

— Ewqua Report User
Ni 7 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I say yo... But I'm not crazy I swear
Manlets rise up 3 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Some asshole: ha ha short men aren't men
The internet: noooo shut up, they're short kings!
Tall girls who are treated like freaks and mocked (especially by short guys): ._.
Don't get me wrong, I think discrimination by height is wrong either way, but man, the venom and bitterness I get from some short guys is unparalleled. Not all obviously, not even most, it's a small minority really. Basically not all short guys are mean to tall women, but whenever someone was an asshole to me and mocked/insulted me for my height, it was a short guy. Some are just so mad at the world for making jokes at their expense they go and bully tall girls mercilessly.
4 · Edited 3 years ago
I know it’s just a cellphone pic, but I got a hummingbird to land on my hand today. :-) 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Damn that's actually nice quality for a cellphone pic
Black haired Beauty by Bolesław Szańkowski 9 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Wow, yeah, it's really striking how few people are aware that the Romani were also one of the primary "targets" of the Holocaust and there are so many Romani victims of WWII.
Worthless hushed sexier Mandrill 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
We were so glad we got such a reaction because if we placed first in the last competition, we'd win the main prize (it was like a pack of candy, but also the bragging rights!) but the organizers decided to pull some "everybody is a winner, the poems were all good" bullshit, I guess not to offend the other kids' artistic sensibilities or something. So everybody got the same amount of points for the last competition, which means it basically didn't count and the other team kept their lead and got the prize! I was so mad back then omg. Those cunts didn't even share the candy.
· Edited 3 years ago
Worthless hushed sexier Mandrill 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Bruh this legit happened to me at a summer camp when I was 13. The organizers hosted a bunch of competitions of all kinds, some were athletic, dress up, building a sand sculpture etc, typical teenage crap. Throughout the day my team was always close second behind another team, and then came the final competition, which was to write a poem using certain words the organizers provided. Our team absolutely NAILED that one, because everyone went for happy cheery stuff while we wrote a dark, apocalyptic poem (it was my idea and I wrote most of it because I was an emo shit back then lol) which surprisingly didn't come off as pretentious trash but was actually quite good! The organizers and other teams were actually shocked at how good it was.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
Black haired Beauty by Bolesław Szańkowski 9 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
That's really sad. It's always bad for history to be forgotten because people don't want to talk about it.
I don't know anything about the education system of either Austria or Germany but here in Czechia we've never even learned about the Romani people at school, about their culture or history, nothing. So in a system like that it's easy for these harmful stereotypes to persist when the only "education" the kids get about the Romani is from their white trash racist uncle at family gatherings.
That's really interesting that people recognize you. Whereas most people are totally unable to tell my ethnicity. I'm a basic white girl from Czechia with some Slovak ancestry, so my heritage is basically all contained within Central Europe, but I've been told I look Spanish or Turkish (I'm pale as a corpse in winter but tan really well in the summer), Native American (bc I have huge cheekbones lol), Swedish (idk how they got that, I'm not even blonde) so really ethnicity is such a weird concept.
Black haired Beauty by Bolesław Szańkowski 9 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I'd also like to add this is also the case with Middle Eastern women, with 19th century male travel writers depicting harems as something sexy and promiscuous, when that's not what a harem is at all in the original sense. They didn't know what they were talking about of course, since men (apart from male relatives) cannot enter harems, so their imagination ran wild and they completely twisted the perception of these cultures as barbaric and licentious. Some of these Orientalist tropes are even used nowadays by far right political parties to depict refugees as backwards barbarians who have slave women in harems, so this kind of depiction has really done a lot of damage.
Of course it's the artist's freedom to paint or write about anything they want. But maybe they should've considered the implications beforehand.
2 · Edited 3 years ago
Black haired Beauty by Bolesław Szańkowski 9 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I agree. I live in Czechia and discrimination of Romani people is still very real here. A lot of old people here always say that Romani people only exploit the social system and have a lot of kids so that they can get money from the state (which is especially ironic coming from the people who retired comfortably at 55 and got money from the state ever since, making retirement impossible for future generations who will have to work until we die bc the state will have no money for pensions).
clarence 8 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
lol true
clarence 8 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
"Zero Gregs"
Onision is triggered
Knew someone like this 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Do you not toss your pasta with some olive oil? Or maybe a bit of butter? (I do not actually do the last part, I just wanted to continue the rhyme)
· Edited 3 years ago
And that is the Killian Experience 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
"How did you get so muscular?" a random character asks one of the muscular men. "It's because all I eat is crab boiled in Pepsi Max!" the man responds. "It's best served inside a baguette," he adds, presenting the meal. It starts raining. "Ah, God is crying." the man says.
1 · Edited 3 years ago
Come together and do great things 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Good question. I don't use TikTok but from what I've seen it seemed like it has a huge diversity of content along the lines of YouTube, so it seems unlikely to me that everyone on TikTok would know about this.
Maybe he posted this story on TikTok first and now he's retelling it to his fans who don't use it? I have no idea who this guy is, if he's famous on the internet or something.
Come together and do great things 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
TW Political meme! 14 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
You present complaints and concerns about how scary this is (which I agree with, it's a slippery slope for corporations to control discourse - it's actually a pretty often discussed topic in Marxist academic circles, who also see a big issue in this) but offer no alternatives. What is there to be done about this? Pass legislation that lets the state control social media? While that seems like the best option at this point in time, it might set a dangerous precedent. Or have the government make their own social media made specifically for discussing politics, accepting the caveat that it will inevitably be controlled by the government? There's no guarantee that project will take off and have a stable user base, people might still prefer Twitter, Facebook etc. Or ditch social media altogether? I don't think that's possible without some serious authoritarianism. How do we create a platform that unites everyone without the need for people to flee and make their own echo chambers?
this 9 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Eh, fair enough I guess. I've never played one I've just read a bunch of articles about how it's a grey area of the law and has been used by the Yakuza for money laundering.
this 9 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
But isn't there a type of pachinko that is basically gambling? Yes there are the game ones but there are also pachinko slot machines which have become quite widespread in the last few years.
TW Political meme! 14 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Getting banned from Twitter is technically not violating his freedom of speech, since the 1st amendment only applies to government prosecution. However, in principle I agree. Social networks have de facto become the public square and a place where a lot of the discourse is happening, and they should be treated and regulated as such.
this 9 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Huh? It's basically gambling but it's avoiding gambling laws because it's technically not using money but pachinko balls that you exchange for prizes, no?
This Amazon review kills me 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Lol, that's why you check the dimensions and compare them to a pair of sunglasses you already own that fit you before buying.
Franco Matticchio - Strange bathroom 16 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Ha, didn't even notice that one. Maybe it belongs to the crocodile lol
this 9 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Lol. I bet he complains about loot boxes in games while playing pachinko hahahaha
Snorkel susan 9 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Well technically her breath and the air she breathes goes above her head, right? So technically unless a tall person with covid coughs into it, it might work...? Idk.
I've seen more bizarre "masks". Such as a man wearing a sleeping mask over his mouth. His nose was out of course because that's not what sleeping masks are made for. And of course a variety of masks being worn wrong, made out of bad materials (no, a mesh mask won't work unless you also have two layers of cotton under the mesh), scarves being worn over the mouth in all kinds of weird manners, and so on.
Snorkel susan 9 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Cheap cloth masks, no. You're absolutely right about that. It needs to be at least two layers of a tightly woven material, ideally with a pocket for a disposable filter (I make mine out of denim with plain cotton lining, which apart from looking good because the mask holds shape, is also pretty effective because it's such a thick fabric). But in general, masks do work. I've never understood the anti mask people in general, they're saying it won't stop the spread. Yeah well, seatbelts don't stop deaths in car accidents but they sure as hell reduce them, right?