

— Ewqua Report User
Dark dark dreams 13 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Same, any light means a sleepless night for me and my sleeping mask is my most cherished possession.
What sense does that make? 20 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
@silvermyth Charity work is nice and all but again what if you instead want to learn how to survive in the wild, or vice versa what if a boy wants to bake cookies and sell them for charity?
@bethorien Yeah ok that's some backwards ass logic from the Girl Scouts organization.
However, since they are for profit businesses, couldn't they be prosecuted on the basis of the Customer Non-discrimination Act? You gotta pay for membership in these, right? That's how they profit?
Deemm maytra rexcoped 6 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I love it when someone's trying to be a pedant and corrects to octopi when it's the only incorrect form of the three. And then you get to out-pedant them. And I love it even more when someone else does it first. Pedants unite!
What sense does that make? 20 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
In my country, there's just one group called "scouts" and you can choose the activities/things you learn yourself, no matter your gender.
From what I understand from other convos where this was brought up, in the US boy scouts and girl scouts do fundamentally different things. Boy scouts learn how to survive in the wild and other actually useful skills, girl scouts sell cookies. So I definitely understand why many girls would prefer to be in the boy scouts. That said, I'm not sure if this is the right approach, it'd make more sense to reform the scouts and make the organization(s) similar to what we have in my country (and other countries in Europe). But I guess many people don't want that because of tradition, plus it'd probably be a longer and more difficult process.
Is it oppposite day? 16 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
This is a veteran meme with watermarks in place of medals.
Which one are you? 4 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Clark Kent or Superman
See how far chicken tendies can get you? 2 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Can anybody explain so my mind can be ruined too?
No title needed 9 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
@shikharizard Samsung and OnePlus maybe. I was considering getting a Samsung but I don't like the bloatware so I decided against it. Apple - nah, I hate how limited the OS is and how overpriced the phones are. Huawei spies on you (not that Google doesn't but y'know, extra spying is never good) and OnePlus, again I was considering getting one but I've decided against it because their newer phones are 6 inches which I think is too large.
I got this phone mainly because a) battery life, b) steel frame, it's durable af, c) very little bloatware, it's a nearly clean Android. That's the thing, I don't need the latest technology, I just need a reliable phone.
@catfluff honestly I don't use the camera very much so I'm not an expert. But I think it's pretty good. Got a bucket lot of functions too and a pro mode if you know what you're doing and want to change some settings.
No title needed 9 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yesssss I have a Nokia 8 Sirocco and it's a great phone.
I feel like Nokia grew with 90s kids. First they made durable phones that children couldn't damage, then they had their teen Windows phone phase and now they've grown up and are making solid Android phones.
Warning: Snakes at a Queen concert 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I thought it was a guy fabulously jumping on a trampoline
Alien invasion 6 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Omg Pringles man vs an army of Meeseeks.
Best crossover of all time. Someone please write a fanfic.
Elegant big Leopard 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Someone should make this but with Babish
Down to earth man! 2 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
But like, everybody would react that way to Paul Rudd. C'mon, he's the Celery Man!
Alien invasion 6 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
They are until you realize they look like Mr. Meeseeks.
There, I just ruined the comic for you.
Upvote brendan fraser 9 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
This guy needs to get super famous again. Just to spite his bitch ex wife who sank him down.
C'mon everybody let's start the Brendan Fraser renaissance
6 · Edited 5 years ago
Synonym rolls are my favorite 1 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Terrible spelling aside, they look pretty good!
Accurate 15 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Depends if there are people around. Chewing with your mouth open is gross af so I try not to subject other people to it. But I don't care when I'm alone.
End of story 27 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yeah lol. I remember taking special care of my iPad charger because I thought that it would only break if I yanked it out by the soft cable like many people were doing but even when I grabbed it by the hard plastic part, it still broke after less than two years. The connector just literally fell out of the plastic thing. (I wrapped the next one in heat shrink tube for protection but then the iPad itself broke so whatever) Nothing even remotely close ever happened with my microusb or usb-c chargers, some of which are over 10 years old and used frequently, so I don't think I was treating it poorly. Apple's business practices and customer service are just bad and predatory.
End of story 27 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
That is a very good point and I agree with it 100%. The devices are one thing but Apple have been huge dicks towards their customers, blaming every issue on "well I guess you didn't treat it well enough" and undermining non-affiliated repair shops. Louis Rossmann has some great videos about this.
This... Is not okay 18 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Honestly I'm fine with accepting transgender people because gender is a social construct and it has very little going for it in terms of a scientific basis. There's no solid proof of such a thing as gender existing in biology, even sex is more complicated than just two settings because chromosomes are a lot more complicated than what pundits like Ben "facts don't care about your feelings anyway abortion is bad because God said so" Shapiro would have you think. So idk I guess I'm for abolishing gender as a concept because it's useless and arbitrary and should in no way have an impact on people's lives.
This... Is not okay 18 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yes thank you! I'm not LGBT but I'm goddamn sick and tired of people saying that the LGBT community accepts them and "if we allow gay weddings do we then allow child weddings" and other slippery slope bullshit. The LGBT community absolutely hates pedos, especially when they try to use LGBT as a shield and defend themselves with the "well people accept the gays so why not us?" bullshit.
End of story 27 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
@guest_ Yessss finally someone gets it, different strokes for different folks. Personally I prefer Android because I find the limitedness of iOS kinda infuriating (I had an iPad for a few years and was glad to get rid of it when it broke) but I'm not going to berate anyone for wanting a more limited device if they don't need the features and want to be sure they don't accidentally brick their phone by messing around with it.
I do, however, go full "aykshually" when someone tries to tell me that Apple is better.
Airpods wont understand 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Reminds me of that adult wolf baby wolf meme. With headphones being the adult wolf and the phone falling out of someone's hand being the baby wolf
J Stryker - Gomez Addams Cosplay 4 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I know very few Latino actors who somewhat fit the description but this is an interesting conversation I'd like to participate in so I'm just gonna shoot from the hip: what about Pedro Pascal, the guy who played Oberyn in GoT? I thought Oscar Isaac might be good too but I think his facial features are a bit too hard for Gomez. Isaac did, however, apparently voice Gomez in a recent animated adaptation. Which I didn't even know about.
I'll do it 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
36, 17, 9, 48, 103, a million, seven million and seven, 67, 905, 20 460, 12, 4, 87, 702.
(I hope someone gets the reference)