

— Ewqua Report User
Borzois 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
That's probably the most weirdly accurate thing I've ever read
This is why the revolution really happened 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I'm guessing this is about football but I'm completely out of the loop... what happened?
As nice as heaven 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
God: you know the rules, and so do I
*sends you to hell*
Just thrown away the whole freezer at that point 3 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Just put it into popsicle molds and enjoy a delicious popsicle a few hours later. If the drink is carbonated you gotta make it flat first otherwise it's gonna explode.
Hollywood Guns 7 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Gus Johnson is a gem
I'm bored with the state of movies these days and decided to make a comic about it 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
It's amazing to visit locations around the world in general, I don't think it has to necessarily be tied to movies or pop culture. If you only visit some places because of their significance in movies, you're limiting yourself. Travelling is a wonder in itself, but that said if your passion for movies makes you travel when you otherwise wouldn't, go for it. I'm just not a fan of this boomer mindset that "new technology bad". Though I personally also think old school effects and puppets look dope and CGI is often overused where it wouldn't have to be, it allows for many more possibilities that traditional techniques wouldn't, and is a net positive for the industry. The argument "there will be fewer places to visit" just doesn't hold water when you take into account its benefits.
(Oh and btw I wasn't responding to your comment but the post itself. I know FS is sometimes confusing with its UI so I just wanna make that clear, I was calling the post boomer, not you)
· Edited 3 years ago
Loke is a horse-girl 5 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Yup, to disguise himself as Freya. The whole story is bonkers hahaha.
Loke is a horse-girl 5 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Iirc that wasn't Loki but some ice giant dude lol. But that's a pretty good reference nonetheless.
Poor them 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
But when there is one it's lame and predictable haha
The s-word? On your Chinese Diseny server? It's more likely than you think 8 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Disney's all about the $$$ and always has been, they do what panders to each market/demographic. If you're expecting anything actually moral of them and not just fake woke shit while the company is unethical in so many ways, the joke's on you honestly.
I meaaan it s kinda true 26 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Gosh that sounds amazing! Reminds me of a pizza they make at my local restaurant, basically this but without the ricotta and they crack an egg in the middle (before baking ofc). Sounds weird but it's good!
· Edited 3 years ago
I meaaan it s kinda true 26 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Same! It took me learning how to cook to realize just how sloppy of a cook my grandma is. She doesn't understand the concept of making things from scratch and always uses artificial sauce thickeners, store bought dumplings, cake mixes etc. and always drenches everything in oil.
My other grandma though, now her cooking was *the shit* (tm). Everything was always 100% home made, and she had chickens and grew her own vegetables.
I meaaan it s kinda true 26 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Ahahaha true! Growing up my mom always made bland, steamed vegetables (with a few exceptions, for example her breaded and fried cauliflower is the best.) Then I learned how to cook and discovered all kinds of delicious vegetable soups!
2 · Edited 3 years ago
I'm sorry. I gotta defend my boy Herodotus 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Yes! He makes it clear that he's only writing down stuff he was told. He wrote down what he heard and didn't much bother with fact checking. As such, the books are an interesting melange of myth, history and traditions/cultures. I've listened to them as an audiobook, 10/10 background noise while doing chores haha
Posting again because mods keep thinking it’s a reaction image smh 4 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
No I think it's some kind of admission. "Who's the ho?" "I da ho"
It’s true 2 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Agreed! However, long lasting doesn't necessarily mean happy. When one party is always understanding and forgiving and the other always requires understanding and forgiveness, it might not be worth it.
Species? 10 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Aw it's a clumsy little Tumblebee
Sea Squirt 5 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Am I the only one who imagines they make a very soft, high pitched scream?
Joji spitting facts 1 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Thank you Papa Franku
Cats everywhere in neighbourhood 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Ah, the rare Hissing fruit!
Hey can we talk for a moment that some conman doctor started up some ableist crap to sell 8 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Ahaha yeah, it sure wasn't his strongest moment. But tbh he's at his strongest when he argues with college students who have no debate experience, because he can keep his BS flowing and nobody will call him out.
Eating bread - the most evil of crimes 3 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Right? She's rolling in money made from selling scam "health" products like vibrating stickers or psychic vampire repellent or crystal vagina eggs. Especially now in quarantine when people are getting mental and desperate and buying stuff that they think can potentially help them, including her snake oil. How can she be sad, of all people?
In the Hundred-acre wood 6 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
Yeah, it's called trying to suppress competition, duh!
Not to mention it's like 8 bucks a bag 2 comments
ewqua · 3 years ago
I recently got a food dehydrator and started making my own. And man, it's a whole new world!