

— Ewqua Report User
Those poor people 33 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Haha no probs, I enjoy debating opinions too. The analogy with the child is a good one imo, I myself one reasoned with a similar one but put a deceased parent instead of child, because the parent is dead but they still owed your neighbor money or something and you can't simply wriggle out of it, but at the same time you can't feel guilty because it's not your fault. People didn't get it though.
You make a good point about a lot of people mocking rednecks, I see it a lot on the internet but honestly I'm not from the US and people in my country don't really have a "redneck culture". Maybe some village people are proud of being village people because they think city folk are pampered and prissy, but that's about it. We had no North vs South thing so people don't really remind themselves of the history on either side, since there are no sides to take. (1/2)
Those poor people 33 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Just like the chef you spoke about, she's proud of the practical nature of the "rednecks" and there's nothing wrong with that. You seem to have a high opinion of her, she seems like a reasonable person, so I'm guessing that if she was asked about some rednecks being racist, sexist, homophobic etc., she would admit it and wouldn't try to wriggle out of it by making excuses. That is a healthy approach and one I fully support. However, what rachee has demonstrated in this thread is an entirely different approach. He/she a) generalized both groups, aka rednecks good and practical, college kids bad and dumb, b) tried to make excuses for the bad seeds instead of facing the fact that they exist. (2/2)
2 · Edited 7 years ago
Those poor people 33 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I think you make a very good point, guest. It's not wrong to be proud of things a group you associate yourself with has accomplished. But at the same time acknowledging that the same group has bad seeds in it should be common sense. For example, there are some SJWs who say that all white people now should be punished for American slavery which was abolished centuries ago. I disagree because the people now had nothing to do with slavery at all, there should be no collective guilt. But people should acknowledge that what happened was bad. At the same time though, there's nothing wrong with being proud of the many inventors and geniuses that have been part of the same group. Personally, I'm an individualist, I don't really care about group association and I usually judge people by their individual characteristics. But if you do want to associate with a group, you should be objective and judge both the good things and the bad things the group has done. (1/2)
Those poor people 33 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Sorry for not specifying it, I thought you'd figure it out by the content of my arguments since we both disagreed with rachee.
Also you didn't have any mistakes in your comments, I think.
· Edited 7 years ago
Hakuna Matata 6 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
"Now can we move on, and I'll just pretend you still think I'm some... nobody who was too lucky to die with the rest of the Grey Wardens."
And what does that make me?
"Some nobody who was too lucky to die with the rest of the Grey Wardens!"
Hakuna Matata 6 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Timon is me when playing Dragon Age: Origins and having that one pre-Redcliffe conversation with Alistair.
Tall people have problems to 15 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Being a tall girl but all the guys like short girls *feels bad man*
Those poor people 33 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Here's the thing, friendo. This isn't the first time an eclipse has happened. Humanity already has the experience that if you look at it without eclipse shades, your eyes are gonna get fucked up. The Sun has been up there for a pretty long time. It makes a lot more sense to read advice and follow it than "figure it out for yourself" all anew, blinding a person or two in the process. That's why we write shit down, because someone has already figured it out before us and it would be fruitless and senseless to do it all over because we'd just reach the same conclusions.
Also, I'm gonna be an asshole now because your English skills bother me.
*I'm *than *weren't *themselves *rednecks *hey *you're *than *you *you're *rednecks *themselves *feminazis *you're *won't *too
Relevant meme 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
He's standing on a podium speaking about "both sides".
Those poor people 33 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Some SJW college students get their panties in a bunch over someone misgendering them, just like some rednecks get their panties in a bunch over a mention of equality of genders, races, or sexualities. It's not all black and white. It's not all us vs them. It's not all with me or against me. There are idiots in the very corners of the opposing sides but most people are in the middle, facepalming whenever someone makes a stupid excuse to defend their "team", like your attempt at excusing uneducated people because of "duck tape".
Relevant meme 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
They're a cute addition to one's garden. Not so much to one's violent ideology.
Relevant meme 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Polynesian style torches
You understimate my power 5 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Amazing 22 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@poopun We need more people like you in this world.
Amazing 22 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
It is sad but it may be good in the long run. If you think about it, people who buy sex dolls/robots clearly only want the sex part of a relationship, not the companionship, not the emotional intimacy, not the fun. Basically they only think of the other gender as an object to satisfy them instead of a real human being (yes I'm excluding gays from this because the overwhelming majority of sex doll buyers are straight dudes). The sex dolls will therefore remove these people out of the gene pool and prevent them from causing emotional distress to other people.
There's a hero in all of us 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@garlog But there were other drivers passing by, surely some might've done it so that the guy didn't have to stand there.
@lemmingoverlord So I just looked it up and in my country they are also allowed to put up a radar only in certain places. I guess that sometimes they count on people not knowing. Though to be honest, I haven't seen cops do a speed trap in a long time, last time it happened was in a neighboring country.
There's a hero in all of us 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Wait… you guys don't do the flashing lights thing? When a cop car with a radar is hiding in a shitty spot (you know, like that few meters right before the speed limit changes and people naturally start speeding up), the person in the opposite lane flashes their lights at you.
That, or it can also mean you forgot to turn the lights of your car on (in my country you have to have them on at all times).
Powerful 24 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I heard this too but just like religious stories aren't tangible proof that a God exists, they aren't proof about these characters' personal lives. But I have heard somewhere that Muhammad had a bunch of wives and Aisha was his favourite but I think we need some more proof of that than a thousands of years old book.
But I guess it's scary with new things 18 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
The only (non "pseudo science" conspiracy theory) argument I heard against GMOs is that we don't know the long term effects. Firstly, GMOs are a thing for almost 50 years as someone already mentioned. Secondly, even if there are some things that resurface after a longer time, the way to go forward is by pushing the limits. It'd be heartless to say "so what if some people die", but if it means that it'll resolve world hunger, I would be the first to volunteer as their lab rat.
Because it's a computer 4 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Maybe the requests are processed by a computer and engraved by a laser (I have no idea how engraving works, I'm just throwing this idea out there). In that case the person typing the request in should've left it blank. At the same time the company should have hired someone who would be supervising these requests in case of a misspelling, typo or this situation.
Edit: I just came back to this post and read the title. I'm an idiot.
5 · Edited 7 years ago
Barack Obama's response to Charlottesville violence is the most liked tweet 25 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I'm just saying it's the same principle. If you want to blame Obama for this, you should also realize that the same thing is happening right now with Trump. If you focus on a problem when the opposing side does it but ignore it when your side does it, it's unprincipled and hypocritical.
Barack Obama's response to Charlottesville violence is the most liked tweet 25 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
But his comment about the Muslim boy was a blatant agenda-driven lie. The boy just wanted to make a clock.
Obama had a similar effect on the radicals on the left as Trump now has on the radicals on the right. Neither of them support these radicalized groups, but their sole presence in the White House has made these groups think that the president's got their back because he's on the same side of the political spectrum. Can we blame Obama for BLM, Antifa, feminists and just SJWs in general? Only if we at the same time blame Trump for the Alt-right, the Neo Nazis, the KKK and so on. You can't have only one, you have to admit both or neither.
Immoral f*cktards like this can go f*ck themselves 19 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
With abusers it should be a "duh". With drop and swappers not everybody gets it but these guys do, I applaud them.
This is actually a thing 22 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Dude, that post is three years old.
But same.
· Edited 7 years ago