them is good food. Look up the McDonaldization of Society by George Ritzer if you want.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Bamboozled again 12 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Agreed. I wouldn't mind if OP *at least* chose a good post. This chick just does attention whoring cleavage "cosplays".
*insert comeback gif* 8 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Battle of the douchebags.
Seriously, I used to like McGregor because of his harsh backstory but one would've thought that since he grew up poor, he'd appreciate having nice things in life. But he's become another typical rich douche. I am in no way discrediting what he's done, I mean he worked hard to get where he is, well actually even Mayweather did, but c'mon is being a bit humble such a rare thing? I mean McGregor fucking cropped a fan out of a picture, who tf does that?!
oh tumblr 52 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
1) Necrobump. C'mon the post is 3 years old. 2) So did some women when female birth control was originally tested back in the day. https://www.dailydot.com/irl/male-birth-control-trials-women/ And mental problems are just the tip of the iceberg, I mean you can die from a blood clot because of BC. And I can tell you from my personal experience that even today's female birth control isn't perfect. The first time I had a real depression (not just sad feelings) and terrible mood swings was when I started taking hormonal birth control. It was like my soul was devoid of any emotions, and then suddenly it was all rage. It messes with you in ways that are unimaginable for men. I'm not saying "a guy died, so what?" No of course that guy must be taken into account but women made big sacrifices too and we still keep making them (seriously just google side effects of hormonal birth control), so why should we have all the responsibility that stems from these sacrifices, while men have none?
I need it :0 12 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I had to google what it is. It looks awesome.
I need it :0 12 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Dude, the "who spits seeds the farthest" competition is the best part of eating a watermelon.
Secret ingredient to krabby patty 6 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Lol Robot Chicken is the best
Secret ingredient to krabby patty 6 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
http://spongebob.wikia.com/wiki/File:The_Galley_Grub.jpg So you're telling me that three of these items are made out of people?
· Edited 7 years ago
Dog with a heart of gold 22 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
How can anyone hate dogs? Dogs are amazing!
· Edited 7 years ago
I think we can all agree that periods just suck in general 42 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I know what an echochamber looks like. About a year ago I joined the social network by the name of Minds. It's based on the idea of absolute free speech. At first I loved it because absolute free speech, and I still cherish that idea, however the problem is that this idea later attracted mainly far right wing nuts who were blocked from mainstream social networks like Facebook or Twitter. One of the most popular posts, and I'm not exaggerating right now, is a post saying that ALL Jews are evil and have some evil agenda. The "evidence"? One Facebook post by one asshole Jew who said Jews are better than Goyim. Naturally I asked for evidence of this so-called Jew agenda. Was I given any? No. Was I called a "filthy Jew" (I'm a European atheist with no Jewish ancestry), "too dumb to understand", and in other similarly crazy posts a "shill", a "democrats' whore" and so on? Yes. THAT is what an echochamber looks like. Not this. (2/2)
I think we can all agree that periods just suck in general 42 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Echochamber? You're the one saying "period stuff shouldn't be even mentioned in conversation", you're the one who would be happier in an echochamber where only certain things can be said and free speech is limited. Everyone else here is just stating their opinions and actually encouraging conversation. Literally nobody said "leave if you disagree with us", we've all just stated that we disagree with you. If being disagreed with offends you to the point you have to leave because you're unable to defend your opinion, well, then you might find it difficult to stomach free speech.
4 · Edited 7 years ago
I think we can all agree that periods just suck in general 42 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
In fact the women:men ratio is closer to 51:49. Men are a bit less than half of the population. So what you're saying is that the majority should submit to the minority because the minority is somehow offended by vaginal functions? I'm sorry but to me this seems no different than the SJWs saying what we should and shouldn't joke about because it may offend someone. Free speech is free speech, and at least on the internet there are loads of jokes about morning wood/sweaty balls in the summer/awkward erections and other penis related stuff all the time. Why are vaginas so stigmatized while penises aren't? It's even a thing in video games, for example Jim Sterling made a video about it, and even he, a dude, was like "Why the fuck are people so afraid of vaginas while penises are okay?" http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=meM4yvlhDPA
I think we can all agree that periods just suck in general 42 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Dude, middle school boys draw dicks on EVERYTHING. So your previous argument of "well it doesn't happen with boys" doesn't fully fit here. Just for the record, we're talking middle/high school boys here, because obviously no sane grown man would squeal at a period.
And yes, if someone talks about their period in detail, it might get a bit weird/gross. However, 99% of situations are about pads, tampons and other hygienic stuff. It doesn't make sense to me that someone would get legitimately grossed out by that, it's like getting grossed out by talking about band-aids or skincare products.
Nice observations Sherlock! 11 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Sure because having crushes means you're a slut. Yay.
Why you lyin 17 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I see.
Still, I don't understand why my comment got downvoted when basically all it said was "don't insult people just because they're different from you."