

— Ewqua Report User
Very true 38 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
There are mods for that, actually! I downloaded a bunch of graphical/style mods until the game crashed, then I found out there's a 4gb patch for that but it only works with Origin because Steam will recognize the patch as a corrupted file and will repair it automatically lol. But luckily the same CD key works with Steam AND Origin so if you have one version you can just type it in.
In DA3 they kept the DA2 look but basically they explained Sten with "not all Kossith have horns, it's not looked down upon if one doesn't" so yeah.
I do like the city elf origin a lot too, it's really interesting how it influences the game much later on during the Landsmeet. (If you kill that scumbag elf rapist, you won't have a vote from him obviously.) In the Dalish origin, your companion gets infected by the Blight and later appears as a half-transformed Shriek, which is pretty haunting.
Very true 38 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Same! I somehow got Sten (which is weird, considering that my first ever character was a mage and I didn't actually get Leliana. Maybe it's because I threatened the revered mother?) But yeah my very first playthrough was without Leliana and I didn't really miss her. She has some nice stories and the quest where she's hunted by Marjolaine is interesting, especially after having played Leliana's Song, but her romance is overall just... eh. The part with the nug is kinda cute though.
I could be talking about this game for hours as well. I've played it so many times, but it always manages to surprise me with its little secrets and undiscovered hidden quests and thingies. Part of the reason why I love it so much.
My favourite origin is probably mage. The "true tests never end" line really got me when I played it for the first time. And the cute conversation with Cullen if you're a fem!Warden is hilarious! The dalish origin is interesting also, especially its later effect. What's yours?
Very true 38 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
When it comes to Dragon Age, the Alistair romance is my favourite by far. His character development (btw, look up "hardening", it's a pretty important element later in the game, I'm sure you'll find a spoiler-free guide) is amazing, and he's just so adorably bashful and charming. And sometimes he's hilariously dumb. Steve Valentine really did an incredible job on the voice acting.
Morrigan's romance is interesting as well, though her friendship is more interesting imo. And yes the suggestive comments she makes to Sten are hilarious.
Very true 38 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Exactly. I'm not against sex in games, but I am against it when it's treated as a way to get attention to the game. It's cheap and lazy, but it gets the horny teenage nerds who bring the profit. And yeah the collectible nudes thing is just disgusting to me. Idk, I have a pretty strong opinion on treating other people like trophies and using sex for attention, I even argue with my boyfriend about it cause he's a fan of the Witcher series. And while the games are not bad per se, there is some clever writing and I've had a bit of fun with them, imo they're pretty mediocre (well okay the first one is just bad. And not even funny bad, just bad bad. The other two are okay though), they bring nothing new to the gaming industry, just rehash popular elements from other games, and bring a lot of attention to themselves with the pretty excessive sex scenes.
Very true 38 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Yeah agreed the Witcher games feel like more of a male fantasy – being the alpha dude (the exact one most gamers despise irl, ironically), fucking chicks left and right, having sex as the reward for every second side quest, the "good old" damsel in distress being saved by a big strong man kind of narrative. Though there are some strong female characters in the series but honestly to me they seemed more like Mary Sues thrown in there in order to shut up the women who would potentially complain about every female character being a useless fuck doll.
BioWare games are a lot better in that respect, in my personal opinion. The characters aren't just two dimensional playthings, their romances and characters feel real and somehow truly human (even though there are aliens and elves and qunari lol). I really hope BioWare gets to the top again, Mass Effect (original trilogy, I haven't played Andromeda yet) and Dragon Age are my favorite series ever because of their characters and writing.
Dogs have d*cks too 3 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I don't really understand why exactly you need to wake up early, to celebrate your dog's B-day... but I 100% support it. Dogs are precious.
Drunk text 1 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I wonder if/what they replied
Murica 17 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Yeah but from what I hear from other Americans on the internet, generally all it takes is an hour or two of paperwork, and sometimes they even say that they think it's too much. In my country, the tests consist of a medical/psychological checkup, knowledge of the law concerning guns, technical/mechanical knowledge (assembling and disassembling etc.) and the obvious criminal record check. It can take a couple weeks because you gotta study for those tests. Basically, guns are treated the same way as cars, you gotta have a licence for a specific type and you gotta pass a theoretical and practical exam to get it. I really don't see what exactly about this system makes people think we're anti-gun or anti-freedom or whatever, the way it works seems perfectly reasonable to me. But I grew up in this environment, I'm obviously not unbiased.
Murica 17 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
But that's the thing, Americans often have this notion that Europeans are anti-gun. We're not. We just have some tests in place that can tell whether you are a responsible person or a total nutjob. So people who just wanna have a gun for protection or hobby can get it but people who would use it to shoot up a school can't.
Moose Moose muthaf**ka. 11 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Whoa that thing is a tank! Definitely wouldn't wanna be in the way.
Why are there starving people when I got food 33 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Yeah exactly. Dress codes won't help, seeing 5 extra square inches of knee skin makes literally no difference. I think what you're referring to is the Washington post article from 2016, at least that's the first thing that popped up when I went to google the statistics about rapists not remembering the victim's clothes. According to the article, "deputy principal Cherith Telford at Henderson High School in New Zealand told female students that their uniform skirts must be knee-length in order to 'keep our girls safe, stop boys from getting ideas and create a good work environment for male staff,' "
Seriously, if your staff gets aroused by CHILDREN'S KNEES to the point of feeling uncomfortable because they can't control themselves, you shouldn't force your students to buy brand new clothing. You should hire better staff.
Why are there starving people when I got food 33 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
It's really sad to see that people still think that way. The way you dress has nothing to do with whether you were raped or not. Rapists are predators, they're fucked in the head, their utmost concern is not being caught. They're more likely to look for people who are alone, in a secluded place with no witnesses and who look weak and easy to overpower. Blaming rape on the victim's clothes is just pathetic. Reminds me of this video: https://youtu.be/51-hepLP8J4
Cheating husband 3 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Yeah definitely not good
Cheating husband 3 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
If you've ever watched Handmaid's tale, you know that Scrabble may lead to many things ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hats off to both Child and Teacher 5 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Technically, it's not a question. Do you see a question mark anywhere in the post?
· Edited 6 years ago
Creepy simpsons 3 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I don't wanna sound like a killjoy but most white people's scalp skin is extremely pale. It makes sense since it's covered by hair all your life and only becomes your "normal" skin tone if you shave your head, then it can tan a little before the hair grows back.
I remember when a high school classmate came to school the day after shaving his head. It looked kinda funny because he decided to shave his head right after summer had ended so he was tanned and his scalp was just pearly, shiny white. It was astonishing.
That irritating sound 13 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I mean good for him but that won't erase all those memories of extremely annoying videos lol
Hats off to both Child and Teacher 5 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
The cat should drink.... to satisfy its hunger....
I mean I know that milk is heavier than most liquids and there's also this "cats love milk" stereotype but why not just make it a bowl of cat food or chunks of meat or a plump birdie?
Married the wrong sister 5 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
back before funny.junk became a trump loving echochamber, there was this image going around whenever someone would post a picture from there https://huge---lolcdn.com/comments/2260049.jpg (it's being edited so remove the three dashes in the link)
I wish FS would let you post images in comments, then we could make this a thing again
· Edited 6 years ago
Gay 13 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Then say far left, not just left. I'm sick and tired of people putting all left leaning people in the same bag with the feminazis and SJWs and all right leaning people with the Alt-Right and Christian fundamentalists. It creates an extreme dichotomy which is very counterproductive to any debate or conversation.
Gay 13 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
How is that even relevant? You're the one who called this random tweet leftist, not me.
Ain't gay 10 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
But isn't it more selfish to demand other people to go against their nature just because you don't like it?
They're not hurting anyone, why do you care?
Fitbit 8 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
What's... what's wrong with that? I mean I don't really use the "[something] much" phrase but it's fairly common nowadays and I see nothing wrong, grammar or vocabulary-wise.
Married the wrong sister 5 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Maybe his wife gave him something even cooler, how do you know?
Gay 13 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
>makes a generalization of an entire half of the political spectrum based on one tweet about gays
>"maybe don't jump so far when trying to make a point?"
Again, you're one to talk.