

— Ewqua Report User
So you kinda like me? 13 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
The dude who wrote Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr and Inheritance, a fantasy series of books. The first two books were awesome, especially considering the fact that he started writing when he was 15, but then fans pressured him to write faster and the last two books weren't all that great. In fact I think that the ending is completely atrocious, but I won't spoil it for you unless you want me to.
There's also a movie based on the first book, but it sucked so hard they didn't bother making a sequel.
Sex Dolls will cook in the future 41 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I'm guessing that the reason why dildos have been around for so long is that the focus has always been on the male orgasm, since female orgasm isn't needed for conception and once a dude cums, he physically can't continue. So ancient women had to find some way to get off. What I don't get is why are dildos so popular when the most sensitive part of the vagina is the clit anyway. Then again I never tried one myself but I guess it just feels like fucking. So, meh.
Hell yeah 3 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Dynamite! Dynamite!
*theme song plays*
Is this ok? 39 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Bruhs and bruhdettes we just had this conversation on a previous post. The baby just needs to eat. It's completely natural. You're not asked to cover up when eating or drinking either. And boobs aren't even sexual organs, we see them like that because we're taught to but as I already said before, they're literally just bags of baby food on your chest.
If you wanna talk about stuff being indecent, let's talk about advertisers using boobs to sell products that don't even have anything to do with boobs in the first place. These ads usually show more boob than a breastfeeding mom does because the baby's head covers a whole lot.
Sex Dolls will cook in the future 41 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I was talking specifically about sexbots. Idk I think that fleshlights and dildos are a bit different because they don't simulate a human so precisely.
That said, it was pretty funny.
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Sex Dolls will cook in the future 41 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
If we're talking about gay people, idk if you can be truly sexist against your own sex without a heavy dose of self-loathing, but I think we can all agree that it is simply demeaning and equally as bad as with straight people because you're still objectifying other human beings.
Therefore, sex dolls are a good thing in the long run because they will a) keep these toxic people out of the gene pool, b) prevent them from hurting someone. And bonus c) they may help with overpopulation, though that is entirely theoretical since these dolls are quite expensive and only rich people will be able to afford them. (2/2)
Sex Dolls will cook in the future 41 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I personally think of it this way (I'll try to make it as gender and sexual orientation neutral as I can, even though we all know that the primary market for sex dolls are lonely straight dudes):
People who buy sex dolls usually don't value the companionship part of a relationship, and only care about their own satisfaction. In a way, such a mindset can be hurtful to other people who may find themselves in a relationship with such a person, because one day the realize they're just being used. If we're talking about straight relationships, you could say that the mindset I described is just sexism. (1/2)
Picky picky 20 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
They're great in sauces and such, and yeah red onions are imo more palatable by themselves than white onions, but in my country the more traditional/old-fashioned people (mostly village folk like my granny) sometimes eat just bread with animal fat and raw onions, or pickled sausages and onions, which imo is just gross and it's probably what made me dislike onions, unless they're chopped into small pieces.
· Edited 6 years ago
So you kinda like me? 13 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Yeah. On the one hand, I just want GRRM to finish the sixth book already. On the other hand, I don't want him to feel pressured by fans. I'd be sad if he ended up like Paolini.
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Picky picky 20 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
How severe is your lactose intolerance? I know a few lactose intolerant people and they tell me they just get a bit gassy when they eat dairy products.
Picky picky 20 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I'd be the opposite. I devour almost anything, not a big fan of mushrooms and onions but I could get past that if there ever was an apocalypse.
Also, beans are great. Legume soups are delicious in general imo.
So you kinda like me? 13 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Yes exactly, I'm glad you get me. People keep pressuring me to watch the show to "get ahead" of the books, not realizing that they have different plots now.
LLAMATHRUST! 5 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Lady behind him is 100% done with his shit.
Just Asian Things, Donnie Yen everyone 7 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
He also broke Mike Tyson's finger when they were shooting Ip Man 3.
He's living proof that you don't have to be big and buff to kick ass. You just need to master the techniques.
So you kinda like me? 13 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I heard, but apparently it's also straying from the books and going in its own direction. I don't know whether that's good or bad but I won't watch it right now because it would mess up the timelines I remember from the books. Maybe I'll watch it when all the books are out and I've had time to read them. But that's going to take some time, seeing as GRRM is heavily procrastinating.
So you kinda like me? 13 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Seriously, Hound is the best fricking character from ASOIAF.
(Yes I used ASOIAF not GOT because I only read the books and know very little about the show)
Handsome 7 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Depends on what the standards were back then. Maybe a long nose and narrow mouth were considered an attractive trait, I dunno. Remember, a skin so pale you could see veins through it was considered super hot at one point in history.
Or maybe he was one of the few people with access to basic hygiene. Not smelling like shit sure does raise one's attractiveness.
Chaotic (good) justice 26 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I'm kind of torn on this since it says he's only "suspected" of doing it. He might've been innocent. On the other hand, if the law enforcement didn't bother to investigate at all and the guy was 100% sure...
Modesty first 21 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
@celticrose Exactly, thank you.
The baby's head is covering most of the boob anyway. You'd see less boob on a breastfeeding mother than you'd see on a girl in bikini/lingerie, which by the way pop up on every street corner in every goddamn advertisement. If people wanna talk about indecency, we can talk about advertisers using boobs to sell their totally unrelated products. Not about a mom doing something natural that a baby needs to survive. The baby just needs to eat, that's all it is. It's like saying that people should cover up when they wanna eat a sandwich as rose already mentioned.
Boobs aren't even sexual organs, we see them as private because we're taught to, but they're literally bags of baby food on your chest. There's nothing sexual, private or indecent about boobs.
3 · Edited 6 years ago
Finally explained how I feel all the time 3 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I've never related to something so much in my life. Now I'm off to studying again because this post made me feel guilty about browsing fs lol
Karma slays 28 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Also, conservatives never ever mention that all terrorists so far were males. Not all terrorists in history were Muslims, but all were male. Statistically, if you want to protect your country from terrorism, shouldn't you be siding with the "kill all men" brand of feminazis?
Now, of course I don't want to blame men for terrorism at all, I'm just trying to demonstrate the hypocrisy of many conservatives. Because while you are perfectly okay with blaming all Muslims for the actions of a crazy terrorist, even mentioning that they were all men gets you triggered and you automatically go "well you can't just group us all in with the terrorists, that's sexist!" But can't you see the hypocrisy? Can't you see that grouping all Muslims in with the terrorists is just as bad?
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Karma slays 28 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
The only valid source out of those is Reuters, the rest is right wing Kool-aid. And Reuters say that most crimes are done by people who used the refugee waves to get easy access into a country. If someone's such an opportunist that they try to use a horrible war in the Middle East to their own benefit, they're probably not a good person. And you can't catch everyone even if you have good vetting.
Also, what's this "the government is hiding the truth" bs? Were you writing this with a tinfoil hat on in case the reptilian Illuminati were watching?
Also, you know what's funny? Whenever there's a terror attack and the attacker is brown, conservatives automatically blame Muslims. But when the attacker is a white neoNazi, they always go with the "mentally disturbed lone wolf" narrative. How about y'all just admit that in order to try to kill many people just because they disagree with you, you have to be majorly fucked up in the head and the color of your skin or your religion don't matter?
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Ageist 51 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
For every brave person who did that there are thousands of bystanders though.
Retard level over 9000 15 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
C'mon some of them have to be trolls. Like the biscuit one or the long flight one.
Ageist 51 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
If someone were to draw conclusions from this very limited sample, they would think that gender stereotypes are the complete opposite from what you dudes see them as. But as an individualist to the core, I don't give a damn what's between your legs, only what's in your head.
@famousone I don't believe in Hell or any higher power for that matter, but that's a conversation for another day. It was known during Plato's time already that most people aren't evil but the reason why evil exists is that most people are passive while the evil guys do their thing. It's a responsibility of each and every one of us, not just soldiers, to act against the bad guys. Not following bad orders instead of actively going against those who gave them can still very much lead to bad shit happening.