

— Ewqua Report User
Fillosuffee 1 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Yeah. That's when we start worshipping the Plunger.
Potatoes! 3 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Whoooa that's cool, I'm definitely gonna try making that one day
Oh no! 2 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
I'd generally say no to all these "is a hot dog a sandwich" etc questions because these foods are all culturally dependant. A calzone is a calzone because it's made based on some Italian recipes (I'm saying plural because each province has their own recipe, you know how it is in Italy, but obviously a calzone is something we all recognize as an Italian thing). And you can tweak it how you want but at some point it differs from the original recipe so much it's not a calzone anymore.
Like, the more I cook, the more I realize that pretty much all cultures have *some* variation of: dumplings (with filling or plain), noodles/pasta, sweet and savoury pies, hearty comfort stews, flatbread, and probably more. And very often, especially with things made of dough, they're made quite similarly because people arrived at the same conclusions as to how to best make the dough. Should we call all those the same? No, because the differences are culturally important and it's not just about the shape.
Get holy and get swoly 4 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Mary's breast milk is pure protein by the looks of Baby J
She is my spirit animal 2 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
I'd clap. But like, really slowly to add to the awkwardness of the whole situation.
Great British pub! 3 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
*hurriedly packs suitcase* I NEED TO GO THERE TO PET THE VERY NICE CAT
Daily Jahy-sama meme: Day 750 1 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Yeah, supermarket donations aren't as wholesome as you'd think. They're gonna donate the money you gave them in their name and then write the donation off their taxes. So basically you're just giving them free money under the guise of charity. You're better off donating the money yourself.
Dogs have good intuition 2 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
And it always feels like such an honor to be on the receiving end.
My friend has a dog who doesn't like strangers, he's not aggressive or anything but just avoids them when they come over. Well, when I came over for the first time, the dog immediately went to me, started licking my face and enjoyed being pet by me. My friend and her mom were genuinely shocked, lol.
Iykyk 5 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Fun fact, this stuff is so acidic it can bleach your underwear over time.
And you shouldn't wear a pad every day, it's healthier to get some air down there to prevent... well, some bad stuff, not gonna get into detail. Wear cotton underwear and all that jazz.
You are already oats 4 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Oat flour?
Life goals! 1 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Would the fire breathing spiders be giant or just normal tiny spiders breathing out tiny puffs of fire?
2 · Edited 1 year ago
Story time 4 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
I usually imagined Spiderman, or sometimes a guy skateboarding.
Hurr durr 1 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
He looks like he's doing the Thriller dance
How's it's done 3 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Same, Lauren. Same.
Yes plz 8 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
I'm 100% on board! A month ago I made myself this high-low poncho-y cloak inspired by Serena Joy from Handmaid's Tale (obv I don't like her as a character but damn does she dress well) and got a bunch of compliments on it! So I'm intending to make a full on long cloak as well. People really don't expect how warm they are, the one I made is only one layer of fleece fabric, but it's warmer than lined coats!
Emotional blackmail 1 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
That episode was awesome because they don't tell you what he was watching until the very end so you think (well, I thought anyway) that he was just a panicked teen who thought he was gonna get busted for regular porn but then they reveal this fact and it's like, oh shit
Be the monster you were meant to be. Not the monster they made you. 4 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Ugh, this hits hard. My dad has narcissistic tendencies (his mother is way worse though) so my gut reaction is usually to be a total doormat as kids growing up in narcissistic households often do, but I do feel that spiteful darkness in me sometimes, especially when I feel like I'm being treated unfairly. Recently I've been trying to get some self confidence and stand up for myself more, in a positive and constructive way, not in a "I'm better than everyone" way, but damn it is hard. Usually when I feel like I've overstepped, I go back to doormat mode.
Duddy is trapped in a shower with a strange woman! Comment to FREE him, or upvote to LOCK 4 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Nooooo Duddyyyyyy someone let him out
Exercise could save your life 4 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
I can definitely relate, though I always thought it was just because when I don't work out I feel like a lazy slob, therefore my mental health declines. And also because working out releases dopamine and serotonin.
The good days 11 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Cruising around in San Andreas with a jetpack > everything else
Tis' the season 1 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Yeah, I was actually thinking about this recently. In the olden days, people who figured out that you have to boil water in order to sanitize it as well as which herbs to use for what purpose were basically considered practitioners of witchcraft but they were just really early scientists!
Also, I can definitely get behind the idea of delicious soup being witchcraft. No I'm not "just cooking", I'm making a potion of onion, garlic, tomato and red pepper! There's my magic wand, what do you mean it just looks like a regular stick blender? It's magic, okay?!
Got any more of them pixels 1 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
We're moving into your neighborhood!
You know we're trying out best to be
Functioning members of society
We're not here to start no trouble
We're legally required to do the sex offender shuffle.
(That skit is gold)
Smells fishy 2 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
That fish at the bottom right is staring directly into my soul
Depends what you mean by okay 6 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Hmm, for me it's not that they'll turn out "okay" necessarily, but more so that things will just... continue. Like, if we fuck up the planet to the point we won't be able to survive on it, eventually the ecosystem will recover, just without us. Things will continue, we might just not be there to see it.
Love yourself, damnit! 7 comments
ewqua · 1 year ago
Yes. Damn, this is accurate.