

— Ewqua Report User
Do something with your Life, loser 22 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
@inspectora Ironically enough drug cartels have been known to help their local poor communities, much more so than assholes like Bezos ever would. Look at Pablo Escobar, he was a ruthless monster to his enemies and competition but he did actually invest a lot of money to help the poor of Colombia. It's a sad world when criminals like him are better for society than "self-made" exploiters. Not that billionaires aren't criminals, mind you. The amount of tax they dodged and human rights they've abused would make anyone's stomach turn inside out, it's just that we don't see them as such because they have enough money to avoid jail and pay the media to talk favourably about them.
I would play this game tbh 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Finally the left is getting radical lol
Autocorrect your faith .. 86 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
God is good boy I guess
Hmm... what is 'god' backwards? That makes perfect sense, mind blown
5th amendment 13 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
'The whole point of these biases is that they're implicit and unconscious, so I obviously can't tell you who I'm biased against.' - there, a way how to shut down that stupid "question".
Very wise indeed 8 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Hello, The Gays! It is me, Corporation! Since it is The Gay Month, I would like to remind you that I, too, support you having human rights (for the last few years anyway since it became profitable to do so)! After all, our corporation cares deeply about human rights! *shuffles to hide sweatshops* Look there, we even changed our profile picture on our social media! Buy our products! We made them gay just for you! Do it now because we'll forget you exist when this month ends. Donate to charities that support queer people who were rejected by their communities or families for being queer? Nah, we'd rather get an intern to post about our "support" for the Gays on Twatter. So shut up and give us your money!
Vampyr 3 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I guess adrenochrome has different effects on different people.
(Chill out I'm just joking, I'm not one of those crazies.)
Got bless the little bugs whom glow 8 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I guess there are a bunch of different species, too? In my country we have lightning bugs/fireflies but they're way tinier, like you can't really see them unless they light up. They're definitely not these massive chonky bugs.
It's cool that a bunch of different species of bugs around the world just evolved into having a glowing butt independently.
Apple Crab, the Delicious Decapod Destroyer of Insides 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Delicious. Don't forget to put it in water with a bit of lemon juice to keep it nice and fresh!
Thanks, I don’t know what comes next 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I live with my bf and we have completely different palates (his is more bland lol, all white bread and creamy sauce, whereas I go crazy over spicy, strong flavours) so I almost never hear this. :[
But to be fair neither does he so I guess we're even
whaaat? 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
That said no shade to the company, this actually seems well intentioned and not as much of a cynical move as other companies are pulling for attention, so kudos to them
whaaat? 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Step 1: make a little hearing aid thingy out of spare plastic bits
Step 2: market it as a super wholesome woke thing
Step 3: ????
Step 4: profit
But why tho? 3 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Seeing myself in the mirror vs seeing myself in pictures. Seriously, why is there such a big difference? Lighting? My inability to pose or make a normal face for a picture? I guess it's mostly the latter.
The Media covering Johnny Depp 12 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Fuck the media, Amber is a psycho bitch and needs to be in jail, not movies.
Froggy Frogg Bread 3 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Eating froggy bread while sitting in a froggy chair = pure happiness
It's rats bro... The rats are making out 23 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Imagine being so offended by other people exercising their freedom to be in a consensual relationship that you invent mental illnesses to ascribe to them. As I said earlier, you guys are just a bunch of authoritarian snowflakes.
4 · Edited 3 years ago
What do you see when you read? 20 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
My brain fills in the gaps a bit too well so sometimes when the author describes something or someone explicitly and my brain has already imagined it/them differently, I get so mindfucked and have trouble adjusting because my brain has already decided what that thing or person looks like.
Like, I read the Ranger's Apprentice as a teen (only the first three books I think, then I moved to A Song of Ice and Fire) and for some reason I imagined the main char's pony as silvery white/grey. Then my friend who also read it was like "he's brown duh, he has to have good camouflage in the forest" and I facepalmed because my brain had already decided he was light colored and I couldn't un-imagine it even though it made more sense for him to be brown.
Edit: I looked it up on the wiki and the pony (his name's Tug btw) IS gray! My brain was right all along! Ha!
2 · Edited 3 years ago
What do you see when you read? 20 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Sethe? Are you reading Beloved? I read it a few years ago, one of the best books I've ever read. Hauntingly beautiful and gripping.
It's rats bro... The rats are making out 23 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Wanting people to be educated and happy is disgusting? Huh. You should get out of that cult you're in, the brainwashing is really showing here.
New puppy. Everyone meet Lola 5 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
She looks done with everyone's shit lol. But like in a cute way.
Nab the children, if the opportunity arises 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Uhm 2 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
When you take "don't tread on me" too literally
It's rats bro... The rats are making out 23 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Lastly, what's wrong with educating kids about sex? If you don't, you'll have a bunch of teen parents on your hands. Kinda like all the Bible-thumping states do, hmm. I'd rather have my kid be grossed out for a couple hours than have a baby at 14 because she didn't know how her reproductive system works. And what's wrong with teaching kids that relationships don't have to last forever? Happiness should be the goal of a relationship, not length. Being in a relationship even when it's toxic or abusive because divorcing would get you shunned by the community sounds like a nightmare scenario, not something to admire.
3 · Edited 3 years ago
It's rats bro... The rats are making out 23 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I'll joke about whatever I goddamn want, you free speech hating authoritarian snowflake.
They're cartoon characters, using them as an example of "hetero good, gay bad" is really dumb because they're made up, written to "stay married for 70 years" or whatever. That's like arguing about which superhero is more powerful. It doesn't matter because the writers can make them as powerful as they want, cause they're not real, they're made up. If instead you used statistics from actual relationships of real life people, I'd respect that point more. But wait, those statistics don't really speak in your favor, huh.
Romeo and Juliet lasted long? Lol. And Tristan and Isolde were together because they drank a love potion, so sort of against their will. Maybe read some of the stories before using them as examples first?
It's rats bro... The rats are making out 23 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Unfortunately they actually divorced... the reason Mickey gave was... what was it, that Minnie was extremely silly? No, he said she was fucking Goofy.