

— Ewqua Report User
Simple as 27 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I think it's just hard to generalize so many people. Naming stereotypical "manly" things like cars, football, hunting... many men hate these because they were pressured into them as kids, and many women like them. I don't know if there even is anything that all men enjoy that isn't just a thing that all people enjoy, like tasty food or warm hugs. And some people even have negative emotions associated with those, like people with eating disorders or neurodivergent people who don't like human touch.
In a nutshell 2 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
"I'm literally shaking"
"Me too" *shakes my delicious mango smoothie*
I want to emphasize that these are not my cats 5 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
They're not now... but they could be!
Tomato 7 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Whooooa the plot thickens!
Tomato 7 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
What about us green eyes? Are we also descended from a green eyed super-slut?
What would you put up? 2 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Here's my proposal: the sandal is manlier if and ONLY IF it has a sock in it. Socks and sandals are typical for middle aged men after all, while fish are not. They're MANLY MEN so they only eat red meat and maybe some yummy, hormone-laden chicken. So that's absolutely crucial information for the future of masculinity. Is the sandal depicted with a sock or not?
Basic economics: Something is only worth what the free market is willing to pay for it 17 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I've seen a lot of guys online say "If you pay for her dinner, she should let you fuck her or at least give you a BJ." Like excuse me sir, do you really think someone's body and intimacy is worth the $10 McDonalds meal you paid for? First of all, having sex is dependant on one thing, and that is consent. Not paying for dinner, not coercion, just informed and enthusiastic consent. Second of all, a person who thinks of relationships so transactionally would not make a good partner anyway, so yeah, avoid them at all costs.
That's why I always prefer to split the bill. I already hate feeling like I owe money to someone, and the thought that they'll try to exploit that or hound me about it? Ugh.
Edit: That said, going back to this post specifically, it goes both ways. She could've paid to uber to him as well if she wanted to spend time with him.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
lololololololol 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I also think there should be a choice for gun ownership.
That choice being made by the government after assessing that you're not a lunatic.
I go to Virginia 2 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
So there's not just one Mountain Mama but three??? Take me home, country roads!
Embarrassing 1 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Those landlords sure are a creative bunch. My old landlord didn't give me my deposit back for a completely made up reason. Such imagination!
Quack! 5 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
"One gay whiskey, coming up."
*pours glass of rainbow whiskey*
What a normie 2 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Amateur. Real caffeine bros mix it with Monster energy and inject it straight into their veins.
Being real here 1 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Damn, Lobster man got into some wild shit back in the day.
(Yes I know it's fake. *crabwalks away*)
Potatoes! 1 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Nah, I think you just killed it. It's a learning process. I used to kill every plant I got and now I'm growing veggies from seeds.
"not bothering anyone" COUGH COUGH 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Those gosh darn wahmen with their... rights... and freedoms... and equal treatment under the law...
Forgot to post this, finished it bout a month ago 9 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
I love it. Are you gonna stage gladiator fights in there?
You can do anything you set your mind to, man 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Yeah. I know people who can eat McDonalds and lay on the couch all day and still won't gain weight. Meanwhile I gain a kilo by looking at a burger for too long lol.
You can do anything you set your mind to, man 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
To be fair it's a lot easier when you have enough money to pay trainers and nutritionists to be around you 24/7. Not to mention a personal chef and most importantly, good quality groceries and access to exercise facilities/equipment. Not trying to take away from the hard work they've done, like holy shit, Ethan is an absolute unit of pure muscle now, but the correlation between obesity and poverty in first world countries is real.
Used in the Golf War 1 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
The lack of pockets is disgraceful lol
True 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Eh it's been dead for a few movies already imho
“Marshmallows” ain’t a bad name tbh 31 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Oatmeal muffin. Or Muffin for short.
Potatoes! 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
Hmm, for instance climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers do that a lot in my experience.
"I know it's politically incorrect but vaccines actually don't work and they exist to put microchips in your body" no honey that's just factually incorrect. I guess my phrasing implied they do it willingly and knowingly, which is only partly true, fossil fuel lobbyists probably know it damn well but your average eco-unfriendly warrior might not.
Potatoes! 3 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
People saying "politically incorrect" when they mean "factually incorrect" is the funniest thing to me. It's also a bit sad.
Not everyone is equal it turns out 2 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
My money's on yes.
Let’s all be friends, k? 6 comments
ewqua · 2 years ago
The only degenerate culture I know of is the kiddy diddler sheltering Christian church tbh