Oh I'm sorry if you feel like big shots now? Seriously guys, it's not cool to just be like "good" I hate this fandom etc? Like wtf? Way to be buzzkill!
Yep we are ass holes because we dont like a show, i think you are the ass hole here
· 11 years ago
You're the assholes for just friggin randomly coming here and like "good" "great" you don't have to like the show okay that's fine but don't go ruin it for everyone else that does!
Ok you dont have to say that. K. Lika sombbbbbbooooooooniiiiiiiiiiiieeeee is like de uh mad righ. You need to calm down bic boi. I migh call the fangirl depatment
I just thought what he said was funny. Doesn't matter which show it's from, when reading asdf1234 say "good", I pictured the grumpy cat and it made me laugh.
Okay durell you need to calm your tits. This is called humor. For me, I didn't even know what show this was. Take that stick out of your butt and try laughing once in a while. Kay? Kay.
You should care very much
Wait.. Why am I caring? What show is this from?