lol...guys I understand. I just think that's stupid. if they want to shoot up they will (it doesn't have to be done in the bathroom). is this protocol in all Olympic locations? I could be wrong, but I believe that its just sochi.
They are trying the best they can to prevent any kind of unfair advantages. I as a travel athlete who dealt with drug tests and open stalls (no doors, but there were walls) know that it's not stupid. The fact that you're being a fucking ass makes you stupid by calling this stupid. The statement I and the guest made are clear as day.
What you're saying is basically like saying "it's stupid to search people at airports because terrorists are going to attack either way".
Congrats on getting me out of character, but don't give me sass
oh no! you got out of character! I'm so concerned. *insert sarcasm here* its so cute you think that would bother me LOL!
ALSO, this is stupid....extremely niave and a false sense of security....this does not stop steroid use. just makes it so they inject somewhere else.
You're clearly missing the point. You expect them to just not even attempt to stop or slow down performance enhancers? That shows no power. It's the Olympics and they're trying to keep a standard. Plus they're world class athletes, and since I'm guessing you've never been part of a locker room, athletes doesn't care about walking around naked; they do it all the time in locker rooms.
Again, "let's stop searching people at airports because it surely won't stop terrorists". That's what you sound like.
don't they test the athlete's urine? that should be enough.
And personally, I don't think everyone should be searched the way we are searched at the airports. It's beyond intrusive and ineffective. there are still ways of making bombs weapons out of things that you can take on the airplane. I believe u should just walk through a metal detector and that should be enough. what you are saying is like "everyone should fly on airplanes naked so we are sure no one has a bomb." sometimes we take things overboard when it is so simple. I am a firm believer of: “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” -B. Franklin
What you're saying is basically like saying "it's stupid to search people at airports because terrorists are going to attack either way".
Congrats on getting me out of character, but don't give me sass
ALSO, this is stupid....extremely niave and a false sense of security....this does not stop steroid use. just makes it so they inject somewhere else.
Again, "let's stop searching people at airports because it surely won't stop terrorists". That's what you sound like.
And personally, I don't think everyone should be searched the way we are searched at the airports. It's beyond intrusive and ineffective. there are still ways of making bombs weapons out of things that you can take on the airplane. I believe u should just walk through a metal detector and that should be enough. what you are saying is like "everyone should fly on airplanes naked so we are sure no one has a bomb." sometimes we take things overboard when it is so simple. I am a firm believer of: “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” -B. Franklin