Beautiful. Even if I wouldn't change my gender, if someone else wants to, who are we to judge? The haters are just jealous because the trannies are prettier than them.
Sigh.. And here we go. Look. It's not a sin, alright? It's misunderstanding and translation. If you read the original Hebrew and Greek, those passages say something entirely different. And the name calling isn't necessary. You can state your opinion and still be well-mannered and respectful. We're all humans here. No need to act like apes.
A sodimite told me that same thing it is from a book don't remember the name but no it didn't get mistranslated in the Hebrew and Greek. And if you look at te Old Testament history sodimites transvestites were stoned because God's law said so. Clearly it didn't get lost.
I"m sorry. Can you read Hebrew? Greek? Have you talked to anyone who could? Look. Give it a rest. We're just going in circles and it's best you just went on your way.
Ok let's put a stop to this! I'm beginning to get offended and I'm not even involved! If you don't agree with this post click the link that says 'unfollow' and move the hell on with your life if you want to shove your views down other's throats go find a street corner eventually you'll either get arrested for causing a disturbance or somebody will club you a shot!
I know its kind of winded down. But doesn't it also say in the bible that it is not mankinds place to judge others. And only God can judge others for their "sins" as you put it. If it is a sin, that's between them and God. Jesus also preached acceptance and tolerence of others. There are a lot of things the bible says are sins, but no one listen to those rules. The bible says we can't eat bacon or pork, if that's a sin then I'm going to hell, the bible says lots of things. Personally I think everyone has the right to be who they want and love who they want, I am a christian.
The pork thing u r talking about you would have to read Leviticus that is takin out of context by many. But it says judge not lest ye be judged. The reason he said that was because the Pharisees were judging others for a sin than committing that sin when no one was looking. Jesus was basically saying if you judge someone be prepared on judgement day that you were not being a hypocrite.
And is leviticus also where it talks about homosexuality. And says man should not lay with a man as he does with a woman, lest he be stoned? And exactly don't judge others for you will be judged for doing that.
Okay, rednexrule. You can have a different opinion. That's fine. Judging from your username, I'm not surprised you view homosexuality as a sin. However, you need to be more polite. Calling someone a faggot is not okay. You may think of them that way, but saying it is uncalled for. It just shows how immature and unintelligent you are. So, since you are clearly not here to promote positive feelings, kindly take your ignorance and leave. Thank you.
Mrs. Lovely Tits, if Red is able to keep the derogatory terms to himself and choose to continue with rational discussion over angry ranting's, I see no reason for him not to be allowed to. If he chooses to be calm and rational and considerate in what he says, then I say he should stay. You forget, Funsubstance is a family. Our beliefs are our own, to be cherished and respected. It is our actions that we must control.
Put this link in the feedback form of the website and tell Funsubstance he needs to be banned for using hateful and derogatory language. It only takes a second:
Not necessarily true. I wouldn't bat an eye at getting him banned for his derogatory statements, but I won't stand for him to be banned just because his views are against our views. Honestly, if he toned down his language and hostility, I'd enjoy it if he stayed. For all our talk of acceptance among ourselves, we don't seem to accept those who think differently.
Navy: We do accept those who view differently. However, he came in here in a very bad way. I agree, if he can tone it down, a discussion would be lovely.
asdf1234: good.
On the contrary, "murican", I did not come in a histile way. I know not which "game" you are referring to, nor do I mich care. Learn some respect and maybe people will like you.
Asdf1234: Hm, I never though about becoming a moderator. I might like to, but I probably swear too much for that.
Im ok with this and all, but i think she is pretty. But i dont feel particualy atracted to a he that went she, no offence just my oppinon. Please dont flame me. ;_;
Murica. But.. If he said specifically in the comments that he was banned and made a new account... Surely the Funsubstance people are smarter than that... What's to keep him from just being banned again?
I am sure they keep track of IP addresses, so if you point out that a new member is not only saying he's the recently banned member, and he has the same IP address, they could ban that account as well. They would have to keep a record, or else every guest could down or up vote a post multiple times. So there is that.
Honestly he's embarrassing me. That is not how Christians are supposed to act and I'm extremely disappointed that someone is claiming all these derogatory comments in the name of Jesus. It upsets me because we are supposed to love other no matter what, and if Christ was here on this earth he's welcome transgenders with open arms. Rednex/murica obviously does not know how to follow Jesus and how to treat others respectfully. I am ashamed and embarrassed
For the love of God! I am a Christian but Rednexs is making is all look bad. It's not my place to judge. I'm Christian and I'm bisexual! Let the beautiful woman who was once a man be. She's amazing now. God loves us all like a father loves his children. No matter how we look, act, speak. He loves us. So for the love of ALL. STOP. FUCKING. JUDGING.
Yes. Very much. :) I'm a Christian too and I agree with everything you said.
· 11 years ago
I am with straight on this one. I mean, Jesus hung out with 12 guys, one of which caused his death, he hung out with hookers and tax collectors as well and invited sinners to eat with him. His last words were asking god to forgive the sinners. rednex/murica, this is not what Jesus died for. he taught love, not discrimination.
· 11 years ago
I'm with straight as well. I'm a pretty devout Christian myself, but people like rednex/murica are really annoying. Like they said, Jesus taught love, not discrimination.
· 11 years ago
but it is pretty funny that rednex last comment was you can't kick me off FS. and then he was. hehe.
Or report him immediately- you wouldn't stand for someone saying those things to you (or your friend depending) offline, so why tolerate it on here? That is my thought on people like him, personally.
· 11 years ago
i'm currently trying to find his new username, no luck yet.
You don't have to deal with the gay bashers on here, especially ones like that guy who obviously have a profile specifically to seek out things he disagrees with and attack them. It wastes your energy- and there are much cooler people around to focus on :-)
asdf1234: good.
Asdf1234: Hm, I never though about becoming a moderator. I might like to, but I probably swear too much for that.
To be rude.
On a different note, wow :D
@songofthewhitestag : I love your name
*runs away*