

— Ewqua Report User
Attention annoying pretentious parents, this is for you: 6 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Lol that's how it's done in my country. No need to throw parties for every single thing.
Eggies 17 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
They do but you can achieve that effect without adding any crap if you stir the eggs with a whisk. But tbh I prefer my scrambled eggs more chunky.
Why even use a gender neutral bathroom if you're going to be uncomfortable with 16 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
"nobody checks but if you get caught you'll be in trouble" ... caught by whom when nobody checks? Is there some chromosome sensor technology I'm not aware of? Or just cameras zooming on people's junk when they whip it out to pee? First of all that'd be a totalitarian police state so no thanks, I like having the freedom of not being spied on with every step I take. Second of all it still doesn't control for post-op trans people so it wouldn't even work. In fact even the chromosome sensor wouldn't work because of Swyer syndrome and just the fact that chromosomes are a bit more complicated than XX and XY.
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows 2020 5 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
All black is always the better choice lol
Also love the Bernie tattoo
Why even use a gender neutral bathroom if you're going to be uncomfortable with 16 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
iirc she also said the lock was broken or something. Maybe she forgot to lock it and was making it up, idk. I'd believe her, I've seen worse than broken locks in bathrooms in gas stations in the middle of nowhere.
· Edited 4 years ago
Absolute Madlad at a young age 11 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Identify as whatever you want but don't fucking force that on your kids. Let them figure it out on their own, otherwise you're no better than parents who aren't accepting of queer kids.
I see parents jumping to conclusions about their child's identity nowadays and it just blows my mind. I was sorta boyish as a kid but I'm comfortable in my identity and if my parents decided that me having boyish interests meant that I'm trans, I'd probably be dysphoric as fuck now. Where did freedom go? Why did we loop back around and started associating people's gender with their interests and personality again? Can't there be women with manly interests and men with feminine interests?
12 · Edited 4 years ago
The truth hurts 2 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Exactly! I've been saying that whenever this gets reposted. Clearly there must be a reason why she's resorted to an ultimatum, since he probably didn't listen to anything prior. Him saying "well I would obviously choose you but since you're giving me this ultimatum it means you don't respect me so it's over" isn't a clever argument, it just shows he's choosing the games.
3 · Edited 4 years ago
Why even use a gender neutral bathroom if you're going to be uncomfortable with 16 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Sex. What you're "born as" is sex, not gender.
Also, "don't use the bathroom" is a hot fucking take.
3 · Edited 4 years ago
Why even use a gender neutral bathroom if you're going to be uncomfortable with 16 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
So I remember looking this tweet up back when this screenshot was first making its rounds and she clarifies in later tweets. Basically, what she means by "gender neutral bathroom" is the one person kind of bathroom that has one toilet and one sink, with a door to the outside as well as between the toilet and the sink. So yeah walking in while someone is still washing their hands is a bit weird tbh and I get how someone could see it as disrespectful. I guess man #1 couldn't hold it anymore lol
A handful of rocks that I wire wrapped 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I love them! That Yggdrasil design <3
So modest of her 4 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Personally I don't but philosophically I do?
So modest of her 4 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I mean, I'm not one to propagate modesty as some kind of universal value, I just want people to wear whatever they like and feel comfortable and confident in. That said, I can't imagine anyone feeling comfortable or confident in that, might as well just not wear a skirt if everyone's gonna see your bum anyway, and it looks impractical af. But again, if she feels good in it, who am I to judge?
Im hannah 25 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I mean yeah but if your go-to "solution" for relationship problems is cheating, you need a LOT of introspection.
The end is near friends 2 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Man, Tom Hardy is so good as Alfie in the show. Its name is Peaky Blinders, I recommend you give it a look if you're bored in quarantine.
Now, that is a game changer! 6 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Libgen.is my dudes
One of the best sources out there
· Edited 4 years ago
MotherFukker 4 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Legit thought the last image was from the new Cats movie for a second.
Seriously, Idris Elba looks like that in the movie because they just make his fur the exact color as his skin which is even creepier looking than all the other cats. Not to mention sorta racist?
Loud noises 8 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
(In the tune of Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance)
I want sweat scented perfume 2 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Meanwhile I wash myself with ginger soap lol
Truly the most gender neutral scent
Im hannah 25 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
It takes two to tango, I never understood blaming the outside person for "wrecking" something, if anything they exposed that your partner is a piece of shit and you're better off without them.
Now of course pursuing someone even though you know they're in a relationship is still an absolutely shitty thing to do and you do share the blame if you do that, but the third person isn't the one who took the wedding vows.
But think of the savings 20 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Ah yes
The government trying to protect people from mass death is to blame
I'm sure ancapistan would handle the pandemic so much better
So cool 8 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Third is my fave but also the least practical for storing lol
Listen here, libtard snowflake 10 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Honestly though, the hate and spite towards a kid... yes I think her message could be delivered more eloquently (on the one hand, the deniers need a wake-up call, on the other hand it doesn't seem to work as they all have doubled down) but I have seen posters with "fuck you Greta" and so on... C'mon people, are we not capable of civil disagreement even towards the statements of a teen?
Goals! 50kg (110lbs) in 2 years time! 8 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I have browsed all over the internet and tried some exercises but it's not nearly as intense as I have to always be careful not to knock something over lol
Goals! 50kg (110lbs) in 2 years time! 8 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I have a tiny apartment (as in, can barely do a lunge or spread my arms) and not much equipment. It's not that I can't work out at all, but I used to do intense workouts six days a week and now I've fallen out of the cycle and don't have the space or equipment to get back properly.
· Edited 4 years ago
No dating needed 30 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Honestly if you can't distill the conceptual meaning from multiple slightly different definitions, I don't even know what to tell you.
You're making generalizing, unfounded claims about "every girl" yet when I tell you to read up, I'm being "rude for no reason". Maybe I'm rude to you, because your generalizations and frankly false claims are rude to everyone.
Also, I'm a girl and I was never pressured by my peers to wear revealing stuff. You know who did try to pressure me into wearing makeup and high heels even though I hate makeup and I am almost 6 feet tall? My conservative grandma who, due to the strict gender roles she was brought up in, believes that a woman must always take care of her looks and wear feminine things. And since we're talking personal experience, in my experience young people nowadays embrace individuality, self-expression, fluidity of gender expression, and revealing as much or as little as you want. Just, y'know, you do you.