

— Ewqua Report User
Good news everyone! 124 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I'm torn on the issue. I don't want my tax money to provide shelter for serial killers, rapists and similar scumbags, but at the same time there are multiple problems with it, such as that we don't always know if we got the right person and we might kill an innocent. A law student also told me some time ago that it takes about 13 years for the procedure to go through, so the money is feeding the bastard for a couple of years anyway, a few more years might not make that much of a difference. Not to mention that there have been several cases of the killer drugs not working properly and the inmate was suffering like hell before dying, in some instances they had to give them another dose because they just suffered and didn't die, which is just cruel and inhumane. Also, the Scandinavian countries are a great example of the fact that rehabilitation is a far better method than tough punishment.
Good news everyone! 124 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
The laws are very crappy when it comes to self defense, really. Well, at least in my country, not sure about the US or specifically Texas. In my country you can defend yourself, your family or your property but you can't throw one extra punch than what is considered "necessary self defense" because then the person can sue you and win. This happened to my teacher's friend, he got ambushed by three guys who wanted to mug him but since he has a black belt in Judo, he broke their arms and legs because of the adrenaline rush, but it was deemed "too much" and he either went to jail or paid a big fine, I'm not sure which now. So I definitely get where you're coming from. I also understand that affect or rage play a role here, you see your kid being assaulted, of course it makes you angrier than anything. But I think some punishment is in order, even if it's just a small fine, y'know more of a symbolic thing. The father did kill a man, even though the man was a despicable scum of the Earth.
Good news everyone! 124 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I think you might want to read some Freud, he explains that traumas from childhood are very likely to impact your psyche for life (compared to if the same things happened to you as an adult). I'm guessing that you're a dude so you've rarely encountered the topic of rape or sexual assault. That, along with your disorder, makes you unfit for debating the emotional part of this issue, because your emotional side is dulled and so you naturally overestimate the physical damages and underestimate the mental damages. Now, I can partly understand your point of view. I too find it difficult to understand why people dwell on superstitions, traditions, religion etc. I find those useless and sentimental. However, please understand that when it comes to the human psyche, you don't have the needed insight, that is unless you have a degree in psychology.
But I agree that the man should be punished somehow. Eye for an eye doesn't work. Let the state handle it, vigilantism isn't real justice.
Good news everyone! 124 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
(Warning: graphic descriptions)
As someone who was raped when I was about 8-9 years old, I gotta tell you that it IS a traumatic experience. Maybe it's different when you're an adult because you know what sex is about, I can't tell and it would require the input of someone who has this experience, but as a kid it was such a trauma that it literally changed my personality. I used to be an active kid, playful and extrovert, then I suddenly changed into an introvert with anxiety and a self confidence below zero. When this stuff happens to you as a kid, you don't know what is happening, you just know that you don't want it to happen, that it's bad and that it hurts and that you're suddenly bleeding out of parts you almost didn't know you had. And that it was done by someone you knew, someone you trusted. That they decided to use their physical power over you to hurt you and use you for no other reason than their own pleasure. So I think you're very much underestimating this. (continued)
4 · Edited 7 years ago
This may be a repost but I don't remember seeing it yet. 5 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
The sneep snoop is my favourite because I can't produce a very loud or deep voice lol
Smoke on the Water 14 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I thought that was a reference to Terraria
Good news everyone! 124 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Buy yes, now I think of it as well. If I believed in a hell, that's where I'd be going to.
Good news everyone! 124 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
That's sarcasm, right?
Thank f**k. Lets hope nobody thinks to make a sequel 15 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Yes please.
Thank f**k. Lets hope nobody thinks to make a sequel 15 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
For real tho if the sequel was only all of the characters dying and the world getting destroyed in like 10 minutes, I'd go see it.
It has begun 23 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Ah, I see it now, they invented some kind of slang. Shit's real bruh.
First "Jihadi free" summer in Aleppo, Syria 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
A) I'm really glad that things are looking so good over there. I'm genuinely happy for the people because they had to endure so much. B) that salad looks delicious.
It has begun 23 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Dude, what if next time it's gonna invent a language that is like English but some words mean different things so that the scientists can't recognize that it's actually saying different stuff and will be able to communicate what it wants with other AIs while being under the radar. You know, like "hug the cute puppies" would mean "kill the evil humans" or whatever sci-fi scenario you can imagine. Then again I haven't done my research and I'm just babbling random shit so excuse that. But still. What if.
Game with the guy waiting at the laundromat 5 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Well… it does look like it.
1st date vs 3rd date 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I wouldn't hold back on the first date either. I like food more than I like people.
"Your son's cum is inside me" 3 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
… maybe don't tell her?
Hulk looks fabulous now 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Ironically enough now he looks more CGI than before.
Don't you dare talk to me like that 4 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
That too, I guess.
Don't you dare talk to me like that 4 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I prefer working out in the evening because then you're tired and fall asleep more easily.
Designed by thomas heatherwick 3 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Reminds me of Rapture (Bioshock)
Doggo comp 11 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
The last one though. So much enthusiasm.
Don't u think? 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I do that but my smile is usually super awkward so people probably think I'm a creepo.
And cats 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
The saddest thing about the fact that dogs don't understand our language is that they'll never know how good they are. Sure, they can learn that "good boy/girl" means a good thing, but will they ever know how truly sweet they are?
And cats 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Lol my grandma's yorkie hates kids and she always chases them and barks at them, maybe your local dogs do too. Or maybe they like her and want her to pet them. That said, my grandma's yorkie is a tiny dog, she doesn't look threatening in the slightest, more like an angry stuffed toy. I understand that your sister would get scared if chased by a large dog.
This is enough for today 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
That is so Frank. I'm not even surprised.
Welcome to the like field, motherfucker!