Wall-of-death? More like wall-of-fun-and-maybe-you-shouldn't-participate-if-you-can't-hold-your-own-in-the-pit-to-begin-with. Also country fans are some of the sluttiest and most annoying people in the world. Is rather die at a metal show than get an std at a country concert.
I'm not being mean. It's just a personal opinion. Plus at metal shows if you can't handle the pit people help you out anyway. I wasn't even being serious really. I've been to country concerts as well as metal shows and this is what I've observed about both clientele. Sorry if I came off rude or mean. It's just the internet anyway. If you met me in real life you'd see how nice I really am. I cry after movies for goodness sake.
Thats weird because Ive been to both too and found the country ones to be pretty nice overall while the metal ones had a bunch of asshats........its almost as if theres no correlation at all.............
Look at it this way. How many metal shows are sponsored by alcohol brands. About zero. How many country concerts are. Every single one I've been to.
· 11 years ago
ive been to both.. and ive witnessed a girl getting a symbol in the side of the head, a guy getting a guitar in the side of the head and many people beating thw shit out of.. at metal shows. While most fans are under the influence of some sort of substance, they don't realize they are walking on people.At the Kenny chesney concert the worst that happened was people tried to move closer than their seats were. While this is not a bash at metal music, I do like it. People just need to recognize there are differences in behaviour when listening to different music.
this kinda true in general, i've found. metal people tend to be nice, stand in lines and borrow you mirrors to check your makeup, hankies and stuff like that. there's also some crazy jerk in the mix but in general metal folks tend to be really nice people. :)
Yes. Yes I have. Hang out near a military base sometime, you can hear ALL manner of music blaring out of all manner of cars and trucks.
You'll also see all manner of crazy, absurd, insane and foolish things done to said cars and trucks.
It's a car. Chevy produces them, look up for "Chevy Impala" and you'll see what Darin means, though I'm not sure if the car he speaks of is actually one (either that or my eyesight is horrible, wouldn't be the first time)
You'll also see all manner of crazy, absurd, insane and foolish things done to said cars and trucks.