

— Ewqua Report User
Anon is not Italian 5 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Exactly this happens every few days in our apartment. I'm not an Italian or some kind of food snob but I just can't get over my boyfriend snapping spaghetti before cooking them. It's barbaric! If you don't want long pasta, make some penne or something!
Just some old regular musical chairs 8 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Isn't it again the rules to move the chairs tho?
Yeah!!!! 20 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
@xvarnah Same omg. Sometimes I accidentally hit my boyfriend for grabbing me from behind or something. It's just reflex, I can't help it.
Education AND basic necessity?!?!? 5 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
True. I love being educated but I'd really like to learn a trade and make stuff with my hands. I find it absolutely marvellous how people can just create beautiful things out of some materials.
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
@cakelover Sorry mate. I got fired up because I used to see famousone as a guy I disagreed with but respected his point of view, but now he's just feeding me these demonstrably false things and I'm realizing I never bothered to fact check when I saw his comments previously and I'm like, wait a minute, was he just bullshitting all this time? I'll stop now, leaving with a sense of disappointment but I guess I've learned my lesson lol
@famousone Yeh. Biden is bad. Obama was almost as bad. I'm not a partisan hack, I can admit that.
"Get over it" isn't a good response to being proven wrong, but okay, I'll let it go. Screaming "socialist!" at a centrist liberal is after all a popular pastime of US right wingers.
And I am for the US pulling out even if it makes oil more expensive in Europe, it's not worth the lost lives on either side. But blaming Europe for your warmongering is bs.
Anyhow, adios!
· Edited 3 years ago
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Is that all you have to say for yourself, that I'm saying nothing? You finally realized that I see through your bullshit and I won't just accept it as facts when it's clearly falsehoods that I can debunk with a few minutes of research, huh.
Yeah, war hawk Democrats are wrong and in the pockets of the war machine. Nobody's denying that, fuck those guys honestly. But those war hawks aren't left leaning, only in the american fucked up "spectrum" where anything to the left of center right is "literally socialists omg". Actual lefties are for pulling out and even gave Trump credit for doing that, unfortunately only to later realize it's just kabuki theater.
Europe's benefit? Nobody except for war profiteers benefits from instability in the region.
· Edited 3 years ago
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
And destroy the West? Iranian officials said they'd "destroy aggressors". Which was a reaction to the US sending troops there. Which for a sovereign nation is understandable. The US would probably not react peacefully and calmly either if Iran just decided to send troops there and steal some oil from Alaska on the way.
You want to fuck off? Then do, gladly. Do look after yourselves, y'know unless it's at the expense of someone else. Don't want to play by the rules, then don't play.
· Edited 3 years ago
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Trump's withdrawal of 500 troops is a farce, he's done this a few times already, he makes a big claim that he's pulling out, he withdraws a few troops or moves them somewhere else, then sneaks them back in. It's as fake as his tan.
According to the Climate Action Tracker, US policies in regards to climate change policies and emission pledges are "critically insufficient", the worst value on their scale. This is also reflected in reality. The US produces around 25% of all global emissions, being second only to China, and has the highest emissions per capita rate by quite a lot (source: Centre for Climate and Energy Solutions). So your statement about "substantially improving" is false. Again, pulled right out of your arse.
Knowing permissible perpetual Loris 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Safety, yeehaw!
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Lol. If I was a brainwashed nationalist, that patriotic monologue would've brought a tear to my eye. But actually it gave me the best laugh I've had in a while. Prime example of American exceptionalism. We can disrespect international rules because we're the good guy. Isn't that what every megalomaniac warmonger said at some point? Yeah. I'm sure killing kids in Syria in the name of counter terrorism while also jacking the country's oil and making backroom deals with terrorists in Saudi has a very noble purpose. And refusing to comply with environmental standards. And throwing a hissyfit over Iran even though it was complying with the Iran deal at the time of withdrawal.
You think you're Superman but really you're Homelander.
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Lol ok, I guess your cat ran over your keyboard while you were writing all the stuff I directly responded to. I thought you right wingers were all about personal responsibility in rhetoric, but now you won't even take responsibility for the things you wrote several hours ago. Truly hilarious.
Yeah, you don't have to reiterate that the US doesn't like playing by the rules and gets away with it because y'all have a bloated army, your govt makes it pretty clear all the time. Acting like the high school bully.
Fearmongering 8 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend the movie Dark Dungeons. Basically a bunch of D&D nerds decided to adapt a Chick tract about how D&D is satanic and whatnot, and the end result is absolutely hilarious and meta.
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Saying that "international laws were written by bad people therefore we won't abide by them" is the same moon logic used by the liberals when they say "the founding fathers owned slaves therefore the Constitution is invalid." No, the principles and by extension the specific laws have since been recognized by the international community and they are periodically reviewed to reflect contemporary values. Who wrote them is at this point in time irrelevant to their validity.
· Edited 3 years ago
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Yeah no, you explicitly said multiple times that they are trying to cancel the holidays. Denying it won't work when the comments are right here for everyone to see. The fact that you perceive it as malicious is pretty clear from the context, but okay, technically you never used the word 'malicious'. So now we've once again moved from "I didn't say it was deliberate" (you did) to "I didn't say it was malicious". Funny that, you've shifted the framing once again. I don't know how many times I have to call you out on this for you to learn, but I'm pretty close to giving up because you probably never will.
Hmm, I got the 2020 Democratic platform in front of me right now and low and behold, you were lying about every single thing! Damn, how unexpected, I only called you out for pulling stuff out of your ass like five times in this thread, I'm shocked you're being dishonest again.
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
"socialized medicine, education, government control of industry, placing the collective over the individual"
Maybe like 1% of Democrats want that, and they get fucked over every time by the Democratic establishment which comprises entirely of neoliberal corporate shills.
Also, international standards are overriden by domestic standards now? That's fucking hilarious, I guess international law is invalid now too. The Chinese, Saudis and Israeli should take note of that whenever someone criticizes them for child labor, slavery and illegal settlements. Just pull a uno reverse card and say "well my domestic law says this" to the International Criminal Court. Mad lads. The thought actually made me chuckle.
· Edited 3 years ago
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
"They are clearly trying to cancel the 2020 holiday season."
"The left are attacking the holiday season."
"democrats trying to cancel the holidays."
You can't lie your way out of this one, bucko. Multiple times in this thread you've said or implied they're putting restrictions in place because they want to maliciously cancel holidays. Again, you keep moving the goalpost. Putting restrictions in place because the numbers are higher than Snoop Dogg, which happens to be in time for the holidays (which, when would it not? It's a fucking pandemic, it's not gonna go away in a week, of course some holidays are gonna fall in the middle of it), is a whole different thing than "cancelling holidays". Democrats aren't the fucking Grinch.
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
The orders are in place to prevent the spread of covid and save lives. You made a claim that it's for a malicious reason of destroying the holidays and keeping families apart. I'm asking for evidence of that, so far you've only provided evidence that "orders exist", which proves absolutely nothing and the rest of your statement is a baseless assumption.
Democrats pursue left wing policies and goals? Hold on, let me throw my head back and laugh. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA
Yeah, no, again, I advise you to look up the political compass, because honey, you seriously have no idea what you're talking about. There is an actual, more or less objective scale, which is more reliable than "daddy Trump told me Biden is a socialist". (The daddy Trump bit is also a joke meant to illustrate an unreliable source of information. Please do not get offended.)
· Edited 3 years ago
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Yes, *some* people going over the border are criminals. Which justifies inhumane treatment of all of them? Okay.
No, they're not. Show me some sources other than "trust me bro". Quotes of Democrat politicians, for example, saying they want to destroy the holidays or whatever.
By definition? Which definition? I have a feeling you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, because according to the political compass they're center right neoliberals, apart from some exceptions.
The demonrats thing was a joke because the rest of your comments are similarly conspiratorial as what people who call democrats 'demonrats' say. But sure, call me whatever you want for that joke. Freedom of speech, right? I have the freedom of speech to call you a sensitive snowflake as well.
· Edited 3 years ago
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Hahahaha, yeah, sometimes my grandma can get pretty opinionated too. But she's family, we still love her and visit her except for now, bc y'know we don't want her to die.
· Edited 3 years ago
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
"Drug mules"? Wow, the mask slipped off there. Brown people are still people, you know.
Nobody's trying to "cancel the holidays", that's absolute nonsense, most Americans are still Christian and Democrats (most of whom are actually center right to center, very few Democrats are left wing) wouldn't dare go against traditional Christian holidays. What's actually happening is that people with common sense are trying to contain the spread of the disease.
Seriously, this crap is so untrue, and again I'm really disappointed how dishonest you've gotten lately. I'd understand an economically minded argument, because the lockdown has been hitting small businesses a lot, but saying "oh no I can't go out and infect grandma for a few weeks, must be a 'demonrat' conspiracy" is just absolute moon logic.
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
· Edited 3 years ago
Fire pretty 7 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I don't know anything about anything but my gut reaction is... Don't?
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Yeah okay now you're clearly joking. Even you're not that conspiratorial. Guess I got wooshed.
A bit sus 47 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I'm just trying to be honest here because I'm tired of famousone always commenting like he's Ben Shapiro and trying to score gotcha points instead of having an honest discussion.
Also I didn't even know there was a Discord lol.