

— Ewqua Report User
Fox news at its best 34 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
People didn't get the joke apparently.
Get out of your room, take a walk, enjoy nature, what's the worst that could happen 11 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
That's even funnier though :D
But yeah it was pretty dumb of me to expect that it's the English word that matters. Then again, the people who are most likely to touch it are dumb English speaking tourists, not aborigines, so...
Dining tip for a great steak 39 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Unpopular opinion: I like my steak well done. I like the crispiness and slightly burned flavour, rather than the taste of raw meat and blood.
Get out of your room, take a walk, enjoy nature, what's the worst that could happen 11 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Well if it's so deadly, why did they give it such a funny lil name? If you want people not to touch it, name it "Painatron 3000" or something.
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Fox news at its best 34 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
"overreacting" "freaking out"? No dude I'm laughing my ass off at your attempts at reasoning
Fox news at its best 34 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Sorry but you asked for it when you said that Shapiro is one of the most intelligent politicians out there. That was such a ridiculous statement I had to react. Also, look up some fact checking websites every once in a while if you don't believe me.
Fox news at its best 34 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
"You disagree with me so you must be a liberal hippie pothead." Wow, it looks like some of Shapiro's favourite fallacies rubbed off on you!
FYI I don't even smoke weed.
Lol he edited 'weed' into 'meth' because he was called out on the fallacy.
· Edited 6 years ago
Fox news at its best 34 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Ben Shapiro is really, really good at fooling simpletons. He's masterful at appearing smart because he talks fast and uses logical fallacies. Once you're able to see through them, though, you'll see that he's just bamboozling you.
Btw, try Reuters. They're probably the least biased network out there. You think that by naming biased left wing outlets, it makes biased right wing outlets okay? No. I am aware that CNN and WashPost are biased. Obviously. And I will call them out whenever they say bullshit, just like I'll call out Breitbart and Fox when they say bullshit. You can't just drink the Kool aid that Breitbart and its ilk serve you, and then when confronted, say "B-but CNN!" That's not how it works.
· Edited 6 years ago
Fox news at its best 34 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
You mean "cats aren't dogs?"
Are you seriously judging the validity of Fox by this one statement? Yeah, cats aren't dogs. Duh.
Also Breitbart is a joke.
Fox news at its best 34 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
"wanna see who is gonna debate that"
"im not trying to start a debate"
Where did you get these argumentation skills, at Fox?
Btw Fox is as biased as those you listed, just in the opposite direction. Just because it fits your worldview doesn't mean it's less biased.
Fox news at its best 34 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
What are "some networks"? People can't debate a vague statement like that.
Fox news at its best 34 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Yeah, Fox is a grade above InfoWars... still doesn't mean it's good.
Advertising spots in movies 6 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I don't care what the critics say, this movie was amazing.
You don't get free meal 4 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I think it's disgusting to exploit people's kindness like that. As a social experiment, I can kinda get it. That is, if you go to the restaurant later and pay them back, or at the very least order something and leave a huge tip. But if he goes around restaurants doing this, he's a scumbag.
hey satan, what's up? 7 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I don't think it was God who made those boobs though
Cute comics! :D 6 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
The one with the fish riding a whale was a scene in an animated movie called "Help! I'm a fish". It's a weird but kinda cute movie that I got reminded of when I saw the doodle.
Perfect photo 3 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
The hair reminds me of The Ring girl.
You know how some pet birds have mirrors in cages? Maybe she could crawl out of those.
How would that work? 23 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I saw some of the tweets, probably not all as they've been deleted now. I didn't find any anti-semitic ones, just some criticizing the Israeli government. If someone could point me to the really anti-semitic ones (that is, if someone's got screenshots or archived links or something) for proof, I'd be grateful, because what I've seen so far was a completely just criticism of Israel's government's illegal settlements.
7 · Edited 6 years ago
Understand what you hate. 70 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
You bring up statements with zero justification.
I don't think you know how debates work.
Does a cop look like this? 5 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Yeah, the mafia will punish its member if they kill someone they weren't supposed to.
3 · Edited 6 years ago
Guy goes absolutely insane after being rejected by a girl he loves over text 42 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Bryce really fucked up.
Or, is fucked up.
Probably both.
Understand what you hate. 70 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Some years ago it was believed that being gay is a fad. Just sayin. Also, your natural argument is bs. We live in concrete houses, typing away at our keyboards that are connected to a piece of metal that we tricked into thinking, being ruled by a political system that not all of us even agree with. Nothing about us is natural and bringing up "natural/unnatural" in any argument concerning human behaviour is just bs.
Does a cop look like this? 5 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Wait but wasn't he a mafia leader in the movie?
Which one are you? 9 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
100% Jared.
All twins 7 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
It's the tumblrette style. Two of them are even wearing the same sweatshirt