

— Ewqua Report User
It's that time again 11 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Ha, very true. It's always awkward waiting in the dressing room with no pants on. But they can help you a lot. My periods were absolute hell and I had terrible acne before my gynecologist recommended getting me on birth control. Now my skin is clear and my periods are a lot less hellish.
It's that time again 11 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
"some months I don't even get a period" ... you should probably visit a gynecologist then.
Ghouls, and ghosts, and Christians, OH MY! 3 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Have you watched the show? It's so good.
The truth has been spoken 49 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
That said I'd like to see evidence that "what doesn't meet an approved narrative is altered, buried, or ridiculed". Maybe by politicians but definitely not by any scientific magazine worth its marbles (or however that saying goes). The scientific community does vet itself quite rigorously as I've mentioned.
As for your point about eugenics and the rest, the point of science is to change with new information. The point of science is progress. A non-falsifiable hypothesis is a bad hypothesis. The fact that we know that people in the past were wrong is a good thing.
There definitely is a discussion to be had about the relationship between power and knowledge. There is also a discussion to be had sbout the politicization of health itself. Unfortunately the character limit is a thing here and I don't want to have to write 20 comments in a row. But both of those topics are probed by Foucault, I think you should give some his stuff a read, it's pretty good. (2/2)
1 · Edited 4 years ago
The truth has been spoken 49 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Okay, so your issue isn't with scientists or research institutions but politicians using power to either undermine or uplift certain research for political reasons? If so, I wholeheartedly agree, this is why you always assess who the research is coming from, why they're concluding what they're concluding, who's above them, and why you push for freedom of research, which in my opinion is as important as freedom of the press, if not more.
The WHO unfortunately doesn't operate in a vacuum. The Taiwan situation, as shitty as it is, happened because China is a pretty important player in the international system right now, and at least in the beginning had the best conditions to study how the virus acts due to the number of cases and lack of control. Now I still think it's stupid to trust China at all, seeing as they lied from the start and still do, but it sorta makes sense within the broader international context. (1/2)
The truth has been spoken 49 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
If you wanna get philosophical, then yes all humans are equally flawed. But have you ever done research? Like, formulated a research question and used scientific publications and data to find the answer to it? Because it's actually pretty hard to create your own conclusions and twist the data to support it. Much more so if you want to have your work published in a magazine, that shit is vetted like you wouldn't believe.
It's good to be critical towards the things you read, no doubt. Question everything, take nothing for granted. But using "eh a scientist can be wrong too" as a justification for giving the same platform to a guy who spent 30 years doing rigorous research and a guy who dropped out of middle school and watched some YouTube conspiracy videos is not the right way to go.
The truth has been spoken 49 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I don't think that trusting scientists makes one lazy. They know more than you about their field because duh, they studied it. That said I understand that not everyone knows how to properly read a scientific article (as in, how to assess the methodology, the sample used, the statistic significance of the results etc etc). I can usually tell when someone who claims to have "done their research" is being disingenuous and has only read bad articles supporting their view, but not everyone can. In that sense, I agree that blind trust in "scientists" is as bad as blind trust in a politician.
All that said, in the last few years I've noticed a strong anti-intellectual sentiment present among many people, and I don't think that's good either.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
No! First real?! 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Not gonna lie that sounds awesome. Unfortunately you can't do that in my country because the snow here melts really fast and gets all dirty and gross.
The truth has been spoken 49 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Interestingly enough most of the anti-intellectuals who say things like that are more than willing to eat up and regurgitate anything their favorite politician says. Is that not an appeal to authority?
If some one says no to any sort of Drug, stop try to convince him/her, what the f**k is 13 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
This is exactly why I don't drink. When I was in high school and went to... well anywhere really, it didn't have to be a party, dancing lessons or just hanging out with classmates was enough, they'd start drinking and pressuring me to drink as well. It's not alcohol itself that I dislike, well sure because I don't drink I'm not used to the taste and all, but it's mainly the peer pressure that comes with it that made me a freaking puritan in regards to alcohol. It's like, you wanna force me to have "just one drink"? Joke's on you, maybe I would have one later if I felt thirsty (and some alcoholic beverages can be thirst quenching and tasty, I have nothing against cider or sangria, what gets me is people getting shitfaced because they think it's fun) but now that you feel like you have to insert yourself into my choices, I'll have water.
Interestingly enough in my experience this mentality also applies to coffee. People will look at you weird if you tell them you don't drink coffee.
Welcome back 4 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
It's an Electric Boogaloo.
Funny story, when I was 13-14ish my mom and I got invited to my cousin's wedding. My mom even had her seamstress friend make us dresses and bought a bunch of matching accessories, that's how seriously she took it. I couldn't come because I got really sick the day before, so I jokingly told my mom "tell him I'll come to the next one", to which she just rolled her eyes. But as it turns out he got divorced about a year later and then a few years ago had another wedding, which I did in fact attend. I couldn't wear the original dress though because I had grown a lot in the, uh... chest department. Puberty.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
40 year old moms are dying from laughter 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Why are the beautiful women always blonde in these anecdotes? #AllHairColoursAreBeautiful
I just bought my Ikea's glass table 3 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Krystäl mœth
Just sing the alphabet 14 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Most beautiful feeling in the world 3 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
It's a good feeling when I don't have anything to stress about. But the sad reality is that it usually happens to me before a stressful event such as an exam, in which case it happens multiple times a night, so it's not so great then because I'm exhausted in the morning.
I really dont get this, who AND why the hell would someone have their washing machine in 21 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
My parents have the washing machine in the kitchen, in the apartment I rent it's in the bathroom. I feel like if you use a drying rack, it makes more sense to have the washing machine in the kitchen because there's usually more space and you can hang the clothing immediately instead of carrying it from the bathroom to the drying rack like I have to. But if you also have a drier or a washer-drier combo it probably makes more sense in the bathroom because it's usually closer to the closet than the kitchen is.
I don't get why ceiling drying racks aren't more of a thing, especially in older apartments which tend to have high ceilings. It makes more sense to take it down, put clothes on it, pull it back up, instead of having it permanently take up space.
· Edited 4 years ago
Who heats salsa up..? 7 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I don't reheat salsa but I do reheat Caesar salad just for a few seconds so that it's at least room temperature. Fridge-cold chicken is gross imo.
30-50 feral hogs 38 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
It's treason to make a joke? Wouldn't that be against the first amendment? Being a fasho is very un-american.
(I'm not feeding the troll, I'm trolling the troll)
1 · Edited 4 years ago
30-50 feral hogs 38 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Take me down to the Paradise City where the hogs are feral and there's 30-50
Bless you, boomer 3 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
In my country it's mandatory to wear face masks outside of your home. Just a few days ago my boyfriend witnessed an old man pull down his mask... so he could cough out in the open. How did that saying go? If you think you designed an idiot-proof thing, the universe sends you a bigger idiot?
· Edited 4 years ago
Look at my white dingdong 20 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
"creamy filling" they REALLY made the most out of that joke didn't they
1 · Edited 4 years ago
Some elvish jewelry that I made 2 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
It's beautiful! I've been wanting to make some wire-wrapped jewellery as well, especially some with a Tree of Life (Yggdrasil) design, but I haven't had time to do it yet. And besides I have no idea how lol
Yeah well mostly it 10 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
It definitely is. But when the relationship ends and you try those cheesy lines on someone new, they might be weirded the hell out, is what I meant. Hence "losing your flirting skills" because all the pickup lines have been replaced by cheesy remarks. Flirting is also about being able to read people to tell what kind of flirting they might like, whether it's more on the side of cheesy jokes or sexy teasing, but when you've only flirted with one person for years, you might have lost that perspective. And the only way to keep that perspective is by flirting with people who aren't your partner. I think that's why mrscollector meant by her original comment as well.
Yeah well mostly it 10 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
No I think mrscollector has a point, though her first comment came off too strongly. Being with someone for a long time makes you get used to their style of humor and even the flirting/remarks you two make which would probably be way too cheesy to make in front of someone you don't know that well yet.
Yeah well mostly it 10 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Bold of you to assume I ever had any