

— Ewqua Report User
Made with photo editor 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Eyyy just because someone's thicc doesn't mean they're a hoe!
(Jk good pun)
Oh Neptune 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
It actually makes perfect sense! It looks like one of those plastic thingies that you can shrink and expand. Nature is wonderful.
Nice 12 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Nice indeed.
Thanks for making my feed at least a little sane looking.
Hidden for politics 77 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I specifically said I wasn't excusing them, lmao. But go off.
Hidden for politics 77 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Where's the lie? This is all based on the facts of the matter. I'm literally giving context, not leaving it out. How is it lying to say a situation is more nuanced than it might seem at first? Lol.
· Edited 2 years ago
Hidden for politics 77 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
And yes, his victims were of course not innocent people either, and they acted like utter cretins, most likely influenced by mob psychosis (not excusing them but it is an observable phenomenon). But as the post says, the process we have for that is trial, not death.
Hidden for politics 77 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
All in all, I think he should've been charged with something – whether it's violating curfew or illegal possession of a firearm, and sentenced appropriately (it'd probably be community service or something – which, seeing how people are portraying him, would be something he'd have enjoyed anyway). But not for manslaughter or murder. He defended himself, but he also wasn't supposed to be there in the first place.
I've seen people argue premeditation because "he went there looking for trouble, found it, and killed" – but the only evidence there is for that are the social media posts of the other people he was there with, which again, guilt by association and hard to prove in court.
To sum up, he's not a cold blooded murdered but he's also not an innocent widdle baby boy uwu as some are portraying him. He's a kid who tried to play hero and made some big mistakes in the process, some of which were against the law and he should've known better.
Hidden for politics 77 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Here's my two cents:
In the particular situation he was, he's not guilty. People were charging at him, and gunshots were fired in the air that made him believe he was fired at. Clearly self defense.
However! He's not innocent either. He crossed state lines with a weapon that wasn't his (bought for him by a friend for this specific occasion – does it qualify as illegal possession? Or should the friend be charged with something?), joined with a far right militia, the members of which were caught posting stuff on social media about how they're going there to shoot protesters (yes yes, guilt by association blah blah – but since it's so relevant to mention the background of his victims, it's also relevant to mention the background of his associates), and violated both the police curfew (addressed specifically to wannabe vigilantes like him) and the wishes of the store owners he wanted to "protect" – one of them specifically said he didn't want anyone playing hero for his sake.
YouTube evolving backwards 2 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
2050: literally "Fifteen Million Merits" from Black Mirror
Double standards .. 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Speaking of legendary figures, Borat did it too.
High fiiiiive!
Happy International Mens Day 15 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I'd take issue with the "most feminists" part. Every feminist I know expects equality and nothing more. The kind of women who will split the chores and the bills, they won't expect you to do anything more than your fair share, than equal responsibility.
That said, if you do know people who want special treatment (and if you're from the US I'd for sure believe that you do, I've seen some of those bad actors myself and was shocked at the BS coming out of their mouths) then I'm sorry you have this bad experience and those people are 100% hypocritical dumbasses.
· Edited 2 years ago
Be cautious - might be a trap 5 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Usually when someone comes to me and asks me to smell something, it's to determine whether it's still good to eat or should be thrown out.
A hyper sense of smell is both a blessing and a curse.
Built a fort in your room 4 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
"A pumpkin man sits in a pumpkin house. Is the house made or flesh, or is he made of house? He screams, for he does not know."
Leave her ass health alone 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
The font looks like it's from Bloodborne too, so I'm guessing it's part of the joke and not a hilarious coincidence. Still pretty good tho
Happy International Mens Day 15 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Tbh when IWD happened nobody in my country gave half a shit either. So I guess we've achieved equality, lol.
Kapre [MythologicalSubstance] 4 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Reverse your clothes? Pervy monster just wants to watch people undress.
Your favourite movie's about social justice somehow 13 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I wanted to make a pun about the Justice League becoming the Social Justice League. But then I realized it's impossible for that steaming pile of shit to be someone's favorite movie.
Welp, my favorite movie already kinda is about social justice so that's no skin off my nose I guess.
Dark Souls players are screwed 28 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Build a bridge out of her! 18 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Enjoy, my man... mmmmkay
2 · Edited 2 years ago
It would make living in japanese POW camp look like a vacation 4 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Jesus on a tricycle, that's brutal
3 · Edited 2 years ago
Build a bridge out of her! 18 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
And it's totally fine to say that it's generally that way in your experience, I was just uneasy about Bob implying it's somehow inherent since we have very clear historical (and in my personal experience, current) evidence to the contrary.
I also feel like the whole thing could technically be disproved by the existence of male paparazzi, haha.
Democracy Dies In DoubleThink 8 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Shhhh, no dissent, get into your Amazon (tm) scream cage... I mean, "mindfulness booth". Listen to your favorite tunes peppered with some pro-Bezos propaganda.
Democracy Dies In DoubleThink 8 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Hell yeah, Kyle Kulinski is absolutely based. Surprised to see him shared here, thought he was pretty niche. I mean he has a lot of subs but it's still niche on the massive internet scale.
Democracy Dies In DoubleThink 8 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Build a bridge out of her! 18 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Sorry, us modern girls can be real opinionated since it's not allowed to burn us at the stake for it anymore XD