I'm 13.... but the kiss was a surprise. Don't feel bad, I was sure mine wouldn't happen for another couple of years. And yeah, justwalkawaynay, it feels spectacular. Like all your emotions pouring out in about five seconds..
It was really really weird. We were walking to his house and I was blabbing on about my love for Superman (no way!!) and he was just like "Can I kiss you?'' and I was so scared because I hadn't kissed anyone before and I didn't really know what to do but it was fine but I sorta pulled away because his beard was tickling me :) I was like Katy Perry in this gif on the inside but I tried to stay cool while I was talking to him...
I remember my first kiss. We were in a photobooth, getting pics of us kissing each other's cheeks. He turned, held my face, and kissed me. I was utterly confused. "What is this. Why are his lips on mine. Why. What. What is going on. What" were my thoughts. My bangs flopped into my face and into our mouths, which led to us pulling apart. The picture took. From outside the photobooth a loud "AWWWWWWWW" came, and we got out of there, seeing the only other person around was a creepy man with a mustache. And that had to be the most awkward part of our relationship
Aww, congrats! :) My first kiss was at the movie theater with my sort of guy friend, sort of boyfriend. We both leaned in for the kiss and crashed our noses together awkwardly at first and we laughed at how stupid we must've looked. Then the actual kiss came and it was really good :)
Awee I miss that feeling! :) treasure it! Jeeze mine was just over 10 years ago 0.0 boy do I feel old! I'm still friends with him as well so that's kind of nice :)
Story of my first kiss is that I'm sobbing because I've never had one. #forever alone because I'm in love with fictional characters sob.
It's why I high five-d you. I don't sob over it, however, and when other people read this comment, they'll think I'm a loser, but I'm not ashamed of it. My lips and my body are reserved for my husband. (;
· 11 years ago
*sorry for cutting in* that's so cute and i'm glad you said it cause i think that's awesome!!
Well, I hope it's not much to ask, and it truly is going to be hard to find, but I wanna be my husband's first as well. I think it's just fair, but that's just me.
· 11 years ago
i think it's definetley possible, i think some guys out there are looking for the exact same thing. if you don't mind me asking why did you decide that, is it like religious or just, a value thing?
I don't know. Value, I suppose. If I'm willing to make it through these years, just for him, it's not much to ask. Teenage years are crazy, I think we all can agree.