

— Ewqua Report User
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
True, sometimes I wonder why I still bother. I've danced this dance many times, he pulls off the Trump/Ben Shapiro/every right wing grifter act well. Disprove a claim and he'll just make another. Then you spend 10 minutes doing research just to prove he's full of shit and he'll ignore that to make more false claims.
· Edited 3 years ago
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
@famousone I'll address your points when you have some. So far you've bounced from "there is fraud and I have proof" to "well I don't because *they're* hiding it" to "well can't I even ask questions and voice my concerns? Why are the people asking questions getting banned by social media?" At which point I asked how you'd solve the social media problem, hoping for a productive conversation, and that has been promptly ignored, instead you defaulted to "well there is fraud and even though I have zero evidence, it's clear everyone is just too blind to see it, now let me be smug and act like I'm smarter than everyone else". I'll gladly debate you on the substance but I haven't seen any from you so far.
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
@darkness_within The heritage foundation is actually so full of shit. When you check out the database, they show the year of all those fraud instances happening in 2020. This is no doubt done to make people think it's related to the presidential election (they don't specify it's the year of conviction, the database actually only says "year" so most people assume it's when the fraud happened). But when you open up individual entries, turns out a bunch of them are from like... a 2016 city council of Nowhere, AZ election. Or a guy voting twice in the 2016 general election. Actually, in some entries they don't even write the year, you gotta follow the link to the news story (which is a shortened bit . ly, so you can't even tell the year by the URL). And turns out it's something that happened in 2018 or 19. I haven't gone through all the links yet but so far like 80% of the entries tagged as 2020/21 are actually incidents from years prior unrelated to the presidential election.
· Edited 3 years ago
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Sure honey, just keep it coming with the smug comments. After all that's all you got since you don't have anything substantive to add.
Darkness and I talking about the large difference in vote numbers equals not knowing how electoral college works, hmm... so did you even read the comments, did you scan them for points to react to or do you just see it more fitting to twist them to appear more correct? Again, you're not only wrong, you're dishonest. It's tiring to debate a stubborn person, but it's even more tiring to debate a dishonest actor.
I'm tired, I'd just like to have an honest discussion here. Without people trying to twist what I say or putting words in my mouth, or claiming there's proof and then showing none or pointing to dubious "sources", or claiming that a joke is actually an accusation, or throwing around insults like it's candy on Halloween. Is that so hard?
· Edited 3 years ago
Showing humanity a better path 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Look at Evel Knievel in the background tho lol
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
@darkness_within (i posted the previous comment before I saw your new one so I'm only replying now) hopefully not, but I'm afraid you're right. Anyone can scroll up and see how the convo really went but few will. If that's the case with just a comment section, can we expect people to do their research and fact check everything?
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
@darkness_within Well said. I've looked into the case of the Texan woman as well, and apparently she was trolling them because she saw that they were trying something. Whether that's true or a lie to cover her ass, I don't know. But she wouldn't have flipped 7 million votes in multiple states. The fact that one woman is maybe guilty of fraud doesn't mean it's all one giant conspiracy. I've been laughing at the Dems for implicating Russia in 2016 and I'm laughing at the Trumpets now for acting in the exact same tribalist way.
@poopun Great point about the extremist mindset. Extremists don't see themselves as extremists, they go by the mantra "desperate times call for desperate measures". Islamic extremists think the exact same way, many movements that are now seen as terrorist started as efforts to bring stability and order to rural regions which the government ignored, for example in Pakistan.
· Edited 3 years ago
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Also, I was talking to him until you interrupted actually, and it's really really ironic that you're attacking me on that basis when the only reason I'm not talking to him right now is because you decided to rudely insert yourself in the situation and start spewing logical fallacies at me. In fact I'd much rather be talking to him right now because the entire convo with you is you making strawmen and trying to put words in my mouth and me defending against it. By the way, not a very clever tactic when the unedited comments are literally right here in this thread. But what do I know, apparently I don't even know shapes and colours. Also apparently I'm made of straw.
· Edited 3 years ago
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Rachel Maddow is an extremist? That's news to me. Over here in reality she's a milquetoast liberal. Just like famous is, to my knowledge, a pretty milquetoast right winger who just happened to really attach himself to this idea of fraud, just like Maddow got attached to the idea of Russia fraud. How shifted is your perception of the political spectrum if Rachel fucking Maddow is an extremist in your eyes? Do you know anything about anything?
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Lol from my earlier convos with him I'd say I doubt that, but maybe he can take this one.
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I *literally* did not say that at all, I said the STATEMENT is conspiratorial, not that HE is a conspiracy nut. I didn't call him an extremist at any point. I also didn't say that asking questions or being skeptical is conspiratorial, just the statement that 'the truth is out there but "they" are obstructing it' is.
Yes, if you listed every instance, you'd have quite a list. That's why I brought up statistics which have already done the listing and comparing for you.
Seriously, stop trying to misrepresent and strawman me, it's really gross. If you can't be right, at least don't be dishonest.
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
The toad thing was a joke. For the people claiming everyone's easily offended by jokes these days, you guys sure can't take a joke.
· Edited 3 years ago
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
As for voter fraud, I'll believe it when I see it. The courts have dismissed every claim of voter fraud so I guess the random pictures circulating the internet claiming to be people carrying ballots were bullshit. Saying 'oh it's because "they" are obstructing it' is conspiracy theory bs.
Point two, people being censored and booted off social media. I agree with you, it shouldn't happen. But how do we solve it? Do we regulate social media companies, or do we create a government controlled social media that will allow free speech? I agree that there is a problem but it seems that each solution brings other potential problems or slippery slopes.
Point three, good on you that you can list all the incidents done by left wingers, like a parrot drunk on Kool Aid. Statistically though, right wing terrorism, including homegrown terrorism, is far more common.
Fourth, I'm not gonna call you a Nazi, the word gets throw around too much, I just think you're the right wing version of Rachel Maddow.
Get ‘em, Stella 3 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
They sure have been raised right. This compassion and common sense is rare these days. Well, probably always has been.
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Yeah attempting to do a terrorism is as far from democracy as is humanly possible. At least in this reality. Idk which one you live in.
@darkness_within the frog comment is hilarious, i gotta start using that haha
· Edited 3 years ago
Coffee break in Switzerland 2 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I thought you were resting your plate on a bear for a second there.
These spices 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Lol that's how I'm gonna label my poudre douce and poudre fort spice mixes
More likely to make myself a grilled cheese with tomato soup, ya dig? 83 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Now comes the part where we throw our heads back in laughter. Ready?
Spongybob squarepants~ 3 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Their faces in the last panel are horrifying
Who had a meme to disagree 7 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
All of them want to peck you
That's why you don't mess with a goose
New biomes are neat 5 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I live in a landlocked country so whenever I see the sea (which is usually once a year on holiday... except for this year, thanks covid) I'm like *o*
Pastry is Hell 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Those are great, we have one at home. Though I find the bread it produces kinda gummy, but that might just be the brand of bread mix my boyfriend buys. It's really good otherwise just the outside is really hard and the inside really gummy, idk why.
Pastry is Hell 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
That's why I prefer cooking rather than baking, it's a lot easier to eyeball lol
I got that chinese grandma style of cooking, no measurements ever just taste it throughout and adjust/improve
All is fair in love war and Wall Street 2 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of your own actions.
The conmen are finally facing their con backfiring, and it's beautiful to watch.
Hey bro 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I'm that one bro who waits for you when you need to tie your shoelaces or get a rock out of your shoe, I'll even let you lean on my shoulder to get balance while getting it out.
Sad thing is, since I'm that one bro of the group, nobody does it for me :'(