

— Ewqua Report User
Then again, this is what inside my head looks like all the time 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Aaah, I thought you meant how her hair is usually layered and stuff.
Honestly I'll probably go for that one day. Hopefully it'll be unrelated to a breakdown.
And a special thanks to audible and skillshare 28 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
He put his kids with zero political experience into the White House and gave Saudi Arabia a huge weapons deal after they "booked" 500 rooms at his hotels and never arrived. Nothing wrong with that in your mind?
Also, drone strikes under Trump have increased by over 400% compared to Obama, and civilian casualties have skyrocketed. Shouldn't you dislike Trump for that? Unless you're only using Libya and Syria as argument ammo and don't actually care about brown people being killed en masse.
Then again, this is what inside my head looks like all the time 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Eh I do a trim and layers too
I use this trick where I basically make a ponytail right on top of my head and trim that a bit, it makes really nice layers
· Edited 4 years ago
And a special thanks to audible and skillshare 28 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I don't remember Obama appointing his kids to high government positions. Or accepting Saudi bribes through hotels. Obama wasn't great by any means but deflecting Trump's nepotism and conflict of interest by "muh Obamer" is just whataboutism and doesn't help anything.
Then again, this is what inside my head looks like all the time 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Lol not in my case, I've been cutting my own hair for years
It's pretty easy with long hair but I wouldn't attempt it if I had a a bob or short hair
Harris County, Texas, has COVID beat 1 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
*goes out in a full banana costume*
A necklace that is actually a bear trap 5 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Excuse you, Frodo was 33 when he bore the One Ring. Why can't women over 30?
Breaded, fried, normally served with noodles(similar to Mac an cheese) 5 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Honestly the notion that chicken nuggets are for kids is ridiculous. I mean, who doesn't love chicken nuggets? Even the snobbiest of snobs would probably admit that chicken nuggets are the best.
In Czechia, wherever there is a big celebration (like a wedding for example, or just a big get-together), there's always a big plate of mini-schnitzels in the buffet. And everybody loves them (except for vegetarians/vegans I guess, but we don't have a lot of those here), it's that universal buffet meal that is always gone first.
Their timing is so perfect 2 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I love this. I love how they're vibing and walking confidently instead of shuffling like zombies like normal models do.
The Ground You're Standing On Might Not Be Worth Defending [Mike Rowe on Cancel Culture] 34 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
That said though I 100% agree that trying to destroy someone's career and prevent them from getting a job in the same field by smearing and "cancelling" is dirty and terrible. Nobody deserves to have their life ruined just for their opinions.
The Ground You're Standing On Might Not Be Worth Defending [Mike Rowe on Cancel Culture] 34 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
That's a really good point actually, there's no way to tell whether someone is being prejudiced in their recruitment choices unless they at some point clearly voice their prejudice. Let's face it, it is impossible for a human being to be 100% objective, we all have prejudices. But when someone's just straight up racist and voices that opinion and maybe even says he/she doesn't hire people with a certain skin color, then that person isn't doing their job right because they're not choosing people based on merit but arbitrary characteristics, and probably should be at least transferred to a different position. There have even been studies some years ago that showed that "western" sounding names are a bit more likely to get the job than let's say an African sounding name, which suggests there is probably some widespread or even systemic prejudice. One way to tackle that would be anonymous recruitment wherever possible. Problem is, people lie on their CVs.
Roses are red, Zeus is a d*ck 11 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
The funniest part of the story is that the reason the Aesir ("higher" gods) made Loki turn into a mare for multiple nights in a row is because they were trying to stall the construction of a wall around Asgard because they had promised the guy building it that he can marry Freya if he builds it in some amount of time. The guy's super strong horse (Svadilfari, funny that I can remember the name of the horse but not the guy) hauled rocks for the construction and the Aesir thought the best way to slow it down was distracting the horse with mare-Loki so that he couldn't haul any rocks. Spoiler alert they succeeded in stalling the construction but on the last night, Svadilfari caught up to Loki who got pregnant and gave birth to Sleipnir who became Odin's favorite horse.
Also in Norse mythology Loki isn't Odin's son. And the whole ice giant thing is played up, Odin himself is half ice giant and Thor 75% ice giant. Thor probably has more ice giant blood than Loki.
Roses are red, Zeus is a d*ck 11 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
"And then along came Zeus!"
- the Muses, Disney's Hercules (1997)
Perfectly sums up Greek mythology imho
The Ground You're Standing On Might Not Be Worth Defending [Mike Rowe on Cancel Culture] 34 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Agreed BUT if your worldview causes you to discriminate against your coworkers, then there is a consideration to be made. For example, let's say you're a die-hard paleocon and you believe that women should stay at home and not work, and you happen to be in charge of recruiting for a company. Your worldview could in that case influence your job and you could be discriminating against your potential coworkers. The same applies to "woke" liberals who would only be hiring women and POC. In a position such as recruiting and HR in general, it's extremely difficult not to let your personal prejudices influence your work, but also your employer relies on your "gut" to help you hire the right people.
That said yes in most professions your worldview doesn't have anything to do with your work performance and should not be grounds for any disciplinary action.
Please @ me... - منتظر الزيدي, probably 3 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Absolute legend
Entomologist Rates Emoji Ants [does this make them an Antomologist?] 9 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Why do those descriptions sound like the dude is sexually attracted to ants?
Love these movies 11 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Honestly the only two movie musicals I will defend till death are Rocky Horror Picture Show and Sweeney Todd.
Heady lucid promulgated Yak 13 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Norse mythology is amazing and there are some hilarious moments in it. I wish Vikings weren't always portrayed as violent and grim, when they were very civilized and celebrated nature and the Gods. I would love it if the Uttgarda-Loki story or Thor dressing up as Freya and getting married was shown or mentioned in mainstream content about Vikings, instead of the whole grey, grim, "barbarian" stuff.
Here's the Deal [Predictive Text Game For The Truly Bored] 36 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Here's the deal with the Soviet Union City Hall I have to foot the bill for the month of December.
Thoughts? 35 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
This should be a decision of the partners but it's good to be generally aware which one is the "easier" and lower risk procedure.
Thoughts? 35 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Knowledge about biology and surgical procedures is feminist bullshit? Okay.
Preach the hemp life 6 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
So like a stiffer linen, or jute?
That could still easily be used for industrial uses and transport, if it's not comfortable to wear.
Or a hemp-cotton blend could be used for clothing.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
You’ve sunkk my battleship 18 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
Yeah most coffee shops these days call it chai latte. To my knowledge masala chai and chai latte is essentially the same thing, black tea with spices and milk. You can find a bunch of different recipes online, I personally put cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, cardamom and cloves in mine. Also a bit of brown sugar for sweetness and some protein powder once it cools down a bit.
It's really nice because you can have it hot, which brings out the flavor of the spices more, or cold which is rather mild and perfect for warm summer days.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
You’ve sunkk my battleship 18 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I'm the hippie weirdo who doesn't eat white bread or drink coffee lol
I make my masala chai with a lot of milk tho
And on the occasion that I do have regular bread, it definitely depends. If I'm having it with something sweet like butter and jam or honey, I'd go 3 or 4. But if I'm just rubbing a clove of garlic on it, it has to be burned and hard so that the garlic gets almost grated on the bread.
Ballerina Franceska Mann 39 comments
ewqua · 4 years ago
I'd like to see evidence about the mental illness claim also
1 · Edited 4 years ago