

— Ewqua Report User
New format! 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Discord is now partly owned by Tencent so that's a no from me dawg. Not that the others are any better, data collection wise. But at least it doesn't go directly to the CCP.
WW1 vs WW2 causes 2 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I mean sure, a duke died, but it was the last straw in an era of extreme political tension. In short, everyone had beef with everyone, and many countries had to deal with internal beef on top of that, like uprisings and stuff.
That said the causes of WWII are similarly complex. Germany was hit hard by the Versailles treaty, its economy and people's spirit crippled, and France just couldn't fucking be done bullying it (sounds like the plot leading up to a school shooting, doesn't it). A conspiracy theory called the Dolchstosslegende developed among the Germans, blaming their WWI loss not on external factors, but on traitors on the inside - Jews, communists etc. (during the war the German press kept printing that Germany was winning, so the people were shocked when it lost the war) This played right into the Nazis' hand, with their mysticism and shit. It's too complex for one comment but TL;DR the narrative that WWII can be blamed on one country or even one person is BS.
· Edited 3 years ago
Time passes 13 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Lol I think he's talking about the color navy, not the actual Navy haha
· Edited 3 years ago
It's all coming together 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Hon hon hon
· Edited 3 years ago
Time passes 13 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I thought this was about the people in the picture
I wish someone would call me that 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I call my boyfriend "bruv" as a joke, where does that put me? Chav level?
Darwinism at it’s finest 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
People who chew with their mouths open or talk with their mouths full gross me the hell out. I just wanna tell them to learn how to fucking chew lol
Time passes 13 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Who's the other idiot, Charles or Justin haha
Tis I, the Frenchiest Fry 5 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
That's super interesting, I didn't know this existed. Dreams are wild. I have had dreams that momentarily entirely changed my perception of real life people based on what they did in my dream. Anyone has that too?
Just look ***er 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Oh it's one of those "internal angles have to add up to 180°" type of thing isn't it. I never paid too much attention in geometry class lol
Coherence is optional 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I mean yeah since gender is a made up concept, technically you can make up as many as you want.
Personally I'd rather go the way of just slowly dismantling the concept and letting people do whatever the hell they want regardless of their genitals or identity. But that's a pretty big goal and we (as in humanity as a whole) are not even at the point of understanding the difference between sex and gender so that won't happen anytime soon.
Drake, Where's the door 7 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I really like the words enculer and con, haha. And the word merdeux in itself is really funny imo
Drake, Where's the door 7 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
So many people think French is like a wimpy language or something but it has THE most legendary insults! And France has the most brutal anthem omg
2 · Edited 3 years ago
Pretty sure he is 2 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Real life: short, muscular, brown skinned, black haired dude with a thick beard
(Based on the approximate historical reconstruction of peoples from the area anyway)
Maybe we at least have a conversation 28 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
When did I suggest that?
· Edited 3 years ago
imagine 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
So precious
Dude that do be drawn on 2 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Yea she's gonna fold. Fold herself in a corner and pretend she's not there.
Get yourself a Costco tub at that price 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Jesus on a tricycle, what a scam
Bredn buddr is the American way 14 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Super salad lol
Early morning meme 10 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
In winter, no. But now in the summer I wake up naturally at like 6:30 because the sun is shining sharply through the blinds and the birds are screaming.
· Edited 3 years ago
And we can fit even more 8 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
And y'all don't even gain weight after this! Meanwhile I'll put croutons on my salad and gain half a kilo, ugh! You guys don't even know how lucky you are.
Yes 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Speaking of ancient Greece and lifting heavy things, did you know that "Plato" wasn't the philosopher's real name but a nickname? His real name was Aristocles, and his nickname, Platon, means "broad" or "wide" because he was built as hell and loved wrestling. Can you imagine like a MMA fighter or a wrestler also being a world famous philosopher? Wild.
Lemon Merenguin 5 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Hey you know how flamingos get their vibrant color from eating a lot of shrimp? (That's why the ones in zoos often look kinda washed out because they don't feed them enough shrimp at the zoo.)
Maybe this penguin just ate way, way too much lemon cake.
It's annoying af 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
@omar1992 I thought Robin was a good person as well. But truth be told I've never watched the whole thing, only seen a couple episodes here and there, so I obviously don't have the full picture.
@spookykink58 That's, damn, that's a very good point. Mind blown!
Maybe we at least have a conversation 28 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
True, but it's an often enough occurrence to raise some eyebrows.