

— Ewqua Report User
Robin Williams digital portrait drawn by me! 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Oh captain my captain
I'm not crying, you're crying ;_;
Just HBO things 1 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
He has the eyebrows for it
Fanatic 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
The little dog's reaction to the stuffed dog tho
Living amuck earsplitting Opossum 10 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I 100% agree with the message, but is it just me or are the pictures edited?
I was today years old 9 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
How old were you when you found out it doesn't really matter as long as there are no significant changes in the product's texture, color or feel
Truly not safe for work 5 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
"RyanCreamer" good name, good message, good dude.
Someone here cares 4 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Organizing is the shit. It may take you a few hours or even days if you're a mega hoarder but having a new, functioning system in your closet/apartment/whatever is such a good feeling.
No wonder 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Wow okay this legitimately explains the last few months of my life. I'm a bit worried now
*hits blunt* 5 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
When you wanna hang out with the boys but you have to babysit your little bro
All the time 8 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Well damn, guess I'll be seeing you in one of them shampoo ads, then
1 · Edited 5 years ago
All the time 8 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I now realize the last part might sound a bit off. What I meant was, if you want your hair to be perfect for you and not for others, then you do you. I'm just saying that most people can hardly tell the difference. We tend to think that everyone examines us and judges us but people just don't usually notice stuff like that from my experience.
All the time 8 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
That's awesome. I tan really easily but in winter I'm pale as the moon.
Yeah, I have this swimsuit that has cross over straps at the back and the tan lines look cool when I wear that. But I mean like, if you're not really thin, chances are you have a bit of fat around your stomach and back, as most people do, so then if you wanna tan while sitting down because you wanna read a book or something, you're gonna get flab lines, which are considerably less attractive than cool swimsuit strap lines. So you just gotta be 100% horizontal to tan properly.
I wash my hair once a week at the most, cut it myself and don't care about hiding it from rain or salt water. I still get complimented on it fairly often, even by strangers. So I think people don't care if your hair is 100% perfect, it just has to have a healthy vibe. It also helps if you have a haircut that fits your face shape and such, I guess.
All the time 8 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Noooooo I hate sunbathing. If you wanna do it right and not end up with weird tan lines and patches you gotta be in a super specific position and not move an inch, no reading, no listening to music or playing games on your phone (and also electronic devices overheat like hell in such heat so you shouldn't use them a lot anyway), just laying there, doing nothing. I always get bored after a few minutes. And also sweaty and gross (I don't handle the heat very well, I'm a winter person), so for me swimming, diving and just messing around in the sea I the best.
Also, to the hair thing, if you only go vacationing once or twice a year, and you take care of your hair the rest of the year, this won't do much damage.
Chicken Nuggets are worth dying for 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
In other news, water is wet
Praise jeebus 4 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I just skip breakfast tbh. It's not as bad for you as some people say, and it helps me keep my calorie intake low. Instead of breakfast I just have soy milk with green tea (soy milk because apparently regular milk cancels some of the benefits in green tea, and also because powdered soy milk is inexpensive and doesn't go bad after two days). It sounds weird but it's actually awesome, the taste is similar to the Japanese green tea KitKat.
Anyone can cOook 9 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Burning water sounds less like a lack of skill and more like a carelessness thing tbh.
Cooking isn't hard, seriously. Practice & tasting make perfect. Don't tell me he wouldn't be able to chop up some veggies, throw them in a pot with tomato sauce and pasta and stir the whole thing every once in a while. Because at the beginner level, recipes are as easy as that (and veggie pasta is tasty as hell too).
Cooking chicken may be considered difficult by outsiders because it's not easy to tell if it's done and most people overdo it at first because, of course, they're afraid of salmonella. So just start him off real easy. Meatless stir fries, vegetable pasta, and if y'all love meat (which is understandable), ground meat and fish fillets are easier to work with than poultry, because it's much harder to mess them up. It's all about practice, I thought cooking was hard too just a few months ago before I moved in with my boyfriend and had to start cooking for myself. Now I freaking love cooking.
Meet the Midwesterners 14 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
European here, my family and a couple other families I know (for example my boyfriend's family) do that too. When you go on vacation to a place that's less than 15 hours away (in my case - I'm Czech - that would mean the farthest point is like north of Italy or middle of Croatia), you just pack up and drive.
This garlic doesnt have separate cloves, it's just one solid piece 12 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Ikr with me it's always like
Recipe: two cloves of garlic
Me: Five it is! Oh wait this one is kinda small, let me make it six
It's always worked out great, you can never have too much garlic.
This is a title 22 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yeah no
This is a title 22 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
... when it can't even be considered life. And sure I'd forgive all the other caveats of the pro life stance like being against social security, if you're for minimal government but believe that abortion is always murder, then yeah I'll disagree but it would be a consistent stance because murder laws should obviously apply in minimal governments too. But the part that irks me so much is that so many pro lifers especially in the Bible belt are completely against sex education of any kind. It isn't a coincidence that the Bible belt has the highest number of teen pregnancies in the US, because they don't teach the kids what's gonna happen and many of them get pregnant because they don't know that precum contains semen or that they can get birth control because they're only taught abstinence. (2/2)
This is a title 22 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
That's nice in theory but 99% of people who I talked to who consider themselves "pro-life" are also pro-war, against social security of any kind, against state funded healthcare and usually also against both birth control and proper sex education, preaching abstinence rather than educating people about what can happen if you have unprotected sex.
Forcing a woman to give birth to an unwanted child (which could be a product of rape or incest no less because there are no exceptions now) but refusing to provide any help once the child is born because "something something pull yourself up by the bootstraps" is making the child suffer for the maybe mistakes of its parents. Even if we go with the narrative that pro lifers love to push, that every woman who gets an abortion is an irresponsible slut (which, y'know, is just straight up false), the child is still going to grow up in shitty conditions with terrible parents instead of being aborted at an early stage of conception... (1/2)
This is a title 22 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Yeah "pro life" is basically "pro birth" the child can then starve to death for all they care. At least that's my experience with pro lifers I've talked to.
Found a series of these- I need help finding the artist! 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Reverse search just finds "cartoon" :( anyway is it just me or does this look like the art style of Brother Bear?
My cabbages! 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
What even
Change my mind 14 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I love wearing chokers and my boyfriend just thinks I'm edgy. I'm glad people appreciate them. Btw I'm just curious which kind do you find the hottest? I mostly wear a classic black strap (I have two actually, 1cm and 2cm thick) or a lace choker but I also own a choker with a pendant, the classic tattoo chooker and a dyi long one you wrap around three times and maybe put a pendant on.