My cousin told me that being in love means you have the best warm, happy, fuzzy feeling inside but sometimes it'll grow and explode into a raging mad hot ball of fire that overwhelms you. You eventually need to cool it down for a long time until it goes back to that warm fuzzy feeling again.
... and even though the cookies stop coming, you still keep pushing the button, hoping for more.
Then one day after the birds and the shits they take on you have been steadily been getting bigger, the button also starts electrocuting you too.
Alright fuckers that’s NOT a healthy relationship. If your s/o is figuratively shitting on you 99% of the time that’s wrong. Love isn’t there only 1% of the time. If you find someone you REALLY love you maybe get like 8% of shit? and most of that is just fun and games
Then one day after the birds and the shits they take on you have been steadily been getting bigger, the button also starts electrocuting you too.