

— Ewqua Report User
Reminder to all 11 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Well, you're not wrong imo. There's also another thing, and here I disagree with feminists when they say that men don't understand that no means no, I think most of them do, however I do think there is a certain mindset among some guys that no means "she's just playing hard to get" which can get annoying when a dude you're not interested in follows you everywhere because he thinks you're just being coy.
Basically, guys, you can show your emotions, you don't have to pretend to be a big strong man who always gets what he wants, most people can see through that act anyway and it's bad for your psyche. Treat yourselves well, y'all.
Reminder to all 11 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Is this actually a thing? My boyfriend turns me down too when he's just not feeling like it or when he's tired or something, and I turn him down when I'm tired too. Neither of us make it a big deal, we get it, sometimes you're just too tired or feeling sick or something. Mutual understanding, y'all.
I'm usually done in a minute 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
*high five* Welcome to the club, sistah.
Yeah people keep pressuring me to wear it too, especially my mom and grandma. But they never give any other argument than "most women do it". Why should I care what most women do? It's my life, not theirs. They could paint their face to look like Ronald McDonald and I wouldn't give two fucks. They also say that it makes women more self confident, but firstly it doesn't work on me as I already said, and secondly, frankly that's what I dislike about it. The whole industry preys on women's insecurities and relies on heavily photoshopped pictures of models to make women insecure. It's making women insecure and then offering a temporary solution. It's creating a problem that wouldn't even be there in the first place.
And let's be honest here, most guys don't care. Well, the shallow ones do, but would you want to be with a shallow person? In fact my boyfriend said he's glad I don't spend half an hour in front of a mirror every day.
Why do they do this? 14 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Indeed, yet it's so prevalent. My boyfriend also often spells rogue as rouge and for a split second I always think he's talking about something red before I realize he doesn't speak French.
Whenever I see "tounge" my mind thinks of it as tongue but with more "oh" around the middle part, like "town-gh". But I'm not a native speaker so my mind is probably a bit warped in that respect.
Damn son 16 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Exactly. Stealing ideas is established in the business already, but stealing an idea, patenting it and then suing the company who originally made it? Ultra dick move.
I'm usually done in a minute 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@black_dahlia Exactly, I had makeup on like twice in my life and I hated it both times. You know how many women make the argument that makeup makes them feel more confident? It's the opposite for me, it just feels like there's sticky crap all over my face and I can't even touch it to get an eyelash out or something without messing the sticky crap up even more. As far as clothes are concerned, I also used to recycle my mom's clothes but I'm now taller than her so not anymore, haha. I buy clothes whenever an old article of clothing gets destroyed, like when it gets torn or shrinks in the washing machine. But I absolutely loathe shopping so that whole running around with bags filled with clothes stereotype that is often applied on women just doesn't work in my case. When I need something, I go to a store and get it. I don't walk around, looking for more stuff. If anything, I browse the internet to see something I like, then I go buy it. It's much more efficient than running around a mall.
Why do they do this? 14 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
You'd be surprised by how many people spell it that way. That doesn't make it any less wrong, of course.
I'm usually done in a minute 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
As a woman who refuses to wear makeup and doesn't give two fucks about fashion, I know how the men feel. I can go from pyjamas to ready to leave in two minutes. And I don't go on shopping sprees to buy tons of new clothes every month so I'm well aware of what's in my closet and therefore able to quickly assemble an outfit in my mind without standing in front of an open closet for half an hour.
Deism 37 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@funkmasterrex I thought the same. Back then it wasn't socially acceptable to not believe in a god, in these three specific cases it was unacceptable to believe in anything else than the Christian God. These guys were very likely to just pretend to believe in something so they wouldn't get stoned by an angry mob.
@rachee So by your logic, most believers exclusively pray to their gods when they need something? Sounds like they're bloody opportunists, only being nice to their pappy when they need his money like a bunch of ungrateful teenagers. (Disclaimer: I don't actually think all believers are like this, just showing rachee how dumb his statement sounds.) And I can assure you, wherever there was a hard moment in my life, I trusted in my own abilities more than any god. I didn't pray the night before an exam, hoping The Space Wizard will make the questions easier. I studied for it. When my grandpa was in hospital, I didn't pray, I trusted in the doctors' abilities.
Damn son 16 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
You're goddamn right. I recently saw an interview with him and in it he said "I just want to think of the future and not feel sad." and that really hit me. I mean, of course he has a financial incentive, everyone needs to earn money so that they can have a roof over their head and food to eat, but Musk really strikes me as a guy with a good heart. Maybe I'm just full of youthful naïveté but he really does give me that impression.
I guess this whole thing could be summed up like this: if your priorities in life are to get rich, buy a cool car and a big house with a pool, then Jobs is the guy you admire because he was undoubtedly very good at finding loopholes and exploiting the system for his own gain. But if your priorities are to make the world a better place with a better future, then Elon Musk is your guy.
3 · Edited 7 years ago
The iron lady 8 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Damn son 16 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Nobody's denying that he was clever, but I honestly think there's more assholery than intelligence at play. Apple constantly steals ideas from other companies, even the very first iPhone was a copy of a Sony phone. But then they sue other companies for arbitrary bullcrap like their phones having a similar shape to the iPhony (not a typo, pun intended). Seriously, Jobs was the kind of guy who would be capable of trying to patent the wheel.
Meanwhile Elon Musk, a man who is infinitely more clever and respectable than Jobs or Cook, made all his patents free because his goal isn't to have a monopoly so that he can make money, but to nudge technological advancement, and making patents free means others can improve on his already existing desings without fear of a billion dollar lawsuit.
I need your Help ... What to tell him? 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I thought the kernels have to be dried up first?
Why do they do this? 14 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Well c'mon, protecting your screen is more important than looking cool.
Damn son 16 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
That's impressive but I still think it's a huge asshole move. Not uncharacteristic for Jobs, mind you. But Cook isn't any less of a shitbag.
He got a point 22 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Furthermore, there's a chance that you'll find something about them that you really don't like, a fatal flaw if you will, and you'll be glad that you "dodged a bullet".
However, what I said applies to normal people, it excludes manipulative bitches who use men to get free stuff and fuckboys. You should avoid those at all cost.
@abel_hazard Same! I crushed on so many people that if I were to break off all the friendships because of the crush, I'd have no friends.
@honeybumblebee Actually I see it quite a lot, people going from friends to dating. The people I know who did it (including myself and my boyfriend) are still together, while people who went for a relationship head straight broke up fast. I'm not acting like I found the meaning of life or anything but from my personal observations, relationships that sprung from a friendship seem to last longer and be stronger. However, I fully agree with your point on mutual understanding.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
He got a point 22 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@xdmaniac Look, sorry if I sounded mean. What I meant was, those romantic feelings never truly go away but if you think of the person as a person instead of a romantic interest to pursue, you can kind of push those feelings in the background to rest there. I guess it's hard to explain to a guy from a girl's point of view, but basically if you stop trying so hard to chase after that person, you'll realize that they're a person too instead of a goal for you to reach, and it becomes easier to interact with them because that imaginary goal your feelings set up for you goes away, it'll be less awkward and you'll feel more comfortable with them around. If it means you get put in the "friendzone", whatever. You'll still be near that person, interact with them, just not in a romantic way. And there's a bigger chance that they'll find something about you they like instead of betting on first impressions. (1/2)
He got a point 22 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I hear you but I can't really say that I understand because I'm not a guy. It just feels weird that you wouldn't befriend someone you like. Being near someone for the sole purpose of being in a relationship with them and with little to no prior knowledge of their personality, hobbies, interests etc. just seems like really poor planning. If you want it to work out in the long run instead of it being a two weeks thing, then you should get to know the other person as well as you can, even if it means being their friend while they're with someone else. They can break up with that person.
I'm still with my first boyfriend because we've been friends for 8 years and he had two girlfriends in the meantime. I respected his relationships and didn't intrude, but I didn't avoid him either.
People say that women are emotional but geez, you guys can't just put those feelings in the background? You can easily hide chemistry by thinking of the other person as a person instead of a point of interest.
The iron lady 8 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
The problem with capitalism is that you eventually run out of things and people to exploit.
I'm not a socialist, just demonstrating how dumb Thatcher's statement sounds. No system is perfect on its own, pure socialism doesn't work but neither does pure capitalism.
That's how she fell in love 5 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Well, now we got camera angles. Before they could just draw it bigger. Which made it even more of a dissapointment when the two finally got naked.
She sucked the life out of it 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Good point
She sucked the life out of it 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
How did her hair grow so long in just 2 years? Whenever I try to grow my hair I just get split ends and then have to cut it again ;_;
He got a point 22 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
In my experience the best and most long lasting relationships blossom from strong friendships. The wait is worth it, better than meeting someone for the sole purpose of dating them and then regretting it because you didn't even have a chance to get to know them better before jumping into a relationship with them.
I've had crushes in my life as well and even though it hurt to hear them talk about other girls they liked, the fact that they were happy made me happy too. If you break off a friendship because the other person is happy with someone else, you never had real feelings for them. The only feeling you had was selfishness.
I'm not ignoring the existence of manipulative bitches who use men's feelings for their own gain. They exist and their presence can be destructive to one's self esteem and overall psyche. But it seems you're ignoring the existence of fuckboys.
7 · Edited 7 years ago
Fair enough 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Same with Dragon Age's Iron Bull, he's pansexual but monogamous. Being bi or pansexual doesn't mean you sleep with more people, just that you have a larger group to choose from
· Edited 7 years ago