

— Ewqua Report User
Adorable answer 3 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Hobbit style 2 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I get you, going barefoot is great. Although I don't usually go outside barefoot, only at my family's summer house. You just gotta wait for spring I guess.
Looks like it'll turn into a Poo-hD 20 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
As mialinay said, it was too painfully unfunny to be a joke. I think everybody can pretty clearly see through your act, that you decide whether to try to pass something off as a joke based on other people's reaction. If they agree, then it was serious. If they disagree, it was just a joke and "stop getting offended bro, why are you so offended by a little joke?" As I said, Schrodinger's douchebag.
He's beautiful 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Oh yeah our culture is basically 50% Germanic 50% Slav
He's beautiful 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Oh like Alsace-Lorraine? That'd make sense, both Czechia and Eastern parts of France are influenced by German culture and I think the lamb cake might have originated there.
Thats scary 8 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Georgia as in Georgia-Atlanta or Georgia-Tbilisi?
He's beautiful 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Czech here, I don't know where purplepumpkin is from but it's customary here as well.
I'll still wait for steam release but nice 15 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I mean yeah funny but aren't the developers huge assholes? Or at least the CEO as far as I know is a capital D Douchebag
Looks like it'll turn into a Poo-hD 20 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
@mialinay Nah just a general observation. And I'm glad we agree on the basis.
@m Oh look a Schrodinger's douchebag, haven't seen one of those in a while.
Looks like it'll turn into a Poo-hD 20 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Yeah it's not like philosophy has gotten us anywhere in the past or anything.
Honestly I've never seen more hate and spite towards thinkers than from code monkeys who think they know everything about the world because "muh practical skills". Practical application is important. But thinking is also important. Progress can't happen with just one.
The black plague is here 2 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Humor won't distract us from the murders, Ted.
I guess he changed his mind 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Cause it's your job to check this sort of thing?"
True universal peace achieved (2018) 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Eh, tomato tomato.
A lot of combinations that go well with pasta are also great on pizza.
While I'd personally prefer this combination with pasta, I wouldn't have a problem with it on pizza either.
That said, I also like pineapple on pizza. It's not my favorite thing but I'm not against it. So maybe my opinion isn't valid to picky eaters as I will eat almost anything.
· Edited 5 years ago
True universal peace achieved (2018) 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Honestly I can kinda imagine the flavor profile and it might actually be good. Maybe instead of pizza I'd serve it with tagliatelle and add the mayo to some creamy sauce along with some fried bacon bits, but I can easily imagine this being good.
3 · Edited 5 years ago
It really do be that way 3 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I recently switched to solid shampoo and vinegar water instead of conditioner because it's a lot more eco friendly than regular shampoo and conditioners and dang does my hair look good.
Point is you don't have to use expensive products (I have bad experience with how expensive "professional" shampoos make my hair look and feel) but find one that fits your hair type. And damn using a product when it might cause hair loss is is just real stupid.
Larry tells it like it is 44 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
and sometimes they're so heartbroken because they thought they had ancestors in some place granny told them about, and they found out they didn't (again it might just be due to the inaccuracy of the test itself). So really cultural identity is something in your brain, not your genes, and I think you should be able to celebrate a culture without being perceived as offensive.
Larry tells it like it is 44 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Hmm, you guys make a good point about the ethnicity tests. Africa is made up of so many tribes that dividing it into countries as the colonial powers did messed up a lot of things because it forced warring tribes to be in one country while separating other tribes. So it might not actually be accurate, I didn't realize that. I also agree with guest_'s point about cultures, the US is a land of immigrants, of course the descendants of Irish immigrants probably don't speak Gaelic and don't know a lot of the history or traditions. But that doesn't mean they can't try to immerse themselves in the culture.
I dislike this trend of accusing people of cultural appropriation. Cultures are beautiful and we shouldn't try to stop people from celebrating them, whether they have a genetic connection to said culture or not. I watched some YouTube videos in which people did ancestry tests,
Laundry police! Open up, we have a warrant! 13 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
A piece of clothing can only ever mess up your laundry load on its first wash cycle since brand new clothing tends to bleed dye. And even then it might not happen when you wash it in cold water. However washing everything together will make the colors duller overtime. The whites and the blacks will become grey and the colors will just be dull. I personally separate blacks from everything because most of my clothing is black so I can just wash it all together to stop the color from fading so much. Obviously it's gonna fade in time no matter what you do but you can try to slow it down.
Also, fabric softeners don't work AND they're really bad for the environment, putting in a 1:1 mixture of water and vinegar (with maybe some drops of essential oils if you want it to smell good, don't worry it won't smell like vinegar anyway) will help preserve the colors better than softener.
Just dad things 9 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Anyone wanna have a potluck on the weekend? I can grill some meat.
Oh no
Best idea ever 7 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Isn't that already a thing on one campus in Canada? I vaguely remember reading something like that.
Fingers crossed he beats the test of time 5 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Not banned for drugs
... yet
(I don't know if there's any evidence I'm just saying they all take *something*)
· Edited 5 years ago
Larry tells it like it is 44 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Look I don't wanna sound unsympathetic to the plight of the African peoples of which I don't know much about, but I think it'd be much more fruitful to get an ancestry test and reclaim one's cultural/ethnic identity than to complain about a thing that happened centuries ago.
The note says West Africans so he probably has a general idea already. And if you wanna say "well he's not in contact with his ancestors and he'd be an outsider to the identity he'd try to reclaim", aren't we all? Culture, ethnicity, nation, they're all made up concepts that we're socialized into. It's never too late to rediscover it if you want to. But don't just put on rose-colored glasses and jump in, that's how nationalism starts, there are good and bad parts to every culture's history, so if you wanna get really engaged, study it too.
Just dad things 9 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
I'm a 22 year old European woman and I say yello... Should I be worried?
One of the biggest gaming events and not a single case of violence 4 comments
ewqua · 5 years ago
Well, some people's stench can be pretty violent at gaming events. To the point some of them place signs that you should shower before attending.