

— Ewqua Report User
What about orange juice? 6 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I had cereal with water once in elementary school. I slept over at a classmate's house and... well let's just say he wasn't the smartest cookie. In the morning he used up all the milk for himself even though there was more than enough for two and then gave me water. It was nasty as hell but on the other hand I've never seen someone facepalm so hard as his mom when she saw his bowl of cereal almost overflowing with milk and mine empty with a bit of water.
If you think you are hated by everyone, think again 2 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Makes me think of the Stop Bezos Act.
Maybe in the future, Bezos will be a word for "greedy" or "asshole boss". I mean technically we already have Scrooge but at least Scrooge got a redemption arc. Bezos just got divorced for cheating.
The special snowflake syndrome is strong with this one 26 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yeah I know Im just trying to respond to guest and all the people who keep saying that "gender equals chromosomes and you can't refute me because something something science" and then proceed to get the science wrong.
The special snowflake syndrome is strong with this one 26 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I get your point however what I meant was that imposing totally arbitrary gender categories on a kid sucks, and the fact that everybody else does it too doesn't make it right. I completely agree that sometimes parents pushing "progressive" stuff on their kids might make the kids feel ostracized from the group. But it isn't really the parent who doesn't burden their kid with gender roles who's in the wrong, it's all the other parents who do. It's like, when everybody else is in the wrong, should I be in the wrong as well just to belong?
The special snowflake syndrome is strong with this one 26 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
And then also, even the fact that intersex people exist and they're still usually referred to as he/she kind of proves that most people will refer to you by what you look like, not rush you to a lab and look at your chromosomes upon meeting you or something.
The special snowflake syndrome is strong with this one 26 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
There are many more chromosomal combinations than XY and XX and they're not THAT rare (about 1 in 100 are something else than XY or XX which, considering the number of living people in the world, is a pretty high number) and in most cases you can't tell because they don't look that different from what society considers male and female. Case in point, Superman syndrome (XYY) men just look like tall men and have learning problems, but tall men with learning problems aren't always XYY, they can have ADHD and tall parents or something, so how do you tell? Or women with Swyer's syndrome who technically have XY chromosomes but grew female external sexual organs because the SRY gene didn't activate when they were in the womb. That's the thing, trying to determine "gender" from chromosomes has such a shaky foundation that it's not a reliable method and people who claim it's correct because "something something science" are... just factually wrong.
The special snowflake syndrome is strong with this one 26 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Not to mention gender is a pretty arbitrary category. Even now in my adulthood, I recognize that I am a woman but I genuinely don't see how this should change anything about who I am or what I do. I realize that it does change things because people are biased in certain things towards me, and in others against me, but I just don't see how this arbitrary characteristic should impact my life.
And no I don't want to put any extra labels on myself like"graygender" or "neutrois" or something like that because I just think these labels are pointless.
Imagine how confused kids must feel when we tell them "you must wear pink and play with dolls" and so on. Like, just let them be kids, let them wear and play with whatever they want, I'd say it's more confusing for them to push them into these gender roles than not, the only confusion might stem from the fact that most people do push their kids into gender roles and the kid might feel like an outcast. But that's an issue of society as a whole.
Tactical inferiority of a skirt 9 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
He wears a ski jacket with like 8 million pockets but they're all too small to fit what my purse can fit :/
This is my leopard gecko JUSTICE! 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I understood that reference.
And I love you for making it.
Tactical inferiority of a skirt 9 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Guys, stop lying to yourselves that pockets are better than purses. When I'm out with my boyfriend, he constantly asks to put stuff in my purse because it's too big for his pockets (like when he buys himself a bottle of water or when we sneak chocolates into the cinema). Stop saying "muh pockets are superior" then making us carry all your stuff like we're goddamn mules, it is absolutely infuriating.
3 · Edited 5 years ago
Puffy cheap Swan 5 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Wow i had no idea it worked like that
Like I know your oral and nasal passages are connected and all that but damn
· Edited 5 years ago
Where does he work? 10 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
My job is to be pedantic towards people who are smarter than me
Not many farm cats make it to 18, but Carrot has 13 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
The question is do they name all their pets after things they grow? Because that sounds like a beautiful place.
I'd like a pig called Sweet Pea.
Rock it, Aphrodite 16 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Ikr. They literally happen when you sit down or squat or bend in any way no matter how fit you are. To not have them you'd have to be extremely malnourished.
Not everyone can be a hero 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Citizens in every superhero movie ever
When OP provides sauce 2 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I'm only in my 20s but I feel that way about food sometimes too. I'm not a very skilled cook so it's just a wonderful surprise when I manage to make something edible and even really good, y'know?
It's still kind of a ring, right? 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I disagree, healthy relationships are all about communication. If you bail at the first sign of conflict or uncomfortable boundaries, you will lose someone who maybe could've been persuaded to change their mind AND she will never learn from her mistake.
Now obviously if she refuses to change her mind and insists on imposing those boundaries, yeah then you should definitely bail. Staying with a control freak or even someone who is borderline psychologically abusive is terrible for your mental health. I'm just saying that not everyone is too far gone and you gotta communicate.
Chesireinthemiddle on European food 24 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Oh gosh. Read a history book, my dudes.
· Edited 5 years ago
Chesireinthemiddle on European food 24 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
The "Vikings were pillagers and rapists" thing is bs. Where did you learn history, Lauren Southern's Twitter account? I know she likes to make false statements about Rome so I figured she had something to say about the Vikings as well.
· Edited 5 years ago
I’m totally not photogenic 11 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yesss same.
The picture thing is usually because I'm rather tall and whenever someone else takes a picture of me it's slightly from below and you can see my big jaw and slight double chin.
But I'm generally unphotogenic as well lol
Would be chill 20 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Sounds like something between Stardew Valley, Terraria, KeeperRL and Rimworld.
Chesireinthemiddle on European food 24 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
The Chinese were also very advanced. And yea the Arabs made a lot of progress in arts and science before the barbaric Crusaders fucked them up and burned all their cities to the ground. The Norse tribes or "Vikings" were also very progressive socially (women were viewed as equals etc) before they were converted to Christianity. So without Christian "whites" (again I object to treating anyone as a monolith) we might've been better off. Just because a lot of progress happens in the West today doesn't mean it was always like that.
· Edited 5 years ago
Chesireinthemiddle on European food 24 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
That's an interesting way of looking at it. Can't say I agree or disagree since we can't truly tell if that was the original poster's intention (from my experience some Americans think that Spaniards aren't white which might have been the case also) but I haven't thought of it that way, huh.
Chesireinthemiddle on European food 24 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yes because white people are a monolith and so is "the entire civilization"... it's not like different countries/civilizations exist or whatever... it's not like you're making the exact same crappy generalizations as the person in the post...
Pro tip! 13 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Terrible advice, if I got flowers from a "secret admirer" I'd probably throw them in the trash because I don't like flowers and I wouldn't want to bother my boyfriend with some secret admirer crap. But I'd never cheat on him because I find cheating absolutely disgusting.