

— Ewqua Report User
This Could Be Us 13 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Because they're, uh, EXTRA evil?
There, that's something you know now. 4 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
This is a thing in many languages! Adieu in French, Adios in Spanish, Sbohem in Czech (and similarly in other Slavic languages) etc
Octopi are weird 6 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Octopuses are Time Lords confirmed
Just saying .. 9 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I pretty much agree with everything you wrote. Renewable energy became a big hit but it's debatable whether it's even able to produce enough to cover the manufacturing and maintenance costs (I'm talking both monetary and environmental – the metals don't mine themselves). Greenwashing has infiltrated many industries, from energy and transportation (*cough* Tesla *cough*) to cosmetics and fashion, but upon deeper investigations a lot of those business aren't very green at all.
I also agree that nuclear seems like the best option right now. That said, don't you think that solar or wind can, with more research and technological advancement, become viable? I don't have the education and experience you do so I'm just wondering. A 100 years ago it seemed utterly impossible that we could create a powerful computer that would fit in our hand, but we did, and the progress was rapid. Can there even be such a leap in this field?
Fillosuffee 5 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I'm wondering about the context here because the quote seems both really obvious and vague enough to interpret almost anything from it. We talking media figures, politicians, social media, or just irl arseholes in general?
You won’t bi the way 23 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Cuts can be changed to better fit men. 70 years ago it was weird for a woman to wear pants but now "masculine" fashion for women is trendy. From a purely practical perspective, it can be done and it won't even be that hard.
Men's fashion is kinda boring nowadays imo, but if people want to change it we don't have to *necessarily* go right towards women's fashion per se. I'm talking badass capes and cloaks, togas or toga-adjacent things, tailored vests and jackets, scarves, patterns, mixing of materials, jewelry etc. All of those things have historical precedent for men. What constitutes as masculine clothing is really narrow nowadays because anything even slightly extravagant is considered queer or feminine. Guys don't have to jump straight into ball gowns (but if they want to, why not?) but can expand their style little by little. If they want to. If not, that's fine too. It's just clothing, it means as much or as little as you want it to.
Nom nom 2 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
She looks like a weird alternate reality Edna Mode
Just saying .. 9 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I'd like to hear it ^^
YugiPro #24 - When Life Gives You Lemon Girls... 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Wow! I didn't think anyone thought of me here, let alone had such kind words! I'm blushing so much right now I look like a ripe tomato more than anything ahahaha. Thank you so much <3
Oh and the Lemongrab profile pic is just because I love Adventure Time and he's a funny character ^^
Probably one of my favourite images of all time 2 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I'm eating a bowl of chilli right now and this made me a bit grossed out lmao
1 · Edited 2 years ago
That's a cowboy hat 1 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I thought it was a snail lol
TW Swearing 1 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I'm like totally nitpicking right now but since Oedipus = motherfucker, then motherfucking (like in the example sentence) would technically translate as Oedipian, wouldn't it?
All in all it just doesn't roll off the tongue so well hahaha
Edit: Also I just noticed the poster's username. The Supernatural fandom is still strong on Tumblr, I see! Heaven's most adorable angel lol
1 · Edited 2 years ago
I get knocked down, but I get up again 1 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Gordon Ramsay encountering an ugly cake that tastes great 7 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
The couple of sprinkles on the top really get me ahaha
Anyway it's what's on the inside that counts?
I didn't used to scream everytime someone walked by my house, but now I think I may start 1 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
*me trying to support the dog*
I do! Y-yeah, I totally do! Someone's outside right now! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
He he he 2 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Aaaaaand now they hang out without you.
Jk jk! But it sucks when that happens.
They know I'm a good boi 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
If I was at that party I'd 100% be crouching in the corner petting the dog. Dogs are more fun than people lol
You too, can workout until you become black 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
And got like 25 years younger! I gotta know what that workout is that does that omg
Be careful what you wish for 17 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Agreed, I'm not a believer myself, it's just fun to debate about these things.
Be careful what you wish for 17 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Suffering as a way to learn and make yourself better? Sure. Sometimes you have to go through hardships to grow. But there is a lot of suffering that is just needless. People starving to death, kids with incurable diseases, horrible injuries or genetic defects that happened by complete accident. There is no teachable moment there. If god is all powerful and all knowing, he would've known how to execute his plan in ways that would prevent this terrible, needless suffering, and he would've done so. And if this amount of suffering is somehow necessary for the plan to work because it is so tightly woven that it allows such a little margin of error, and we're all just set up to follow a predetermined path anyway, then all the discourse about who gets to heaven and hell can be thrown out of the window.
Be careful what you wish for 17 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
@garlog Then he doesn't possess the same morals he asks of his followers. Presuming we take the Bible as his word, anyway.
@famousone An all knowing God know would know what choices we would make, though. That said I like your view, God as a sort of absentee figure that allows free will, I'm fine with that as long as people stop saying he is all knowing, all powerful and benevolent, because it just logically can't be all at once.
Be careful what you wish for 17 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
If it's part of his plan to give leukemia to children, he doesn't sound very benevolent.
Chocolate fingers float in the bath 15 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
That's a revolutionary discovery
Clean dishes in our time 5 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Well let us know when your approval rating drops lol
2 · Edited 2 years ago
A box of d*cks. 8 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
At least his wife Incontinentia still has her Buttocks.