

— Ewqua Report User
Reason to kidnap someone 6 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Technically, everything is math. But only math is not enough. What can you do with a theoretical mathematics degree, apart from teaching the subject?
· Edited 6 years ago
Reason to kidnap someone 6 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
because every single experience, even something so seemingly banal as the fact that said politician fell from his bike when he was a child, is a possible variable that could influence his decision. This is why political science, sociology or psychology have a probabilistic character, because there are just way too many variables to account for. So, in short, I can't stop you from making jokes like that, and I wouldn't want to even if I could, because jokes are jokes and nobody likes killjoys. But if you're one of those people who legitimately believe that you have to be good at maths to be smart, please educate yourself on types of intelligence before trying to be smug. (2/2)
Reason to kidnap someone 6 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
As a political science student, I'm becoming more and more convinced that people who say that it's not a science in an attempt to sound smug and smart are simply ignorant and have some kind of inferiority complex that they need to take out on others. We use scientific methods like any other science, but the reason why our results aren't as precise is because there are more variables due to the fact that decisions made by humans (which are unsurprisingly a big part of politics) are influenced by so many variables in varying degrees. In other words, knowing how to calculate how long will it take for a ball to fall to the ground is easier than estimating an outcome of a vote, because there you have to take into account the background, past experiences, relations etc etc of every politician. Taking all of that into account would create millions of variables, (1/2)
Destroyer the dog 7 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Honestly Destroyer looks like a total cutie
I Love the Stuff  13 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I heard that you can substitute eggs with mashed bananas, maybe that could make for a safe cookie dough.
North sentinal island 30 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I'm pretty sure dragon just made a joke because it's misspelled like that in the post.
This teacher came up with a clever idea 4 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
*QR code
On Tonight's Breaking News... 37 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I almost fully agree with that. Are big corporations to blame for pollution? Yes, I think so. The problem is that they often outsource their company to a country with less strict environmental regulations. Because they'd rather turn a profit than abide by regulations, even though they are fully aware of the reason why those regulations are in place.
But are people who talk about environmental protection while being wasteful huge hypocrites? Abso-fucking-lutely. Posting about being eco-friendly while driving alone in a car with your newly bought watter bottle that you'll throw away at the end of the day, your new phone that you bought just because the old one was getting a bit slow and new clothes because the old ones are out of style now? Whoever does that can fuck off. I'm legit trying to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle only to have the idea ruined by pretentious assholes.
Also, why the fuck aren't we investing in hemp plastics yet?
· Edited 6 years ago
On Tonight's Breaking News... 37 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Al Gore is a sleazy motherfucker and he made the issue highly politicized, that is true. But the current political climate, at least in the US, seems to be against environmental protection. So I definitely wouldn't call it government propaganda since the government itself is against it.
Besides, even if climate change wasn't a thing, what's wrong with being eco-friendly anyway?
On Tonight's Breaking News... 37 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
@princessmonstertru Exactly. But Socrates was one of the first people who promoted a narrative based on observation and reason. The Greek society was in a kind of nihilistic/relativistic state because the people realized that beliefs and norms are subjective, they're based on culture and they're different in every society, and the Greeks' ethics and morals started falling apart. Socrates promoted dialogue, weighing all options and seeing what is right "with the eyes of reason". So shouldn't you be for the mainstream scientific narrative since the scientific community decided what is correct by using reason which is based on observation?
On Tonight's Breaking News... 37 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I agree with the first point. But I attribute this problem to the media, not to scientists themselves. Many media outlets present stuff that sells, like scandals, gossip and other crap that doesn't actually have any impact on real life, instead of focusing on the important stuff. Even many politically focused channels spend way too much time looking at totally unimportant things like Trump's tweets instead of actually analyzing world events.
As to the second point... by that token we shouldn't trust anything that we hear or read, ever. There will always be disagreements, exceptions in data, wrong conclusions drawn out of improbable correlations. We can't discard the majority of results which produce consistent theories though, else we'd all be pre-Socratic Relativists.
Rowan atkinson 9 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Oh wow, I didn't know that. You learn something new every day.
Still, one letter isn't such a problem imo. I also sometimes pronounce B as V because I have an overbite. And he is way more eloquent than I'll ever be.
That's how Putin rolls 15 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
That's true but there are also some kind of purge camps as far as I know. It's disgusting.
That's how Putin rolls 15 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
... in concentration camps they kinda did genocide and all that.
1 · Edited 6 years ago
On Tonight's Breaking News... 37 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Pseudo-scientists paid by politicians are a thing, sure. But the scientific community does check itself, too. It's called peer-refiews. Most of these "scientists" who get paid for nodding to politicians get called out by the scientific community.
Rowan atkinson 9 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I call BS, he was incredibly eloquent in Blackadder.
That's how Putin rolls 15 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
'Meet people in real life' not people of the same sex though, or you might get sent to a concentration camp.
(Not even kidding, it's a thing in Chechnya – the most conservative republic of the Russian federation)
On Tonight's Breaking News... 37 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
@princessmonstertru I think there's a difference between unfounded fear and a logical assumption. Propaganda is based on fear and usually comes from politicians while a logical assumption/an educated prediction comes from experts on the topic and actually goes against politicians. The former could be things like "the Red scare" or "refugees will convert all of Europe to Islam" while the latter is stuff like net neutrality (ask anyone working in IT, they're gonna tell you that net neutrality has to stay) or climate change. Maybe humanity is finally realizing that listening to experts is better than listening to politicians who sold out to a bunch of companies.
Not if they like puns 5 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Even their nickname is a French pun omg (or should I say mon dieu)
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Solid snake 2 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Isn't that the dude who voiced Solid Snake until MGSV where Kojima had him replaced for some reason?
(He should be glad. MGSV was crap - except for the gameplay, that was superb)
1 · Edited 6 years ago
success!! 24 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
What I wanted to say is that it's a combination of factors. But imo people who always claim how unnatural it is don't realize that homosexuality is a thing in animal species too. Besides, most things humans do are unnatural. We live in houses built of steel and concrete, we invented computers by making a piece of metal think, we wear clothes not for protection from the cold (because we made heating systems for that) but because it looks nice. Almost nothing we do is "natural".
success!! 24 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I'm chemically imbalanced, and I get acne and really bad period pains. Being gay isn't "chemically imbalanced" because it implies that there is a biological norm, but there only used to be a social norm that is luckily going away now. Can we just let people sleep with whomever they want? Honestly the only thing you should be concerned about with other people's sexual history is STDs, if you want to get involved with that person I mean.
Do you agree with Obama? 39 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Read the second sentence again. You're probably just sleep deprived.
Speaking of periods, aren't you a bit defensive today.
· Edited 6 years ago
Do you agree with Obama? 39 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
That was, uh... almost English?
I can almost imagine Jacksfilms saying "oh Olga" while reading the second sentence.
· Edited 6 years ago
What happened 1 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
The actor who plays Bronn was amazing in Black Mirror. Seriously.