

— Ewqua Report User
Dress code 19 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Yeah as I said I think uniforms have their own pros and cons, especially when it comes to lower income families, because on the one hand no kid looks wealthy or poor which can reduce social ostracization among kids, on the other hand uniforms aren't cheap which can be a financial burden if you have to buy your kid a new one every year because they're still growing (unless they're subsidized by the school or state I guess). But in a sense, I understand uniforms more than dress codes with a bunch of weird rules about shoulders and elbows and whatnot, because at least uniforms are standardized, they exist as a sort of traditional garb (as well as to differentiate between different schools iirc?), and you don't have to spend time thinking what to wear. But telling kids "we're gonna send you home if we see your bare knees" is weird, it wastes the kids' time and just has no reason to exist.
· Edited 4 years ago
Dress code 19 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
"Girls are very interested in looks and fashion" is not a stereotyping statement? Quoting someone precisely makes one a liar. Didn't know that, huh.
Anyway you keep repeating the same things even though I just wrote I'm not complaining and even in a previous comment wrote I don't like wearing revealing clothing myself, and now you're making personal attacks and false accusations. When all I did was ask what education has to do with clothing, what's the causal relationship here. You were unable to answer and now you're saying you're defending your position just because you don't like some people who oppose it on a personal level. There's no intellectual integrity in your statements, but at least you're honest about it.
In conclusion, you have nothing substantive to say. I don't know who that girl is that you hate so much, but I'm guessing she's popular and wears skimpy clothing, otherwise you wouldn't be so hostile about it. But she could probably carry a better discussion than you.
Dress code 19 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Ok so one can't wear revealing clothing and be educated at the same time? That doesn't change my argument, please explain your logic because it seems there is none as of now.
You're the one who just stereotyped all girls as liking fashion and you're calling me sexist? Lol.
I also love the irony that girls who are forced to follow rules set up ONLY FOR THEM should shut up and bear it but boys who are made to follow the rules set for everyone should be pitied because it's "not designed for them". There are so many logical inconsistencies in your comments I could write a dissertation about them.
Also, not offended or complaining, just questioning why those rules are in place and whether they fulfill their desired effect at all, because it seems to me they don't. "Stop talking about it and follow the rules" is not a very good argument in their favor, mind you.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
Dress code 19 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Besides, unless the school in question has uniforms (which have some pros and cons of their own which I won't get into now), wouldn't imposing these rules just make people spend more time choosing what to wear, because besides wanting to look good you also have to think about whether you'll get in trouble for wearing something because a tiny piece of your shoulder is visible? It seems absolutely counterproductive to any efforts to make kids more focused on education.
Dress code 19 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I don't see how wanting to look good at school intercepts your education in any way. There's literally no connection there. I hope you're aware that one can, in fact, look good and be educated at the same time?
Most of the work is done outside of school anyway, or at least the work that then reflects your results, ie. homework and studying for tests. Whether you spend that free time studying, shopping for clothes or playing video games or sports is totally irrelevant, your teachers can't do anything about that as long as your results are good.
In fact, girls have for a long time been achieving better results than boys at school, so clearly an interest in fashion (that all girls share apparently, yay stereotypes) has no effect.
If we restrict girls from wearing stuff they like to improve their results at school, should we also ban P.E. since it's a stereotypical boys' thing which may distract them?
Again, I see no connection here, but I'd like to hear what your logic behind it is.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
Dress code 19 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
School is a place for learning. How you dress is completely irrelevant to your education. Unless the school you go/went to teaches how to obey authority without ever questioning it. In which case I'm sorry for you, schools should teach critical thinking, not sheepishness. Sure, certain rules are necessary to establish order. But whether or not people can see your shoulders and knees has nothing to do with your or their education.
It's not such a big deal, but does that mean people can't discuss it at all? That's the same line of thinking as "You can't be sad, someone else has it worse" or "Shut up about sexism in the West, women in Iran have it worse."
Anon encounters a forest beast 11 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I know nothing about deer but that sounds like some kind of brain parasite
Dress code 19 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
What I'm trying to get at is, I wouldn't impose rules on clothing. I think it should stay in the "social consequences" category and not spill over to legal consequences. Those teens that show off because of peer pressure will figure it out on their own sooner or later, the more we restrict them without explaining it to them, the more time it will take for them to figure it out because they'll be following dumb rules without realizing why. (2/2)
· Edited 4 years ago
Dress code 19 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
On a personal level, I agree 100%. I prefer to wear modest clothing and don't feel comfortable "showing off", and I think especially among teen girls there can be pressure to show off which should be managed (not by forbidding them to wear clothes that reveal shoulders, but by better educating kids about self worth and such). That said, if someone does feel the most comfortable in fewer layers, maybe because they go to the gym a lot and want to show off their muscles, who are we to tell them to stop?
But I still might judge them, lol. That's human nature, we all judge each other. Yeah if I see a girl wearing a deep V and shorts that look more like thongs I'm gonna think she's probably compensating for something in her life. And if I learn someone is buying fast fashion made by Chinese kids in terrible conditions instead of ethical fashion or second hand, oh boy will I judge them hard. Where your clothes come from is more important to me than how they look. (1/2)
1 · Edited 4 years ago
How are you doing? 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, specifically the mortgage part. It's so weird that in order to just have a roof over your head, you either have to give up a chunk of your paycheck every month for rent or get a mortgage and be in debt until you're 50. I've been reading up on the tiny house movement as well as off-grid living and I really like that lifestyle. Idk, maybe I'll build a tiny off-grid mobile home in the future.
Dress code 19 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Idk I think it'd be nice for people not to be punished for wearing clothes they like. Y'know, freedom and all.
Gotta try this with my bf 13 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
What about soups? Is that just a salad with a LOT of vinaigrette?
· Edited 4 years ago
Big problem 2 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
*laughs in PC*
*remembers my PC's power supply is 13 years old and it already has problems booting up sometimes*
*laughs nervously in PC*
1 · Edited 4 years ago
One Good Thing About The Blight Is How It Brings People Together 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I started replaying it recently but then I bought Assassin's Creed Odyssey and I've been playing that a lot. It feels weird to say about a Ubisoft game but I've felt a bit of that BioWare spirit in it, with decisions that change the game and how making the right choices and seeing them impact the world makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It's something I haven't felt with any other games besides BioWare games. So if you're bored in the quarantine, I recommend trying this!
One Good Thing About The Blight Is How It Brings People Together 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I'll just be standing over there... until the blushing stops
(I've played those games so many times I probably know all the quotes lol)
One Good Thing About The Blight Is How It Brings People Together 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
That Dragon Age quote tho <3 Alistair is the best
To all the anti-vaxxers out there 8 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
healthline . com/nutrition/raw-potatoes
"Potatoes contain glycoalkaloids, a type of chemical compound found in members of the nightshade family that can be toxic if consumed in high amounts. Potatoes, particularly green potatoes, contain two types of glycoalkaloids: solanine and chaconine. (...) If consumed in high doses, symptoms of glycoalkaloid toxicity can include drowsiness, itchiness, increased sensitivity and digestive issues."
That said, the article also says that raw potatoes may have some health benefits so I guess just don't eat too much?
Maybe you've even built up a resistance if you do this regularly.
To all the anti-vaxxers out there 8 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Isn't raw potato toxic?
I guess just putting it on your skin for a bit won't hurt tho
I am once again asking for your crumbs 8 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Oh I agree, there's no way Biden can beat Trump, especially with the state his health is in right now. I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out he has Alzheimer's. Bernie's campaign should've hammered electability more in my opinion.
That said, I concluded you were a Fox News Kool Aid drinker because a) you haven't said a single thing about policy, only "Bernie is bad because he wants to take your money", which is such a massive fucking strawman it'd be visible from space if it was built, b) you ignored my point about large corporations fucking the system and actually being the biggest moochers because they don't pay their taxes or employees and gleefully continued sucking their dicks and shitting on people who struggle to make ends meet because their bosses are greedy pieces of shit. As to the boomer thing, I don't really care about whether your age is over 65 or not, I just know your IQ isn't.
Son of a b*tch im in 1 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Even dogs can be corrupt! For example, I wouldn't want Scooby Doo to run my town because he could be easily bribed with Scooby Snacks.
The dog in the post looks like the goodest boy ever though. 10/10 would re-elect.
I am once again asking for your crumbs 8 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Are you... are you for real this disconnected from reality or is this account a parody of someone who watches Fox news 24/7?
Umm 5 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
"But that doesn't count because it was a long time ago"
I am once again asking for your crumbs 8 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Don't like moochers? Stop buying shit from Amazon, Jeff Bezos is the world's biggest welfare queen, he has the state pay for his employees' food stamps because he pays them so little.
Actually just stop buying stuff from large corporations since they dodge taxes and lobby extensively in order to limit competition and make the market less free and more beneficial to monopolies/oligopolies. Additionally, they take away jobs from their home country to outsource them to China where the products are made by 5 year olds in falling apart factories.
I'm sure you'll do that, right? You're principled and not just calling people buzzwords to score internet points, right?
Pet the birds 12 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
He's got the same expression as that white cat who's being yelled at by the angry lady
Doggos 2 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I almost scrolled past this when I saw the thumbnail and was like "Wait is that Kermit? And Peach and Marbles?"
They're good dogs (especially Bunny <3). Except Kermit, he's a nastyyy boiii.
2 · Edited 4 years ago