This was a fantastic moment, it was something so important to be said and the legislation he put forward was pivotal in providing support for survivors. Thank you for posting this :-)
How when pebble says something negative about obama he gets downvoted but when the guest says something it gets likes?? Sorry I do not understand the logic behind that
You asked why the guest had a like, even if it's gone now it's prob someone with the same view. Downtowns are people with different opinions. The comment vote count also depends on how many people were on the site when they commented. People are at school/work now, yesterday they were home. Logistics and stuff (:(:(:
Actually it had nothing to do with the guests one like, I wondered why he had no unlikes... Sorry I ddnt realise everyones at school and work, where I am it's 12 o'clock in the evening and most peoples asleep
Agree with pebbs. if i was president i can tell u i wouldn't put laws into place mandating products, limiting freedoms, and protecting monsanto from getting sued for making people sick and increasing cancer through our food. if u need examples let me know...the list is long and distinguished.
You can't argue the truth...but i will drop it. if u don't want to know, I'm not going to try and make u see. and pebbs the country is goinv to shit bc of what's going on and being allowed to go on capitol hill. we are so screwed. i wish i could leave the country but ny hubby won't go n i can't just leave him behind.
From an outside perspective I think he's doing a good job, it is impossible to change a country with so many issues overnight but he seems to be making good decisions. Thats just my opinion though, to be wholeheartedly honest America is doing a whole lot better than lots of countries right now.
I agree with pebbles, and for good reasons too. My younger sister who has extremely bad asthma that is triggered from infections, so if she gets even a small cold, it is very bad. She has to take two different kinds of strong medicines daily and if she starts to get sick there is three more on top of those. With Obamacare, these life saving medicines aren't covered and they are darn expensive so my family can't always pay for them. Thanks Obama for taking these life saving medicines away from a four-year old.
Congress is the problem not the president. He has put forth a lot of good things, Congress refuses to let any of it go through unless it's against abortion.
The whole system of government is based on a system of checks and balances, which result in nothing being done. Congress can over rule the president, however, the president can over rule congresses decision. Ultimately it isn't the president or congress that's the problem. Its we the people. All we do is keep voting on politicians. If we the people all got together and didnt do anything for a day, no driving, no buying, no working, no anything for a whole day, the government would flip their shit. They would then see the power the people truly held. People forget that america was built on the power of the people, not the government.
Well that's what my comment two above says essentially, and yet -4 likes. Apparently there are still a bunch of mindless sheep who can't tell they're being led to the slaughter house.
Just saying. I already apologized. And yet you still haven't apologized for insulting my country. Plus from the very beginning I was pretty much down voted to oblivion for my opinion. All I said was, in my opinion he is a bad president and people got pissed. Hating someone because of a different view point is pretty damn close to the corner stone of nazism and communism. But fine. I apologize once more and will no longer respond to the comments here. If you are physically incapable of apologizing for your insult then I guess I'm just the bigger person. Have an excellent evening.
Again,no one hates you, you are one of the most liked people on this site,and I find your comments funny. And my comment about this being a shit hole country was more about the financial rut we were and are in,so I apologize if you got the wrong idea. I am going to delete all of my comments, and I would hope you do too so we can forget this even happened
Clever speil to get 50% of voters on his side (women). The problem I see with his argument is that "rape" is not always rape, especially when feminists get to decide what the definiton of rape is. For example, I don't believe that having sex with a drunk girl is considered rape, however many women (and feminists) think it is. Touching the breasts or butt in public can be considered "rape" too, even if it wasn't intentional. Also when a woman decides after the fact that what happened "felt" like rape, then it is also classed as rape. That is totally bullshit. So in conclusion, rape is not always rape, but women love to hear people say it, so that's what obama did.
Rape is always rape- you are misinformed. Sex with someone who is too intoxicated to give willing consent is absolutely rape, it disturbs me that you seem to think it's not. Any sex that happens without the clear, uncoerced, and willing consent of both partners is rape. This is not difficult to understand, and when people have issue with the definition of having sex with a willing partner, that is the bullshit.
Consensual sex is not a feminist invention, it's a moral and common sense idea. Why it seems to anger people I don't understand.
· 11 years ago
I hate obama as much as bush, the things he does behind the news feed is sickening almost. Almost enough to start calling him a terrorist. But all in all he has great policies but some are off the bar, sometimes he just needs someone/thing to blame or it at least seems that way... But I love this I love it 100% but I think he needs to also understand rape isn't only for someone. And I agree with pebble 100% but he was EXTREMELY irrational and it seems to have cost him his star, to all my fellow obama 'haters' be understanding that some of these people chose him for a reason so let's be cool about that we have no right to change their beliefs, we are allowed to try but don't push it just notify them without the attitude please!
Why is abortion being candy-coated as a healthcare decision? Sure sometimes it is, but more often it's more financial and emotional. Besides, when we're talking about abortions we aren't talking about the mothers' body, we're talking about the baby's right to live. That right exists independent of its mother's "healthcare".
See. That's part of his charisma and skill as a public speaker. You start with something like rape is rape and ficus more on that as an issue since it is much less divided between democrats snd republicans. People will focus on that while you can subtly slip in more serious issue. People will be so amazed at how "awesome" you are, they don't see the bigger more important issue that was slipped in and hinted at. I may not like him at all, but I will give credit to his charisma and public speaking skill.
Yeah, I hate how Obama has slipped abortion bills past in completely unrelated legislation, it's really horrible and-....What? I'm sorry, I am being told that it's the republicans who have been doing that in congress, not Obama. And way to bring up abortion on a post about rape, Mikey. Anything to divide and conquer- God, Guns, Gays, and Gynecology!!!! The republican way!!!
While I almost spit out my coffee at your 'Four G's', I believe what they are referring to is the slew of republican quotes on rape that were made in reference to abortion, when legislation was being introduced that would have no exception for rape or incest. Although there have been many, many more quotes minimizing the impact of rape by politicians before and since, so many republican politicians bungled statistical, actual, and any kind of medical reality in their quotes that national attention was given. Here are some examples:
So you can make fun of and insult republicans. But I do it about democrats and I'm the jerk. Interesting double standard. but first. God-freedom of religion, the first amendment part of the bill of rights established by our forefathers so that no man be persecuted based on his beliefs. Guns, the right to bear arms, the second amendment, part of the bill of rights, will grant that it is a vague amendment, but still created so that the common man may defend himself and his family. Gays, technically this falls under freedom of religion as people say its against the bible. Personally I'm christian and fully support gay marriage and gay rights. And seriously not all republicans are extreme conservatives. Thats profiling. Anyway. I'm done being persecuted for my opinions and beliefs, even after I stopped insulting people and calmly stated my opinions. So I'll be the bigger man and leave.
...You've said that thing about leaving already. And freedom of religion does not given anyone a right to inflict legislation of their beliefs on others, dude, that is just ignorant. There is the desperation of church and state which protects our rights from your Bible- so I am glad you are one of the "good ones" and all, but using your faith to back up your government's choices is not freedom of religion. The government should be freedom FROM religion and all the superstitious bias they all hold.
"You start with something like rape is rape and ficus more on that as an issue since it is much less divided between democrats snd republicans. People will focus on that while you can subtly slip in more serious issue." Peppbleinthepond
Personally I don't think there are any more serious issues than rape. I think it is important for people in power like Barack, to take this strong stance against rape.
We're over due for a revolution.
Consensual sex is not a feminist invention, it's a moral and common sense idea. Why it seems to anger people I don't understand.
*shakes fist at sky*
Curse you, Barack!!! CURSE YOU!!!!
Personally I don't think there are any more serious issues than rape. I think it is important for people in power like Barack, to take this strong stance against rape.