Why must you hurt me like this? 27 comments
· 10 years ago
Hm. But is it true?
Swiss dividing by zero 3 comments
Canada has money that smells like maple syrup 16 comments
Not the message I want to convey 9 comments
Are you? 22 comments
· 10 years ago
Fucking hells yea! Lost nearly 50 lbs this in 4 months, and I feel great!
don't disapoint them! 23 comments
Not the message I want to convey 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Btw my username is based off of a joke they made in a let's play :) and don't worry they aren't little kids, they have roughly 60 employees, and are all above 18 years old. Most are married too :)
Not the message I want to convey 9 comments
· 10 years ago
The guy is Matt Hullum, from a YouTube channel called RoosterTeeth. They currently have 7.5 million subscribers. This was from an earlier series of videos called "RT Shorts", which are short 8 minute videos. These guys are pretty entertaining. I highly suggest you check out their channels, "RoosterTeeth", "Let'sPlay", and "The SlowMo guys" :) enjoy
You could say that 16 comments
We are atoms trying to understand atoms 6 comments
I wish I can go to this kind of school 21 comments
This kid is brave. 33 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm sorry but I'm sick of all this "Gay" shit. I'm not against it, but now people are literally running up to me asking me to "PETITION FOR GAY RIGHTS!!!!". It's really getting annoying.
You better tap,you better quit. 25 comments