

— Ewqua Report User
End of story 27 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yeah lol. I remember taking special care of my iPad charger because I thought that it would only break if I yanked it out by the soft cable like many people were doing but even when I grabbed it by the hard plastic part, it still broke after less than two years. The connector just literally fell out of the plastic thing. (I wrapped the next one in heat shrink tube for protection but then the iPad itself broke so whatever) Nothing even remotely close ever happened with my microusb or usb-c chargers, some of which are over 10 years old and used frequently, so I don't think I was treating it poorly. Apple's business practices and customer service are just bad and predatory.
End of story 27 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
That is a very good point and I agree with it 100%. The devices are one thing but Apple have been huge dicks towards their customers, blaming every issue on "well I guess you didn't treat it well enough" and undermining non-affiliated repair shops. Louis Rossmann has some great videos about this.
This... Is not okay 18 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Honestly I'm fine with accepting transgender people because gender is a social construct and it has very little going for it in terms of a scientific basis. There's no solid proof of such a thing as gender existing in biology, even sex is more complicated than just two settings because chromosomes are a lot more complicated than what pundits like Ben "facts don't care about your feelings anyway abortion is bad because God said so" Shapiro would have you think. So idk I guess I'm for abolishing gender as a concept because it's useless and arbitrary and should in no way have an impact on people's lives.
This... Is not okay 18 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yes thank you! I'm not LGBT but I'm goddamn sick and tired of people saying that the LGBT community accepts them and "if we allow gay weddings do we then allow child weddings" and other slippery slope bullshit. The LGBT community absolutely hates pedos, especially when they try to use LGBT as a shield and defend themselves with the "well people accept the gays so why not us?" bullshit.
End of story 27 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
@guest_ Yessss finally someone gets it, different strokes for different folks. Personally I prefer Android because I find the limitedness of iOS kinda infuriating (I had an iPad for a few years and was glad to get rid of it when it broke) but I'm not going to berate anyone for wanting a more limited device if they don't need the features and want to be sure they don't accidentally brick their phone by messing around with it.
I do, however, go full "aykshually" when someone tries to tell me that Apple is better.
Airpods wont understand 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Reminds me of that adult wolf baby wolf meme. With headphones being the adult wolf and the phone falling out of someone's hand being the baby wolf
J Stryker - Gomez Addams Cosplay 4 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I know very few Latino actors who somewhat fit the description but this is an interesting conversation I'd like to participate in so I'm just gonna shoot from the hip: what about Pedro Pascal, the guy who played Oberyn in GoT? I thought Oscar Isaac might be good too but I think his facial features are a bit too hard for Gomez. Isaac did, however, apparently voice Gomez in a recent animated adaptation. Which I didn't even know about.
I'll do it 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
36, 17, 9, 48, 103, a million, seven million and seven, 67, 905, 20 460, 12, 4, 87, 702.
(I hope someone gets the reference)
Greek mythology 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I mean, I get it, I get what you're saying and I can't disagree. I just find it ironic how so many people of Abrahamic faiths act like their rules are universal and applicable anywhere anytime when the societies under which the rules were established were okay with marrying twelve year olds, owning slaves and so on.
The chicken came first 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
"You walnut" is a beautiful insult
Greek mythology 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I mean yeah but "everyone was doing it" doesn't make it any less fucked up, she was still a child
Aromatic pushy torpid Squirrel 28 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Cat, wine, and a meal for one
7 · Edited 5 years ago
title 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I never understood this obsession with brands. Why would you want something just because it has some logo/letters on it and a much higher price tag?
A while back I did some research on whether expensive brands have their items made more ethically, because I thought maybe that's why people buy them, but turns out that no, brands that sell €10,000 handbags still have their stuff made by Chinese and Bangladeshi kids in sweatshops with terrible conditions. So from then on I decided that the only ethical way I can afford to shop (I'm too broke for ethical brands) is to thrift. And it's been working out pretty well for me, online thrift stores have pretty high standards on what they accept so it will hardly ever happen that you'll get something in bad condition. And even then it's usually tiny things that I can fix in a minute.
Greek mythology 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Indeed, Abrahamic characters need a #metoo
Leonard nimoy 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Just because your crappy phone captures colours too vividly doesn't mean it's "surreal quality", mate. In fact one might argue that it's bad quality because it's not true to the original. And you can achieve literally the same effect by putting on a filter or upping the contrast a bit without having to pay exorbitant amounts of money for a mediocre device.
Fun fact: Animals, like people, also enjoy music 5 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
The cutest critics
Greek mythology 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Greek mythology 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Apparently Mary was 14 when she was knocked up by God
So at least Zeus wasn't a pedophile
Magnified peacock feather 1 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I thought it said leather and was confused for a bit
Fun fact: Animals, like people, also enjoy music 5 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
@title actually aren't cats known for attacking people when they try to sing? There's a bunch of compilations on YouTube containing this.
Good job, PETA 16 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
At the same time, however, I very much agree with vegans that the average person consumes more meat than what is necessary for them (in some cases even more than is healthy for them) and this demand results in just really disgusting practices in the industry – brutal treatment of animals, feeding chickens growth hormones and then oftentimes filling the dead meat with water so that it looks bigger, keeping the animals in small cages/pens where they barely have enough space to breathe... All that, or at least most of it, I think could be solved if the demand was lower, if people realized that eating meat once or twice a week is not only enough, it is also healthier than having meat every day.
But again I'm being an idealist, as long as the demand exists, capitalism will match it with supply because some people would rather please the consumer and fill their pockets than treat others (by that I mean the animals as well as their employees) with some decency. (2/2)
Good job, PETA 16 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
@porch_light Thank you for the words of encouragement ^^ basically the reason why I'm not a vegan and why I don't like it when vegans preach to other people and try to guilt trip other people is because I don't think that it would be sustainable for everyone. Meat is, even from an evolutionary standpoint, a more efficient source of nutrients, because it packs more in a smaller volume, and most animals used for meat mostly eat grass. I think that for vegans to be able to enjoy their lifestyle, they must be in a minority because all the stuff they eat to substitute the nutrients in meat is quite difficult to grow and requires very specific conditions – y'know like all those superfoods that you can only find on like one patch of dirt somewhere in South America. And even regular vegetables need lots of land. Or they take supplements which, again, need a lot of energy in the process. (1/2)
1 · Edited 5 years ago
Good job, PETA 16 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
@guest I googled it and you're right, it's almost the other way around, wow. I thought the meat consumption was a lot higher. I have to re-evaluate my view. I guess I was projecting my own lifestyle on my worldview – I try not to buy stuff in plastic packaging, most of my clothes are second-hand, I eat meat about once a week and I own a few leather items that I've had for a long time, and I'm very much against fast fashion because I find it incredibly wasteful. I guess I foolishly assumed that people who buy leather stuff actually own it for a long time and don't just discard it when it becomes unfashionable.
I guess if everyone bought leather stuff to last instead of throwing it away a year after buying it, the industry would look a lot different and be a lot more sustainable. But that's just me being idealistic I guess. I'd love if you shared what you know ^^
Clownnn 1 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
This joke is doubly funny because IT takes the form of what you're afraid of the most, so maybe he's afraid of the girl's ex
5 · Edited 5 years ago
Good job, PETA 16 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Maybe an unpopular opinion but I'm not really against leather. I am against furs and in general materials where an animal is killed just for the item, I find that incredibly gross, but with leather where the animal is killed for meat and leather is a byproduct, I don't mind all that much. My reasoning is this: a good quality leather item will last you for years, whereas a faux leather plastic item has a much shorter longevity and has to have more energy put into the process (and that energy could very well come from burning coal or wood). So wearing leather shoes that last you a couple of years is more eco-friendly than having to buy new faux leather shoes every year.
I have similar reasons for not being vegan but I'm not gonna spill everything out here unless someone's curious and willing to engage in a conversation. I've been burned a few times when I tried to explain my reasons for doing something in detail and the comment is either just ignored or downvoted into Oblivion.