People who are straight are almost shuned if they dont want to be gay. Gays seem to be praised and rewarded, lifted up almost becasue they are differnt. They get recondition and awards. Stragight people, eh who cares, but gays give this man a award for putting his penis in a mans shit hole. I mean comeon. Equality doesnt mean heald higher because you are differnt choices.
It's being treated as an insult here. A person wouldn't/shouldn't be "burned" when they're called gay. And, no, people who are straight aren't shunned. We aren't held higher, and in a lot of places we're discriminated against for being gay. It's a mark of bravery to be openly gay. I defend myself because anti-gay sentiment will never stop until this kind of thinking and speech does.
IF i would make a post applauding a stragiht person, might get 200 likes, but if i make a post about a cross dresser, a gay, a les, or any other thing under that subject in 2 days i bet you a cats ass it would be on the front page.
What about being straight takes courage? When are straight people oppressed? It's the same as the person asking for straight pride parades. Be grateful you don't need it.
Now adays it takes courge to say you dont agree with shit, or you are straitght. STragit peple are opressed jsut for saying you are straiitht brocookie
Show me one example. Show me one example where a person was rejected by their family for being straight. One example where a person was fired for it. Or killed. Show my one example where being who you are is used as an insult and treated as less than. One example where one was left to die by paramedics because they have the expected genitalia. One example where people are imprisoned for being straight. One example. In fact, the word "straight" implies that that's the only one that's normal.
I never brougth up any thing about being killed or reject brochacho, your gult card aint valid to me. Im talking about gay people being rewarded if they woant equailty. I dont give a dogs dick if you are gay, trans, bi, i dont agree with it. I dont think people shiould be killed for it. I jsut dont agree with it. But yeah you get atention and praise for standing up. So i dont get it, stragith peple are now like eh.
Striaght people are not operated for being straight. When has anyone ever been killed or threatened for being straight? That's right, never. It's brave to be openly gay because of the fact that, though many people can turn on you and hurt you, you choose to let people know who you are. Maybe straight people are looked down on a bit when they mention being proud to be straight, because it sounds homophobic or anti gay, but they are far from being oppressed. They haven't had to go through what homosexuals have because of their sexual preference, something they cant change about themselves.
"Now adays it takes courge to say you dont agree with shit, or you are straitght. STragit peple are opressed jsut for saying you are straiitht brocookie"
Yes you did.
"People who are straight are almost shuned if they dont want to be gay." You said that. You couched it with the word almost, but the same cowardly meaning is expressed.
· 11 years ago
Guys I don't think asdf1234 is saying that straight people are oppressed. He's just saying that your identity shouldn't be the reason for being awarded (or punished, etc.) If you're different that's cool but different people need to be treated the same way as 'normal' people, or else that's another way of discrimination.
To make it more simplified, this is wrong:
Straight person: I don't want to be gay
Gay person: I don't want to be straight
People's response: That's good because you like who you are
It's just... when people say "I don't want to be gay" that doesn't matter because if you're not, you can't become gay. When they say that, it implies that it's a choice.
Straight people are murdered every day for things like breaking up with their boyfriend/husband to be with another man and vise-versa. I'm not talking about stalkers, I'm talking about people voluntarily starting a sexual relationship with someone of the opposite sex and wanting to end it because they want to be in a relationship with someone else of the opposite sex. They get into these situations because they were attracted to someone of the opposite sex. I'm not saying they are to blame, they're not, but you can make the agrument that if they never were sexualy attracted to someone of the opposite sex, they never would have fallen for the particular psycho that ended up murdering them. This is just one of countless examples of straight people being murdered for expressing their sexual attraction to the opposite sex. The gay community often overlooks this because it happens so damn often, it seems to be a whole different problem.
And girls in some countries are being operated on to close their vaginas so they can't have pre-marital sex with a man. If that isn't sexual oppression for being sexualy attracted to someone of the opposite sex, I don't know what is.
But that's for falling in love with a specific person. Bad things don't happen because they're attracted to the opposite sex. Gay people are specifically targeted because they like the same sex in general. No one is targeted specifically for the reason they're straight. And anyway, I never said that homophobia was the only wrong in the world, and this is far off of what we were talking about.
I kinda wonder sometimes if the victimization has gone too far. I mean, yes people do get discriminated against, and there are examples of bullying and even violence, all of which is completely unacceptable. But pop culture is overwhelmingly gay-friendly. On the flip side, I can't tell you all the nasty names I've been called simply because I said I don't agree with homosexual behavior. asdf1234 has a point. Maybe it's a mark of bravery to be openly gay, but try defending traditional marriage in an internet forum, and see how thick your skin really is. :P
Of course people would get angry at that. You're taking the right to get married, which doesn't affect straight people AT ALL, away from someone else. I'll admit, sometimes we're a bit too hateful ourselves, but we have every right to be angry about it. It isn't straight people that are affected. It's US.
I can't even believe what I am reading- you think being gay is rewarded and the new cool thing to be? Then all of you straight bros who think this way do a little experiment for me. Go tell your parents your gay. Your family, friends, coworkers... go tell some random strangers since you think it is such a wonderful thing you get cookies and flowers for.
If they get passed thinking you are joking and think you are serious, tell me how you think that will go. Tell me how your family is going to cheer and start planning your future without marriage, how your dad is going to start calling his friends to tell how his son is going to score all the hot dudes because he takes after his old man.
Or better yet, I dare you to tell me nothing would change in your life of hetero privilege. Because you're not stupid. My sister is gay and I am straight, I have seen the full effect of how being straight benefits me in my life. You just don't think about it because you are straight.
And using examples of violence against women as an example of "straight" oppression is really deluded. Violence against women happens to all women, regardless of sexuality, age, locale, or relationship status- it is a widespread epidemic against women and children. The examples you cite are of patriarchal cultural traditions which all women have their genitals mutilated which has nothing to do with their will or sexual desire at all- it is a tradition of violence and oppression.
Further up on the thread:
"asdf1234 · Gays seem to be praised and rewarded, lifted up almost becasue they are differnt. They get recondition and awards. Stragight people, eh who cares, but gays give this man a award for putting his penis in a mans shit hole. I mean comeon."
Getting an award for putting a 'penis in a man's shit hole' super special enough, eh?
Foking hell m8, i didnt mean to take is this far, passion i think you see what im getting at.
And look now, anyone siding with the gays defence is upvoted, anyone defending me and stating the point i made is downvoted till it become negive 10 i mean come on. Is this what i was not talking about
You have to think for a second- you are a straight man, which means you have all these things you are privileged to do: you are less likely to be a victim of sexual assault, domestic violence, hate crimes, work place discrimination, employer harassment, religious bigotry, housing discrimination, being disowned from your family, etc....
All of these things you are safer from, and you are complaining about gays and their allies being vocal, or supportive of each other. And it's crazy to be annoyed because 'I didn't choose to be straight! I didn't choose to have these privileges! I don't even do anything to earn them!" Right? Just think for a second, because gay people didn't choose their path, either.
Even if you don't agree with someone's sexual identity, think of all the things you don't have to deal with that they do. Being visable, vocal, and supportive of each other is one way they cope.
Yes you did.
To make it more simplified, this is wrong:
Straight person: I don't want to be gay
Gay person: I don't want to be straight
People's response: That's good because you like who you are
If they get passed thinking you are joking and think you are serious, tell me how you think that will go. Tell me how your family is going to cheer and start planning your future without marriage, how your dad is going to start calling his friends to tell how his son is going to score all the hot dudes because he takes after his old man.
Or better yet, I dare you to tell me nothing would change in your life of hetero privilege. Because you're not stupid. My sister is gay and I am straight, I have seen the full effect of how being straight benefits me in my life. You just don't think about it because you are straight.
"asdf1234 · Gays seem to be praised and rewarded, lifted up almost becasue they are differnt. They get recondition and awards. Stragight people, eh who cares, but gays give this man a award for putting his penis in a mans shit hole. I mean comeon."
Getting an award for putting a 'penis in a man's shit hole' super special enough, eh?
And look now, anyone siding with the gays defence is upvoted, anyone defending me and stating the point i made is downvoted till it become negive 10 i mean come on. Is this what i was not talking about
All of these things you are safer from, and you are complaining about gays and their allies being vocal, or supportive of each other. And it's crazy to be annoyed because 'I didn't choose to be straight! I didn't choose to have these privileges! I don't even do anything to earn them!" Right? Just think for a second, because gay people didn't choose their path, either.
Even if you don't agree with someone's sexual identity, think of all the things you don't have to deal with that they do. Being visable, vocal, and supportive of each other is one way they cope.
I had to do that, sorry