

— Famousone Report User
Just give the customer what they ordered and stop being an asshole 21 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
Just give the people whatever the fuck they pay you for, that's literally your job.
Always be prepared 5 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
That's plan B
3500 feet 5 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
My grandpa accidentally got a .38 on a plane, once.
Can't find the error here 18 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
Bloody is better than ruined
Can't find the error here 18 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
You had better not burn me. I'll be done medium rare, and not a single bit more.
People only talk. He does the walk 5 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
It's how a modern society would actually have to change if the alarmists were right
Always be prepared 5 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
I sometimes plan how I'd react to sniper fire, so we just about complete eachother
This world is f**king insane 20 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
I'm pretty sure playing games like Siege or 2019 Modern Warfare made me better at clearing rooms and simulated urban raids.
This is beyond science 2 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
Obviously you were fooled by the false balls
Modern problems requires modern solutions 3 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
... maybe some steak, instead?
33 lions are rescued from circuses in Colombia and Peru and airlifted to the Emoya Big 4 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
Please tell me the miscreants resisted arrest
This world is f**king insane 20 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
As someone who is young and broke, I feel it
This one hurt the most 1 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
Can't wait to see what the Ultimate Modern Warfare timeline does with his character!
Nothing about the process is easy, and hasn't been for decades 27 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
Yeah, no. Private sellers at gun shows will only do business with you if you agree to either have an FFL run a check for you, or already have documentation saying you're trustworthy. Like a CCL permit, a military or police ID, Class III license, etc. At a bare minimum you need a valid state ID and a trusted person to vouch for you.
It's hard to watch... Generally 28 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
Last time we tried relying on an outside source, it didn't work out too well.
Nothing about the process is easy, and hasn't been for decades 27 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
What do you need a waiting period for? If a person passes the check, let them buy the gun that day. My dad has loaned out a gun to a family friend who was denied a protective order and had to wait to pick up her gun.
It's hard to watch... Generally 28 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
The Kurds are in bed with terrorists and regularly attack the Turks, sometimes with American weapons and training, often with civilian casualties. Of course they are beefing up their border, and they're angry, too. The Kurd's goal is to displace and slaughter the Turks. We can send soldiers to defend our interests, but there's no more cause to help "good" terrorists fight bad terrorists after the evil motherfuckers are dead. The caliphate is shattered, ISIS has been reduced by over 99 percent. They once controlled a nation's worth of territory, now they are small cells scattered to the wind. Either declare war against Assad, the Turks, and the Russians, conquer the region outright, or take the win and go home.
It's hard to watch... Generally 28 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
I like how you don't have an actual response. And largely, we aren't poisoning or raping our home. We're fracking and building pipelines over relatively little land, because that's how you get natural resources. Literally no other practical way. Or do you want us to take everyone else's stuff, first? To conquer Africa, the Middle East, Europe and South America, Asia, and everything in between? Make up your mind.
Alternate ending to Harry Potter 7 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
Even guns are pretty simple. A G36 or M92FS might have issues, but a Colt .45, K98, or M1897 should be just fine.
It's hard to watch... Generally 28 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
We're the biggest oil source in the world. Even if we wanted other people's resources, we would've just taken it, instead of dropping bombs on caves and sending killers to kick doors and drop bodies.
But we don't need it. Besides, it's not America making deals with Russians building pipelines, it's not America doing business with Iran, it's not America that allowed her military and people to become toothless and spineless caricatures of what they're capable of. Since we got rid of Obama, at least.
· Edited 4 years ago
It's hard to watch... Generally 28 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
Then how?
It's hard to watch... Generally 28 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
So... you want war? Send your own soldiers, then.
It's hard to watch... Generally 28 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
What do we gain from staying without expanding the war? The Kurds don't want to coexist with the Turks, they want their own country. Hell, all the different Kurdish factions want their own borders. If we stay we continue to perpetuate an endless war, half-cocked, hamstrung, and with few clear objectives. Or we dedicate to killing Assad and the Russians, or killing the Turks, either way at the behest of an ethnic group largely uninterested in peace, unable to make it worth our while, and whose only loyalty is to themselves and whoever offers the most guns and money with the fewest strings. Who've already carried out terrorist attacks, and can only be satisfied by the mass displacement or extermination of Syrians, Turks, Iraqis, or whoever they decide to conquer with our guns, money, and soldiers.
Time to forget Goodwill 8 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
That's their right. If they want to discriminate, take away the applicable tax exemptions, renegotiate the government contracts, and put their bullshit on blast.
It's hard to watch... Generally 28 comments
famousone · 4 years ago
Yeah, we're still in the sandbox, but it's a bit harder to get shot in Saudi Arabia than Syria. There's also the benefit of defrosting relations with Russia, reducing risk of American on Russian violence, and letting Assad bleed instead of us.
I'm not opposed to killing terrorists, but I don't like the motherfuckers who shoot pregnant women anymore than I like the motherfuckers using them as suicide bombers.
You want to stop Assad? Petition your congressperson to declare war.
Want to stop Russia? Petition your congressperson to declare war.
Want to stop Turkey to protect communists, terrorists, local militiamen? Petition your congressperson to declare war.
The Sandinistas were our allies at one point. The PLA, too. Red Army. Mujahideen. You get the idea.
We killed the people we wanted to kill. Now bring my brothers home. Alternatively, dedicate to sending us to kill people and break their shit. No half measures, no endless world policing.