

— Ewqua Report User
In Finland, products are left free 10 days before the expiry date 11 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Czech here, we have a bit watered down version of this where stuff with damaged packaging or a few days before expiry date (like one or two) is sold with a significant discount.
From my experience, eating something a few days after it expires is usually fine. As long as it was left unopened and of course it also depends on the type, for example chocolate is fine for a long time but dairy products are not. But maybe that's just me, maybe my utter disregard for my health made my stomach immune to everything, idk.
· Edited 5 years ago
It's gonna take a lot to take me away from you 8 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Also the sun... I think.
title 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Black on black aesthetic, bitch! My parents try to dissuade me from wearing all black but... it just looks so good
Applies for dogs too 33 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
"she didn't say she wanted it out of aesthetic reasons alone" as I said already, she didn't ask about the animal's history or personality or, really anything other than its aesthetic. The fact that she didn't _say_ it doesn't mean we can't deduce from context. It's more about what she didn't say in this case.
Why are you so hostile towards assumptions? I even prefaced it saying it's an assumption and that I personally think that's the case. I didn't (ehm, unlike you might I add, "it's not an insult it's a fact" - now that's horseshit) try to pass it off as a fact. It's fine to argue whether you think that assumption is correct, maybe based on your experience with animal shelters vs my own, or some facts about shelters. It's okay to make an argument with personal experience as long as you say it's just your experience and not a fact. But it's not fine to just dismiss an entire argument because it contains an assumption that's derived from context and experience with this sort of thing.
Applies for dogs too 33 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
We don't know what the cat in question is like. Maybe he's been abused and as a result is aggressive towards humans he doesn't know. Actually, and this is just an assumption, but if he was easy to take care of, I think the shelter would've been more forthcoming. If you come to a shelter and ask them for a cat that's easy to take care of because you've never owned one before but still want to do a good thing, I won't blame you. In fact that's the responsible thing to do. If you've never owned a cat and all of a sudden you feel charitable and blindly get one that has major health issues or is very wary of people, chances are you won't know what to do and will be returning the cat back in a few weeks. So if you want a cat, don't be ashamed to ask your shelter for a cat that suits inexperienced owners. But if you just come to a shelter wanting a particular cat without knowing or even really caring what its personality and history is like, be prepared to get turned down. (2/2)
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Applies for dogs too 33 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Sigh... I'm just gonna ignore the insults and pretend this is actual discourse for a while.
Look, she clearly isn't an experienced owner. Experienced owners know not to take animals purely for "aesthetic reasons", they know that taking care of an animal is something you should take seriously, and having a cat as a fashion accessory is clearly not it. At the same time, shelter animals are often (not always of course, but often) harder to take care of than if you raise a kitten. Many of them have previously been abused and ran away or they were just kicked out of the house when their owners grew bored of them, and they often have a hard time trusting humans. Giving away a potentially harder to raise animal to an inexperienced owner who, on top of it all, doesn't seem to take the whole thing very seriously, is at best inadvisable and I think the shelter did the right thing. (1/2)
4 · Edited 5 years ago
Applies for dogs too 33 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Not deserve, need. I specifically wrote "need" and even specified the reasons, and I naively thought nobody would trip over that. Oh well...
The problem is that the lady thinks of the cat as a fashion accessory, that's why she asked for a specific breed and rejected mixed breeds. If you think of animals or even humans (expanding on your example, if someone came to an adoption center and asked for an albino kid and then flat out refused to even look at the other kids if the place didn't have an albino child, wouldn't you call them a selfish bitch?) as fashion accessories, you probably aren't capable of taking care of one.
Applies for dogs too 33 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
"I don't like mixed breeds for aesthetic reasons" = I am fully aware that there are cats in the shelter who need a home more than this one (for health reasons or because they've just been in a shelter for so long) but I'm a selfish bitch who's happy to let them suffer as long as I get my particular kind of animal.
That's what the fuck this is.
Applies for dogs too 33 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
*octopodes (or octopuses) but yeah
1 · Edited 5 years ago
We've All Wanted To Try It 5 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yup, apparently this is a variation of ratatouille called confit byaldi. Regular ratatouille is just roughly chopped veggies, not so thinly sliced.
That said I kinda wanna try both, to see if there's any difference in taste based on how the vegetables are chopped.
This little girl burnt Chris Brown like wildfire 14 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I'd recommend you to get some sleep but I'm not sure if you wanna have Rihanna dreams again haha
This little girl burnt Chris Brown like wildfire 14 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
About suicide? A lot of people.
About Chris Brown? Probably nobody but he deserves to be roasted every day for being an abusive asshole.
He is cool 21 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Devaluate is a term recognized by the dictionary. Beta cuckold, on the other hand, is not.
So calling someone a beta cuck based on one of their opinions is just "correctly categorizing" them now? Well then, I "correctly categorize" you as a bigoted asshole and if you get offended by that and suggest that it's an ad hominem, I'll "correctly categorize" you as a triggered snowflake too.
"men can't get raped" 52 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Eww. A hateful asshole.
Bennyhoo Cumberland Grinch 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yes apparently there's a new Grinch movie and he's the voice for the Grinch. Reviews say it's a 6/10 though.
Bennyhoo Cumberland Grinch 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I would say don't judge a book by its cover, but with trailers it's a bit different since it's supposed to show the best the movie has to offer. And also your judgement was right since the movie's reviews are pretty bad.
Bitter truth! 10 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Soooo did someone discover the meaning of the Universe on November 7, 2016?
Bitter truth! 10 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Ooooh that's a good line to use against hateful fundamentalists
Bennyhoo Cumberland Grinch 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I didn't even know about it, but I looked it up and... no. Just another Hollywood reboot trying to piggyback off a famous name (both of the franchise itself and the actors involved). Of course I didn't expect it to be good.
I'd still be ugly 36 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I do feel bad that we're letting these pathetic creatures define our standards of beauty, though. Just like these celebrity cults, we're just making stupid people famous.
I'd still be ugly 36 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I think many models don't realize they're living a bad lifestyle until it comes back to bite them in the arse when the health problems come up. Sometimes not even then. They've been brainwashed, just like many other people, into thinking that the thinner you are, the more attractive you are. I mean, there are stories of anorexic girls with BMI 15 wanting to be even thinner because that's what society told them is beautiful and they've internalized it to an extreme extent. It's a self-repeating process, extremely thin models are chosen to represent the most attractive people (even though, as someone mentioned before, they don't look attractive at all when you take off the makeup and Photoshop), they then play a part in influencing young people into thinking that being malnourished is synonymous with being attractive, which makes impressionable people eat less, then they become models which is what they've always dreamt of because they've been told it means they're attractive, and so on.
I Didn't See That Coming, That Was Nice 10 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I agree. Maybe I'm just emotionally immature but damn this story makes my blood boil. One thing is having problems with your partner that lead to divorce, that I can understand to a certain extent. But another thing is completely distancing yourself from your child even to the point when they're not even worth a bit of child support money to you. That's just... ugh. Disgusting. And then starting a new family like the first one doesn't even matter. It hasn't happened to me either so maybe my point of view is completely off since I can't relate, but damn does this make me angry. Maybe because men leaving women (either when they find out the woman is pregnant and just don't want the responsibility or for other reasons when the child is born already) has been such a culturally normalized thing until so very recently that when somebody does that it reminds me of the shitty, oppressive past when men were held to no standards regarding kids.
Iron dog 14 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Nah bs that's just someome shining a flashlight at their dog