

— Ewqua Report User
I will fight you if you don't eat the crust 24 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Bruh but like ordering a pizza and then not eating the crust because you're worried about the extra carbs or calories or whatever is the equivalent of getting a diet Coke with your doubletriplemonsterburger McMenu. You're already stuffing your face with calories, carbs, fats, might as well enjoy the whole pizza and then work out a bit.
I do get your Chipotle decision though. I also try to cut on the carbs and calories by not eating pastry or pasta (except couscous, that I couldn't abandon if it cost me my life) but like, I'm not gonna waste a perfectly good pizza crust when I've already ordered the thing.
If I cut you out, it's because you handed me the scissors. 20 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I'm 21 but not yet moved out, still studying so no time for a full time job :D
Ooohhhh my god, I love this community 15 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Also, I'm a she and yes I still live with my parents (I'm in college and my parents' apartment is as close as the student flats the school provides so might as well) but me and my boyfriend are looking for an apartment, y'know just to finally be independent.
Ooohhhh my god, I love this community 15 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Aaaaand I screw it up by forgetting to log in XD
I'm an awkward potato
"It's society, they work for each other..." 17 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I'm with anthracite on this one. It looks great on paper and maybe could power some streetlights when you put it on a really really dense square or something but I doubt it would outweigh the production and maintenance costs. That's the thing, it sounds great to just put something somewhere but unfortunately this isn't the Sims (though I sometimes wish I could change clothes by jumping and spinning around and paint my room in two seconds), this takes time, energy and materials to make and then maintain when it breaks. You'd have to everything-proof if too, otherwise a drunk idiot spilling an entire beer on it or a rainy night could mess it up, as well as for example a car running over it by accident. It'd have to be immensely durable if you want it not to be closed for repairs every two months. I'm all for eco-friendly solutions but I'm not sure this is it. Just the production of the material alone could be energetically less efficient than what it makes in its entire life cycle.
No boobs, but I have a really cute dog and I actually have heterochromia 10 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I don't have heterochromia but my eyes "turn a different colour" (actually it's just that the middle, the outer ring and the in-between stuff all are different colors) depending on the lighting and weather so yeah if you get comments because of it, I can relate :D
Also that is one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen
Cause and effect 11 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Then everybody clapped
If I cut you out, it's because you handed me the scissors. 20 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
No probs lol
If I cut you out, it's because you handed me the scissors. 20 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
You posted it as a reply to me so I was notified, is all.
If I cut you out, it's because you handed me the scissors. 20 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yes. I wrote a comment 4 years ago because of a post made 3 hours ago.
Aaaah yes 4 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
*laughs in jeggings*
Seriously they're so comfy and nobody can tell you're not wearing actual jeans
First Super Bowl Meme I get 6 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
.... Ok that actually sounds heckin cute
First Super Bowl Meme I get 6 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
The only superbowl I like is SuperbOwl
And on sabbath no less 5 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yeah that's more like it
Candice is good people 16 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Bruh this is not about not asking questions out of curiosity because someone might get offended somewhere. This is about how out of place the question is. If the first thing that pops into your mind when someone offers to help people in need is "okay but like did they appreciate it enough", there's something wrong. You don't help people to get them to kiss your feet, you help them because you're a decent fucking person.
Candice is good people 16 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Why do you even care about that? What are you trying to prove? So if a few of them weren't respectful, we should just let all homeless people freeze to death? Like, I don't get what's your reason for even asking this question.
And on sabbath no less 5 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Wait so he's fine but you're not? I thought sin was one of the few things that didn't have a double standard in Abrahamic faiths.
Prison 14 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
It's even creepier since he definitely doesn't look 19. He looks 35.
Updated best party 11 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Maybe like 99% persuasion or something since he hid the fact that the ring was drawing him in for so long
Updated best party 11 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Excuse you Boromir and Aragorn had great beards
Take Some Time and Remember what it Means to Feel Alive. (MusicSubstance) Sixx: AM 6 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Aww man I used to listen to "Life is Beautiful" by Sixx AM on repeat in my teenage years
I'll probably go listen to it again now
Jesus chrysler 6 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Now I'm genuinely curious what's painful for cars. Being welded to something would be painful, I guess. Broken windows, sure. What about a popped tire? Or are those like shoes? What about having a spoiler attached, does that count as body modification, like a piercing? Does leaking oil feel like a loose bowel? I feel like there needs to be some more lore.
matrimony 14 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I had the same thing with my boyfriend. Then one time I was really depressed (combination of newly started birth control fucking up my hormones, PMSing and a lot of stress) and he told me he loved me for the first time to calm me down. It's become more natural to him ever since.
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Original content. 17 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Original content. 17 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
That's actually hilarious, I didn't think of that, I just imagined polyps.
Edit: I just got a stream of probably singular downvotes on each and every one of my comments on this post. Someone's mad that they're wrong. And I find that absolutely hilarious.
· Edited 5 years ago