

— Ewqua Report User
Daily Dose of Prehistory: Back From Extinction 21 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Its mouth reminds me of the womanbearpig thing from Annihilation.
Boheman rhapbody 4 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I want it all
I want it all
I want it all
And I want it now
Attention 8 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I'm generally supportive of people coming out with non-traditional sexual orientations because I don't want people to think they're not accepted, but yeah this whole "I can't sleep with someone unless I have an emotional bond with them", isn't that almost everyone? Why would there need to be a sexuality for that? I'd really like someone who knows more about this topic than I do to explain, because if it really is a thing, I guess I'm a demisexual.
*smokes weed* wanna fucc? 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Also isn't there a passage in the Bible about how this guy loved some other guy so much? Now I know it's probably meant as like really good friends but IDK, wouldn't be the first time the Bible said contradictory things. Anyway yes I agree, don't throw stones when you live in glass houses.
I also want to mention one thing: why do Christians who rally against homosexuality always seem so caught up on the sex? There's so much more to a relationship but they always go "but they do it in the butt! Sin!!!" You can have a meaningful relationship without fucking like rabbits, and I would've thought the people who keep talking about purity and restraint would understand that part. But I suppose people who wait until marriage have slightly different priorities since they are willing to involve the government in their relationship just so they can bang.
Modern incarceration 29 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
There's a documentary about what wonders one can do when they feel like they need to escape over a fence or wall. It's called Chicken Run.
No but seriously, there already is a wall at certain parts of the border and people are just digging under, climbing over, or trying the sea route around it. But those are the most desperate cases, most illegal immigration comes from people overstaying their visas anyway, because I guess it's the most convenient way to do it.
Do I win a tinfoil for this? 17 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Oh also if you're a beginner you definitely want something with a stem. Makes it easier to grab on and maybe pull down a little bit so you can reach the bottom.
Do I win a tinfoil for this? 17 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yeah my first was painful too but that was because it was too wide for me. Now I have a smaller but harder one and it's fine. The first few cycles might be trial and error but once you get the right one, it will save you tons of money and it will be better for the environment. Not to mention you can just sell the ill-fitting one, most people don't mind it's been used as long as you boil it to properly disinfect it.
There's a website somewhere out there that compares all the cups by size, firmness, and brand. Let me see if I can find it... ah, there it is. https://putacupinit.com/chart/
Since your cup hurt you, you should probably look for something soft with a small diameter. I personally use Yuuki, it's a company from my country so it's easily available here and they also give you this neat little box which makes it possible to disinfect it in the microwave, but Yuuki is also one of the hardest ones on the market so probably not the right one for you.
Do I win a tinfoil for this? 17 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yessss another cup user! First time I'm seeing another one online.
I'm similar in that I use a cup (and a cloth pad in case of leaks), I have a plastic non-BPA bottle (it's supposed to last for 10 years and will be recycled), my phone isn't an iPhone but let's be honest it's all made by Chinese kids, with tech you really don't have a choice, most of my clothes are thrifted. I vote with my wallet too but it's sad to see how few people do.
Did you hear the soundtrack? 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Alright then, it sounded like you thought you're "sorry" (in a condescending way) that he's not a weirdo as if that made our sex life boring or something. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I'm not a native speaker and I must've gotten the wrong connotation.
Did you hear the soundtrack? 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I'm sorry to hear that you believe the slapping thing somehow determines the quality of people's sex life.
Women should suicide more to fill the gap 37 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yes exactly, academic feminists usually have their hands full with research. Biologists don't comment on Shapiro's "pronouns are determined by chromosomes" bs either because they're concerned with academia, not frauds and crazies.
Did you hear the soundtrack? 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Umm no. My boyfriend just isn't a weirdo, idk.
Modern incarceration 29 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I mean if you mean it hypothetically like that, sure. But a wall would change about as much as thoughts and prayers do.
Did you hear the soundtrack? 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Do people actually do that? This is the first time I'm hearing about this.
Politicians these days 13 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
"princessmonstertruther" lol
Modern incarceration 29 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
It took me five seconds to Google that. You could've done that yourself and it probably would've saved you the time you spent writing that comment. So the question is, are you that unaware of the world around you or willfully ignorant?
Women should suicide more to fill the gap 37 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
But feminists do call out the terrible feminazis. They just usually get taken over/swarmed by the anti sjw neoreactionaries who fight over an opportunity to tell a feminazi she's wrong about something harder than vultures over a juicy corpse.
Real heroes never get the recognition they deserve 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
@shepard530: How is it starting to shift back? I only see Android phones with micro usb or USB-C which is more of a matter of new technology than profit.
I'm not being condescending I'm really just asking because I haven't seen any other types.
@f_kyeahhamburg: Not to mention Apple cables fall apart after 0.5 seconds so you gotta keep buying new ones. Meanwhile I still have my old micro usb cables from phones that broke 10 years ago.
· Edited 5 years ago
Smooth poser 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Furthermore, if you can't recognize your SO in the distance by their walking style, are you even dating?
Modern incarceration 29 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
People who say they actually want unrestricted immigration: 0
People who assume that criticizing the wall equals wanting unrestricted immigration: 31415926535
Just.. Read until the end 9 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Calm down little incel
Modern incarceration 29 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
It's ironic how poorly thought out this wall thing is. Walls can be climbed over or dug under (actually there's some recent video footage of immigrants going under a wall – in places where there is a wall, not just a fence), and anyway most illegal immigration is from people overstaying their visas. Shutting down the government because they won't let you get your crappy wall is like that one guy in a middle school group project who refuses to do his part because the rest of the group didn't let him put in his stupid ideas.
7 · Edited 5 years ago
I hear some FSers enjoy dork humor. 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Do so many people know about the Michelangelo thing? I thought the Sistine Chapel brain thing was pretty niche since, y'know, it might be offensive to religious people.
centuries 2 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I love Dragon Age
Who doesn't like cake? 2 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Also the realization that you can make your own cake or whatever food you want.
I've been eating red pepper and tomato soup for like a month now and I still love it.