

— Ewqua Report User
Dark chocolate is the best in my opinion 8 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I love white chocolate, sorry not sorry
It has cocoa butter in it so it technically is chocolate. It just doesn't have cocoa solids.
Laundry Soap for millenials 2 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Thanks for this useful post! I make my own softener out of equal parts vinegar and water plus about a teaspoon or two of baking soda and a few drops of essential oil. Works pretty well. Haven't tried making my own detergent yet but I bought some Aleppo soap flakes recently so I might as well give it a go.
April Fools Predictive Text Game for the Truly Bored 86 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Today is April Fools day
Believe in you and your family
And trust no one
So do you want me to believe my family or not?
Would you watch it ? 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Just documenting the journey, in real time. I'd watch that.
I have a star :0 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Martial arts practitioners: *laughs in body so covered in bruises you look like a Na'vi*
(Also congrats on the star! Mine keeps coming and going like a boyfriend scared of commitment lol)
Chad 3 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I hope you were making eye contact the whole time
Do something with your Life, loser 22 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Pffft, you think the ultra rich don't already have weird murder and/or sex dungeons? You're on the right track, there should be incentive for them not to cheat the system, but the problem is, once you have enough money (that you have made by cheating the system) you can just get that potential reward yourself. For example by buying or building a remote island and doing all kinds of fucked up illegal shit there. Money is its own get out of jail free card.
Explains a lot 3 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I'd say second guy is trolling but I've seen enough idiots in my lifetime not to be committed to that statement...
Smart af 2 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
He's still screaming, should've taped his mouth as well
Predictive Text Tale of Captain Jack Sparrow 68 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
This is the tale of Captain Jack Sparrow a good day for you guys I guess I can get it for you if you want vietnamese food.
I guess I could go for some Bun Bo Nam Bo right now
Do something with your Life, loser 22 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
What a wonderful thought. Yeah, I wish we could return to the renaissance Italy mindset, back when the richest families competed in who would invest more into public spaces as a sort of dick measuring contest. The question of course is if it's even possible to earn such vast amounts of money without massive exploitation of either people or resources (or both), but yes, if billionaires could invest more, that'd be great. Honestly it would probably be enough for them to stop cheating their taxes. So yeah, like that's ever gonna happen lol
Also, heck yeah, Celtic Woman are awesome.
He will avenge him 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Good odds, good odds indeed
Mom, come pick me up I'm scared 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I usually just make huge pots of food on the weekends nd eat that during the week lol
He will avenge him 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Bold of you to assume a) the monarchy won't be dismantled, b) the US won't split. I wonder which will happen first... any bets?
Do something with your Life, loser 22 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Your grandpa is/was an optimist. They usually do it for a tax write off plus the free PR.
· Edited 3 years ago
Thank you Lucky Star :) 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Ah, okay. Makes sense. Thanks for the explanation!
Thank you Lucky Star :) 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I'm out of the loop, are you talking about the artistic movement/genre, the short story by P. G. Wodehouse, or something else entirely?
messiah 2 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
There really should be periodic re-examinations for a driver's licence after a certain age. Old people can be dangerous af on the road.
Do something with your Life, loser 22 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
@inspectora Ironically enough drug cartels have been known to help their local poor communities, much more so than assholes like Bezos ever would. Look at Pablo Escobar, he was a ruthless monster to his enemies and competition but he did actually invest a lot of money to help the poor of Colombia. It's a sad world when criminals like him are better for society than "self-made" exploiters. Not that billionaires aren't criminals, mind you. The amount of tax they dodged and human rights they've abused would make anyone's stomach turn inside out, it's just that we don't see them as such because they have enough money to avoid jail and pay the media to talk favourably about them.
I would play this game tbh 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Finally the left is getting radical lol
Autocorrect your faith .. 86 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
God is good boy I guess
Hmm... what is 'god' backwards? That makes perfect sense, mind blown
5th amendment 13 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
'The whole point of these biases is that they're implicit and unconscious, so I obviously can't tell you who I'm biased against.' - there, a way how to shut down that stupid "question".
Very wise indeed 8 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Hello, The Gays! It is me, Corporation! Since it is The Gay Month, I would like to remind you that I, too, support you having human rights (for the last few years anyway since it became profitable to do so)! After all, our corporation cares deeply about human rights! *shuffles to hide sweatshops* Look there, we even changed our profile picture on our social media! Buy our products! We made them gay just for you! Do it now because we'll forget you exist when this month ends. Donate to charities that support queer people who were rejected by their communities or families for being queer? Nah, we'd rather get an intern to post about our "support" for the Gays on Twatter. So shut up and give us your money!
Vampyr 3 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I guess adrenochrome has different effects on different people.
(Chill out I'm just joking, I'm not one of those crazies.)
Got bless the little bugs whom glow 8 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I guess there are a bunch of different species, too? In my country we have lightning bugs/fireflies but they're way tinier, like you can't really see them unless they light up. They're definitely not these massive chonky bugs.
It's cool that a bunch of different species of bugs around the world just evolved into having a glowing butt independently.