

— Ewqua Report User
Pitbulls are misunderstood 17 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
When I saw the white tanktop I thought it was CJ for a second as well. All he had to do was follow the damn train! Now he raises puppies.
The perfect picture for the event 12 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Dude I'm not flippant about this, I'm just saying that it's a useless thing to do. Besides, this whole "they were nice to you by doing things their faith tells them is good" is bs. Sure, they believe baptism is good, but the reason they're doing is because "that's how we've been doing it for decades". Saving you is a secondary reason, the main reason is the survival of the tradition itself, the reason is not breaking the status quo, doing things as usual. Seriously, I have nothing against people believing in something, but the ritualisms connected to many religions just get on my nerves. It's literally no different than tribes in Africa dancing around the fire, yet many Christians would brand those as savage. Which is where I think there's a massive hypocrisy. "My rituals are pure. But their rituals are just savage!" But I'm probably biased because I just think that centuries old traditions are at best useless (like Christmas), at worst harmful (like male circumcision).
This is accurate 6 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Children being around animals stresses me out. Children are dicks to animals. Not all of course but a majority because their motor skills are not evolved yet and they don't understand that what they do can cause the animal pain.
The perfect picture for the event 12 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I'm an atheist too but my grandparents are Christian and they insisted on making me Christened because… something something magic man in the sky
The perfect picture for the event 12 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Ehh they just put the baby in water that is supposedly blessed. I was Christened and I don't remember what it was like but I presume it was about as effective as the "homeopathic" sugar pills some esoterics try to sell as miraculous cures. But hey I got a middle name thanks to it. Which I don't even use. Yay.
It looks great tho 16 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Or GBTL if you go up-down when it's closed.
Death only weakness 21 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Ha! As a Czech I even get the list in the second panel. The first one is a Czech musician, the other two are some random names (as far as I know) and the last one says "kitty". It's possible that the first one was supposed to be a random name too, it just coincided with this musician, but he's been on the scene for some time so I doubt it's a coincidence.
The good old days 6 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
This is exactly what I think of when someone rants about how young people don't respect "family values" lol
WLTH: earth is the only REAL planet 17 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
This isn't your average everyday stupid. This is… advanced stupid.
Be excellent to each other 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
#that you understand#
We already knew this 3 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
They're good dogs, they deserve big lawns.
Those darn millennials amirite (sorry for the typo in the post) 8 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Some people use "physically", "literally", "seriously" etc. to emphasize things so I wasn't sure lol. I'm not a native speaker so I sometimes miss a connotation or think there's one when there isn't, so again I apologize. But I hope stuff will work out for y'all, it must be very difficult for you and for your girl as well obviously.
What 7 years of $500 textbooks results in 47 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Ah crap, I meant to write 20th but I messed up. I know the campaign is originally from the 1900s and really blew up in the 1930s, I just made this silly mess up because I was thinking of two things at the same time and I apologize. Yes, monopolies are a bad thing, which is why we need at least a bit of state control in the market.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
What 7 years of $500 textbooks results in 47 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Same with diamonds. The only reason why are they so expensive nowadays was the engagement ring ad campaign that started at the beginning of the 21st century and from then grew to massive heights. Diamonds aren't that incredible and it's crazy to pay thousands of dollars for them. So I'm with @funkmasterrex on this one. You can't say that all people of said generation had something to do with the ruined economy, but at the same time you can't say that most of them didn't. As we can clearly see, most did. Most were gullible enough to believe this engagement ring or tulip bullcrap, they were dumb enough to pay more and more for these useless things, and therefore they influenced the economy and, well, we all know what happened.
And to be honest here (& a bit of an asshole too), this "don't blame it on everyone" argument might resonate with young people, but most boomers will still keep shitting on us with dumb ass arguments like "you can't afford a house because you eat avocado toast."
3 · Edited 7 years ago
Good news everyone! 124 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I was pretty shocked by that comment about his sister and how we should just "prepare girls for being raped because preparing boys for not raping *obviously* doesn't work" and how he basically blamed me for being raped. He seemed relatively normal before that, he was playing devil's advocate and I was kind of in the middle on the issue, but then he went full fucked up. Like seriously, yes rapists are messed up in the head but there's more to sexual assault like groping, touching, interpreting a simple "no" as being coy etc. which is actually not all that uncommon. So maybe if we actually tried teaching boys not to touch people without their permission and ditched this whole "women like to be chased" mindset, the number of sexual assaults would go down. And taking away a kid's childhood won't help them, it'll just mess them up. But I guess that's how you know you met a real sociopath.
This is the best response ever 11 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I was just about to say a similar thing as guest. Sure it's gross but if this qualifies as assault, then so should spitting and someone or peeing on them, I guess? If that was a thing, how many people would be in jail right now because they got too drunk and accidentally peed on someone or because they spat in the face of someone they hated? Idk I wouldn't charge her with anything. Not to mention that breastfeeding is completely natural and the woman who was complaining was probably a bigoted idiot.
Be excellent to each other 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
The best way to make an asshole angry is by being extremely nice to them. They will always get mad because their reason to hate you is gone and they can't use their made up strawman which is supposed to represent you and people like you because you just showed them you're not like that strawman at all.
Those darn millennials amirite (sorry for the typo in the post) 8 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
That's why I asked and then put an "if" sentence because I didn't want to assume things. Thanks for clearing it up, nonetheless.
Those darn millennials amirite (sorry for the typo in the post) 8 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
What do you mean by can't physically eat? Does she have some disability or is she just grossed by food she doesn't know? If it's the latter, you gotta be tougher on her and introduce her to a wider variety of foods. My boyfriend's parents didn't introduce him to many foods and now he literally physically can't eat many things because they make him so grossed out he starts choking. I on the other hand was fed a really wide variety of foods, even something most people would probably consider gross like seaweed soup and other superhealthy things (because kids have different and often higher nutritional needs than adults), which is why I'm not a picky eater now.
Good news everyone! 124 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
"I grow tired of this thread" is just a less guilty sounding way of saying "I'm a coward who can't stand having his opinion challenged so I'll run away from the challengers while making it look I'm above it all." Buddy, I wasn't born yesterday.
Those darn millennials amirite (sorry for the typo in the post) 8 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
We have a few in my country (a salad one, a baguette one etc) and they're popular among young people, not so much among 30+ people. Especially when those 30+ people are with small children. For some reason they think that the deep fried McDonalds plastic bags they try to sell as meat is better than a salad
Good news everyone! 124 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
For the last time: Human. Psyche. Does. Not. Work. Like. That.
You're not improving her, that's just not how this works. Read a book or two, you're spewing bullshit, that analogy is so wrong. If anything, I could counter it by saying that you're "cleaning" a painting by wiping everything, good and bad, and making it blank and disgustingly boring. You really make the impression that you think you're some kind of superhuman because of your disorder, that not having emotions is good. But you're wrong, you're just as misguided and ignorant as most people, you just think that because someone's arguments don't invoke an emotion within you, you're somehow above it and superior. Not having facts and being outraged is in the end the same as not having facts and being calm. It's still not having facts, and therefore being wrong.
Good news everyone! 124 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Yes of course it was investigated. But I said it might be a slippery slope that could *potentially* lead to something worse.
@sir_spiderman What the fuck? "You should have grown up faster"? That's really fucked up. I was 8, and I wasn't raised as a spoiled brat either, but for fuck's sake I was a little kid. Hurr durr you should prepare young girls for being violently raped because that's reality. You know, nevermind preparing young boys for… not raping maybe?
Let your sister be a kid for fuck's sake, she's 4, she doesn't want or need to hear about this crap. Forcing maturity is not good for the child's brain either. She's gonna grow up uncreative and boring as fuck. You're not gonna make her more mature, you're just gonna make her paranoid and jumpy and fear every man she meets. Disorder or no, it clearly shows that you know nothing about psychology. So stop pretending that your disorder helps you see things more clearly, it doesn't, it just takes the emotion out of your ignorance.
Good news everyone! 124 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Ok but not punishing him at all is kind of a slippery slope that could potentially lead to "You can kill people if you accuse them of something when telling the cops about it." Again I don't think it should be a big punishment, more of a small symbolic fine to tell him "Hey just don't kill people."
Good news everyone! 124 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I'm torn on the issue. I don't want my tax money to provide shelter for serial killers, rapists and similar scumbags, but at the same time there are multiple problems with it, such as that we don't always know if we got the right person and we might kill an innocent. A law student also told me some time ago that it takes about 13 years for the procedure to go through, so the money is feeding the bastard for a couple of years anyway, a few more years might not make that much of a difference. Not to mention that there have been several cases of the killer drugs not working properly and the inmate was suffering like hell before dying, in some instances they had to give them another dose because they just suffered and didn't die, which is just cruel and inhumane. Also, the Scandinavian countries are a great example of the fact that rehabilitation is a far better method than tough punishment.